Hiya and thanks again for all your input! After MUCH consideration, reading, pricing and research we are now confirmed for our trip... first couple weeks of Sept... we'll spend 6 days in Sydney and do The Bridge Climb, catch a show at the Opera House, do a walkabout of the Blue Mountains (www.bluemountainswalkabout.com) and hopefully make it to Featherdale Wildlife Park. Also on the agenda is one weekend day at the Rocks. Then we're off to Cairns (pronounced "cans" right???) to snorkel the Reef... also will do a full day whitewater raft trip of the Tully River. Then tentatively on to Port Douglas and the rainforest for 2 days...

a very full trip (but heck, we always pack in more than we should and get home completely exhausted! )

so whatcha think? Sound like a plan? We are excited and looking forward to it!