About a week and a half ago I finally got to race on my bike...it went pretty well. It took almost a month, but by race day I didn't feel like steering with my elbows was quite so terrifying. First...
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About a week and a half ago I finally got to race on my bike...it went pretty well. It took almost a month, but by race day I didn't feel like steering with my elbows was quite so terrifying. First...
I definitely will! I hope I'll have it in a week or so.
Ahh...I'm not yet sure how the aerobars attach to the steer tube, but I'll definitely look into a carbon upgrade on that if it's aluminum.
The bad: not the bike I'd originally had my heart set on, as our shop lost its contract with BMC. That leaves KHS and Focus. The smallest Focus is at least 1 full size too big, on top of being an...