We got right to the local x country area at 9 AM, to be greeted by an almost full parking area, and about 150 kids (all ages) and parents waiting to ski. It was crazy. But they went off in a...
Type: Posts; User: Crankin; Keyword(s):
We got right to the local x country area at 9 AM, to be greeted by an almost full parking area, and about 150 kids (all ages) and parents waiting to ski. It was crazy. But they went off in a...
It's snowing! Maybe a local ski is in the cards for tomorrow.
The great thing about nordic skiing, is that even if you are at a nordic center, the price is very cheap (10-20), as compared to downhill skiing. And, you can also access trails in the woods, if you...
It is low, low impact. However, saying you won't fall (especially in the learning stage) isn't exactly true. I am a good intermediate level skier, classic style. I am not fast, fast, but I can climb...