View Full Version : Lots of fall centuries & rides!

09-07-2006, 07:27 PM
I am very excited to see so many fall centuries. I didn't know there were this many, and I hope to catch a few of them... here's what I know of, feel free to add other events that you know of, if so inclined.

Get out and ride, watch, or volunteer!

Saturday, Sept 9
Nashoba Valley Pedalers Fall Century - Boston area, rides of 25, 50, 75, 100, 125 in metro west Boston area. Ride starts in Wayland and goes up to Hollis NH thru towns like Ayer, Groton, Harvard, and back down. A scenic backcountry route, with rolling hills. [Was planning to do this as a 50 or 75 but I have a very bad cold now and not sure I'll be healthy enough to - we'll see.]

Connecticut Valley Century - Hatfield MA The ride is relatively flat and follows the West bank of the Connecticut River to Brattleboro VT, crosses into New Hampshire, then follows the East bank of the Connecticut river back to the starting point. Also offered will be options for a 25, 50, and 75-mile ride. [At least one forum rider doing this one. :) ]

Sun, Sept 10
Flattest Century in the East, Rhode Island - event closed and full, but you can still watch it and support those who are riding from the forums! [Seems like a group of forum people going to this one. :) ]

Sun, Sept 17
CRW Soughegan River tour - The Wheelmen take you through the towns of Groton, Dunstable, Pepperell and surrounding areas. [I hope to be riding this one, another one right out my back door. Feel free to join me, it's beautiful riding out here, and it can be a good warm up distance to other centuries. :) ]

Sat Sept 23
Saturday, September 23rd, 2006 Loon Echo Bike Trek
Bridgton ME
25 mile trek, 50 mile trek & Century trek: This is the toughest century in the state, climbing over 1,600 feet in the White Mountains. Ride from Shawnee Peak up Knight’s Hill Rd. to Lovell. Travel east to Sweden, then to Waterford, Albany, Bethel, Gilead and down through Evan’s Notch (steep!!) to Fryeburg. Coast down Knight’s Hill to Shawnee Peak. Depart at 8 a.m.

Sept 23-24
Tri-State Seacoast Century on Sept. 23-24 will be headquartered at the Hampton Beach State Park, 1 Ocean Boulevard (Route 1-A). Format will be much like our 2005 event with rides of 25, 50, 63, and 100 miles being offered on both Saturday and Sunday. Support services will include snack items, rest stops available about every 25 miles, sag wagon, trip time log, and an event T-shirt. [At least a few Forum members considering/doing this one :) ]

Sunday, Sept 24. 2006-- Major Taylor Century
Worcester MA area
10th Gear Christian Youth Cycling, a group based in Whitinsville, will coordinate the Major Taylor Century for Seven Hills Wheelmen this year.
[At least a few Forum members considering/doing this one :) ]

Other rides you know of? Post them and I'll add them to the list!

09-08-2006, 06:47 AM
Thanks for posting that Tygab. It's really useful, I didn't realize there were so many rides coming up. I might actually do the tri-state seacoast century...not the entire 100 miles. My usual rides are around 40 miles and my goal was to make to a metric century this year...I wonder if I could pull of the 63mile ride.

Anyone else considering riding this?


EDITED: Just checked out the website and the ride closed on August 28th:(

09-08-2006, 02:42 PM

Thanks so much for letting us know about upcoming rides. I will post here as well, when I hear of rides out here in the Northeast.
I just started riding in June, so I don't know what cycling events and/or races are scheduled in Mass (ME, NH, VT) every year.

If anyone knows of rides that are upcoming in 2007, please post them here & let us know. Or perhaps there is a website that lists all of them? Thanks for your help!

Tygab, thanks again for posting :).

Have a great evening.


09-10-2006, 01:20 PM
Hi Everyone,

I am a beginner biker. I just got my first road bike 2 months ago. My longest ride so far has been 25 miles. But I just signed up for the "Tour des Farms" bike tour in northeastern CT. It is on September 23rd. It starts in Woodstock, CT, and the tour is 40 miles. I live in CT, so it is a good choice for me.

It costs $35.00 and all of the proceeds go to the agricultural farms of northeastern CT.

It is not a race, just a tour of the local farms. There is also a winery that is on the route, and you can stop there too. I have been told that it can get hilly in places, so I am a little nervous, but I figure that I might as well try it.

I have a friend who is doing it with me, but she is a much more seasoned biker than I am.

If there is anyone interested in this, we would love the company. But just one warning - I am slow. So you might want to come with another friend so that you can go at a faster pace than me. My friend has promised to stay with me, so I know that I won't be alone.

The website is www.tourdesfarms.org
