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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Portland, OR

    Review: PI Versa Capri pants

    Inspired by Nanci's excellent jacket review, I though I'd share some gear love with y'all.

    I bought these Pearl Izumi Versa Capri pants a few weeks ago.

    I decided that I don't need to inflict my spandex-clad legs on my classmates when I ride to school, and so I was looking for some sort of coverup pant. Initially I had been planning to just keep them in my backpack and throw them on upon arrival. However, it has been cool spring riding weather here and I have discovered that I absolutely love wearing them while riding. They are cut slim enough to not flap in the breeze, but they are not clingy.

    I was a little worried about the length when I put them on and stood in front of the mirror, I didn't know if they would be too long for biking. But, when I'm in position on the bike, they ride up to the perfect midcalf length and I never feel them interfering with the front crank. They are also slightly lower rise in front, which is flattering when standing up and comfortable when bent over on the bike.

    What I like most about them is the fabric. Without being hot or heavy, this fabric is substantial enough that it holds some of it's own form and shape as it covers your body. Some other pants that I've tried on (for example, the Sugoi Mobil pant) are made of this very light stretchy clingy fabric that tends to drape around every single lump and bump, you can see exactly where your bike shorts end leaving a little sausage-link dent in your thigh, etc. Heck, you can practically count how many panels are in your bike shorts through such clingy pants. The fabric on these Versa capri pants does not do that. They look exactly the same whether you're wearing regular underwear or bike shorts.

    I'd definitely rate this pant 5 out of 5.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Bay Area, CA

    Thumbs up a second review...

    I've been wearing the versa capris for about a month now. At first I felt like they were pretty snug, and I wasn't too keen on wearing them. Now that I have worn them for a while, I have come to really appreciate them.

    The number one thing I like is that they come up high enough in the back. They are stretchy and the material does breathe very well. I have a small waist in proportion to my hips, and always have trouble finding things that fit in the waist. In part due to the design, and I think in part due to the stretchy fabric, these fit in the waist, and while snug around my hips, they don't feel constrictive. I agree with Dianyla that the fabric sets these capris apart from others on the market. I like the texture and look better than clingy fabrics, and it is completely opaque. The actual fabric looks different from the pictures on TE. The black is a dark, dark black and they don't really have a sheen to them.

    I wear these when commuting on my bike and don't really have a need for a chamois. I wish they came on other colors!

    Thumbs up.
    Last edited by miffy'sFuji; 06-28-2006 at 08:22 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    North Central Florida
    So do you just go chamois-less, or do you have the special chamois-panties, or something else??

    They look very nice.

    I still haven't given up the hunt for the perfect knickers- just put it off till winter.

    "...I'm like the cycling version of the guy in Flowers for Algernon." Mike Magnuson

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Portland, OR
    Quote Originally Posted by Nanci
    So do you just go chamois-less, or do you have the special chamois-panties, or something else??
    Chamois-panties! I love that word!

    I do wear shorts underneath, I can't not wear a chamois especially since I commute some days to school with a backpack which adds saddle-weight. It's only gotten summerhot in the last two weeks here in Portland, and it was actually so suddenly hot (102 F) that I haven't even ridden in the heat yet. On warmish days, I have been stashing these in my backpack and slipping them on before walking into class.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Bay Area, CA
    My commute ranges from 7-17 miles depending on the route I decide to take home, and I just go chamois-less. I have been thinking of getting some liners though. They could only help. I haven't experienced any adverse sysmptoms from going chamois-less on these shorter rides though (lots and stop and go with all of the city traffic). I do switch between two bikes, and I think that helps too.



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