I have no constructive advice outside of wishing you a great time! I really would like to do this, but not this year. I think that I will focus on doing this in 2013. I second Michelle's advice to...
Type: Posts; User: Catrin; Keyword(s):
I have no constructive advice outside of wishing you a great time! I really would like to do this, but not this year. I think that I will focus on doing this in 2013. I second Michelle's advice to...
It does look like a lot of fun, but it is quite early in the season and the weather has kept me off the bike so far this year...perhaps in 2012 :)
I read where people complained about it being too hilly last year. I really would like to do this ride, but with getting a custom bike this year I probably won't be able to swing it - I suspect that...
I am pretty sure that I will be able to take off the time - we will have to see about the entry fee...but it is quite an attractive idea. I had thought about doing RAGBRAI this year - but I think...
It claims in the information that it will be a flatter route than last year :) I did have the thought that there are hillier parts of Ohio than where this is held. I will certainly say something if...
Has anyone ridden this? I do not how how I got on the mailing list, but it looks quite interesting. Don't know if I will be able to swing the registration fee, nor if I would be able to take off the...