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  1. Yes, I am 5' 1" and the 47 cm Silque fits me...

    Yes, I am 5' 1" and the 47 cm Silque fits me perfectly. I had a shop sell me a 50 cm bike years ago. The top tube was in my crotch, but I was just too dumb to say anything. I eventually made them...
  2. I loved my Kuota, but, it was twitchy. My Silque...

    I loved my Kuota, but, it was twitchy. My Silque feels smooth. So, I was OK with the aggressive geometry, but it wasn't until I had the Madone on my bike tour in Portugal that I actually felt the...
  3. Wow, your experience with the Silque was twitchy?...

    Wow, your experience with the Silque was twitchy? The Emonda is more of an aggressive racing geometry, so...
    My Silque is super relaxed and stable compared to my Kuota and fits like a dream. It's an...
Results 1 to 3 of 3