Very cool, MP! I was wondering when we'd hear from you! What is the "Death Ride" about? Is it a race? How're you feeling after this weekend?Quote:
Originally Posted by maillotpois
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Very cool, MP! I was wondering when we'd hear from you! What is the "Death Ride" about? Is it a race? How're you feeling after this weekend?Quote:
Originally Posted by maillotpois
Nanci, I did lots of research when I was shopping for sunglasses. I ended up with Tifosi Slips. I love them! And I actually do use the interchangeable lenses. Pink in the early AM and dark during the day. I haven't used the yellow or clear yet. The cool thing about these is that they only cost $50! The other brand I tried was Zeal Optics - they just didn't fit my face. I had them ship me 4 styles, but none worked. They were cute, but didn't fit right. With contacts, I needed no wind. Good luck with the Oakley's.
Lise - sounds like you had a fun day! Very cool!
Hey MP - nice to see you back. Feeling any better?
I _have_ interchangeable lenses- I just don't bother to do it!
What I really would like are those lenses tha get darker and lighter.
I was just out doing yard work. I feel so badly for my loquat that is dying. They were my favorite trees of the ones that I planted when I first moved in. And $$$. One made it through the very cold winter fine, the other is dying a lingering death. But the elm that has struggled for four years has finally decided to live and grow, and the $10 oak I rescued a year ago is doing very well, and the baby magnolia that had its primary leader's new bud knocked off at the last possible second after being babied in the truck for an hour is doing well, too. The sycamores have gotten taller than the house. The crape myrtles, new last summer, on the south side, are having a hard time. They had new shoots all over when we had a big freeze. One is ok, now, and a couple others show new growth, finally, though probably won't flower, but several others are just stagnant, though not dying.
I need to think about what to replace the loquat with. I want a small decorative specimen tree- with either fruit or flowers. It's on the north. I'm sort of thinking about a holly. Maybe a dogwood- but they like to be sheltered under other trees. I could go with another crape myrtle, but I have the whole west end and south side planted with them, as well as three that don't have permanent homes yet.
Nanci, I have Oakleys, and they're great. Just don't like, drop them 50 times like I have and they'll last forever. :rolleyes:
I just noticed this at the bottom of the quoted page: " This thread has more than 15 replies. Click here to review the whole thread."
I kind of want to click it, but I'm afraid it would bring the whole board down.
Huh?? What quoted page?Quote:
Originally Posted by winddance
Fish, it just occurred to me. That's exactly what I sound like, starting a triathlon!Quote:
Originally Posted by fishdr
:p :D :p
Lise "What is the "Death Ride" about? Is it a race? How're you feeling after this weekend?"
Velogirl is also on this ride. sometimes also called Tour of the California Alps, also called Insanely Hard.
pretty good website about the ride here, in some ways better than the official site:
Arrrgh, just had to go outside do my best imitation of old fogey "you kids get off my lawn" at the 3 neighbor kids teasing Mae through the window and.... throwing dirt at the window.
So of course she's barking like a nutso dog at them
Then when I take her outside for a walk they want to run over, run right at the dog (never a real smart thing to do at any dog much less a pitt).
well, you've been throwing stuff at her so uh, no, don't be surprised if she thanks you're a threat.
Thought I was going to have to talk to the parents.
But when I stepped out to walk mutt, before I could say anything the Dad came over and apologised. Kids looked sufficiently chastised. Told the kids I'm not mad at them, just trying to keep them safe, it's not safe to tease any dog. Not sure that the littlest one gets that but I think Dad does.
I learned today that my voice mail at home has been taking messages, but not telling me about them, for about a week! Fortunately, just about everybody then called me on my cell. I may have dropped the ol' home phone one too many times...:rolleyes:
Good news from my doc, though. First off, clean bill of health after skanky architect guy (this was my secret worry). Second, the clandestine fat-free yogurt I ate at 4 AM when I was supposed to be fasting did not screw up the test results! Blood glucose and cholesterol profile were all good. My mom is a diabetic with high cholesterol, so it's a reasonable concern. In fact, given my (generally) good diet and the exercise I do, my cholesterol is still borderline high. But the lipid profile is good, etc, and if my doc's happy, I'm happy. Sigh of relief. :D
Originally Posted by Nanci
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
Thanks for the link, Trek. That is phenomenal. Just incredible. I have so much respect for those who do such a thing. I felt my heart beating faster just looking at the pictures and reading the descriptions.
I was interested in their comment about riding at high altitude if not accustomed to it. They described my experience of running/walking/being in Salt Lake City to a "t". Headache and lethargy. What a disaster that would be on a bike.
Hope it was a great experience for all!
Trek, I'm also so glad to hear that the dad came out and you both got to teach the kids about respecting dogs. That lesson will be valuable for the rest of their lives. Just today I was teaching little Maya about offering a dog her hand to sniff before trying to pet it.
Originally Posted by tlkiwi
We've got to stop scaring the poor little kiwi...:p
BTW, Nanci, cool to hear that your elm is doing well. We had a plague come through this neck of the woods back in the late '60s. Dutch Elm Disease. No one younger than me even knows what an elm leaf looks like around here. The beautiful, leafy suburb where I was born was denuded when they cut down all the elms. 40 years later, they have some decent sized trees, but it is not what it once was.
Yup, Lise, this is an amazing ride. I did it last year and in 2002, and can't wait to do it again.
OMG Winddance - you can bring up the whole thread. Wild. I think it would at least crash my computer....
I know! As if I wasn't having enough trouble sleeping tonight (damned germs), now I have to worry about Nanci's garden too!
P.S. Hi MP. :)
You know how you can read the last few posts at the bottom of this page while replying? There is a link that would let you bring up the whole thread...all 103 pages of it! :eek:Quote:
Originally Posted by Nanci
Originally Posted by tlkiwi
My thoughts exactly tlkiwi!