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  1. About three weeks to go!

    I just wanted to add a likely last bump to this post. My Climate Ride fundraising deadline is about three weeks away, and I have $780 to go. I was also laid off in June (I've got a continued UI...
  2. Forgot to mention that I'll be fundraising...

    Forgot to mention that I'll be fundraising through August 31, 2012. (Also, I've added two more bike advocacy beneficiaries.) Thanks!
  3. Sponsor me in Climate Ride, a 5-day ride to benefit bike advocacy + the environment

    Hi all,

    In October 2011, I participated for the first time in the California Climate Ride, which is a 320-mile bicycle ride down the CA coast to benefit 25 environmental and bicycle advocacy...
Results 1 to 3 of 3