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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Question Cost to install a groupset

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    Short question: how much is the installation charge of a groupset in a LBS in US? (as compared with the price in a online store)

    Is LBS willing to install a groupset for you, at some fee of course, even though you bought the groupset elsewhere?

    This is my new Ti bike bought in May. Just completed a 400k brevet on this bike in June. Will attend the 600k even in July (in 11 days!)

    I use the groupset from my old bike (Fuji FinestRC 2009) on this bike frame (with a Columbus carbon fork, a hand-built wheelset ~ 1380g).

    Last weekend, during a group ride my left shifter lever (Shimano ST-R700) didn't work well. Later checked in a LBS and found out something was broken inside. Then realized brake/shifter levers are quite expansive

    Now I have two choices: (1) replace a new pair (Shimano 105) or (2) upgrade to a new groupset (e.g. Sram Rival -- lighter than Shimano 105). Certainly (2) is more expansive but it will give my Ti bike a whole new feeling (not a mix of new & old stuffs )

    Since I'm leaving for US in the fall for one year, I am thinking whether it's cheaper to do the upgrade there or here. (right now a friend lent me his used 105 left lever)

    PS: Wish me good luck on the coming 600k brevet. I wish to get the Super Randonneur medal.
    Last edited by wildeny; 06-21-2010 at 04:45 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Uncanny Valley
    The left shifter? For the front derailleur?

    How soon do you need it?

    I have an old set of R700s that the right one broke. I was going to rebuild it myself but never got around to it. The left (front) shifter is perfectly fine, but I could only replace them as a set. The catch is, it's in another state and it'll probably be the fall before I can get it.

    If you're considering not doing the upgrade until the fall ... if you could wait until the fall for a new shifter ... I could make you a smokin' deal.
    Speed comes from what you put behind you. - Judi Ketteler

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by OakLeaf View Post
    The left shifter? For the front derailleur?

    How soon do you need it?

    I have an old set of R700s that the right one broke. I was going to rebuild it myself but never got around to it. The left (front) shifter is perfectly fine, but I could only replace them as a set. The catch is, it's in another state and it'll probably be the fall before I can get it.

    If you're considering not doing the upgrade until the fall ... if you could wait until the fall for a new shifter ... I could make you a smokin' deal.
    Yes, the one for the front derailleur.

    Currently I'm not in the states yet. Will be in the fall. However, I'm still debating whether I should go for a new whole groupset or not. Maybe you can try to convince me.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    WA State
    Somewhere in a box in our basement we've got the opposite (I think...) a rear shifter that's fine, that was the mate to a front that went bad. One tip though - I have an old set of Ultegras on my rain bike. The front one was getting totally floppy - it was loose and didn't always shift - just flopped around sometimes. The shop told me it was not serviceable and eventually would break permanently, but they squirted some lube inside and its worked fine ever since.... (and that was about 2 years ago!)
    "Sharing the road means getting along, not getting ahead" - 1994 Washington State Driver's Guide

    visit my flickr stream http://flic.kr/ps/MMu5N

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by wildeny View Post
    Short question: how much is the installation charge of a groupset in a LBS in US? (as compared with the price in a online store)

    Is LBS willing to install a groupset for you, at some fee of course, even though you bought the groupset elsewhere?
    IME, yes, most are. The going rate for labor around here is $60/hour, so I would expect to pay about $100-$120 to build a bare frame up. If they have to strip the old stuff off, you might pay a little more for their time to do so.

    Good luck on your brevet!



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