I just wanted to add a likely last bump to this post. My Climate Ride fundraising deadline is about three weeks away, and I have $780 to go. I was also laid off in June (I've got a continued UI...
Type: Posts; User: _kim_; Keyword(s):
I just wanted to add a likely last bump to this post. My Climate Ride fundraising deadline is about three weeks away, and I have $780 to go. I was also laid off in June (I've got a continued UI...
Forgot to mention that I'll be fundraising through August 31, 2012. (Also, I've added two more bike advocacy beneficiaries.) Thanks!
Hi all,
In October 2011, I participated for the first time in the California Climate Ride, which is a 320-mile bicycle ride down the CA coast to benefit 25 environmental and bicycle advocacy...