View Full Version : Ouch! still having foot pain. Need advise!

09-02-2006, 07:20 AM
I really need some advise from fellow runners! I have been a long distance runner for 5 years and long distance road biker. Last December I had a neuroma removed from my right foot. I recovered just fine and with my MD's approval started using ny bike trainer and minimal run walking. I am a nurse so I know the rules to not set yourself back on recovery. This spring I started running short distances 2-3 miles and really spent my summer road biking. I started feeling some discomfort after comleting the STP and than adding in my running again. I started having the same pain of "feeling like there is a rock on the bottom of my foot" but also pain at my toes (2-3) and swelling. Walking barefoot in the house is painful. So I made an appointment with my foot surgeon and he said scare tissue had developed and gave me a shot of cortisone with a follow up appointment scheduled in 2 more weeks. I ran 7 miles and again had severe pain from 5-7 miles. Ended up run walking the last 2 miles. I am so frustrated!! Has anyone else dealt with this? Are my running days over?

09-02-2006, 07:50 AM
See if you can get in to a PT who does myofascial and scar release. I've had good results with that.

Also maybe look into adding met head buttons to your orthotics. They can help reduce the stress in the met arch, which helps lower the build up of collagen in the scarred area.

You will always have scarring, but you can increase the elasticity of the scar so it won't duplicate the original symptoms.

Do you have a dropped 2nd met head?

Go back to doing your exercises from the PT after the neuroma surgery. The intrinsic muscles you built up during therapy status post may have weakened again.

09-02-2006, 08:11 AM
All very good advise! Thanks. I do not believe that that I have a dropped met head. I like the advise of the the PT. I'll try it.


Beverly Fay
09-04-2006, 07:06 AM
You poor thing!

Your problem is worse, because it's on the bottom of your foot, but I have a condition similar to arthritis (fused bones) in my right big toe joint that can become so painful, it keeps me awake at night.

I have found that the right pair of shoes can make a very significant difference, both in how I feel when I run and generally. I have done especially well with two of the plusher cushioning models - Mizuno Wave Rider and Saucony Grid Triumph - combined, when the weather warrants it, with Thorlo socks.

Hope this helps, and good luck to you.

09-04-2006, 01:20 PM
Thanks Beverly! I apreciate you responding. I did run today with my daughter and managed to finish 7 miles! Slow but I finished. Yeah!! I still felt some pain but not as bad as the last run. So maybe things are looking up. I want so badly to run another 1/2 marathon and feel good afterwards. The last one I ran was the 2006 Rock N Roll in Phoenix and I was miserable from mile 8 on.So I haven't signed up for another.

I am sorry for your foot pain. What are they going to do for you and can you still run?

I'll bet Ireland is a beautiful place to run. I have a friend who went to Ireland this past year and loved it. Have you always lived there?

09-04-2006, 07:03 PM
I'd just say, if it hurts to run, don't do that!

(it works for me!)

Karen in Boise

Beverly Fay
09-04-2006, 10:31 PM
Hi there, Shiraz! I'm glad your friend enjoyed it here. I - alas! - live in Inner City Dublin, so my running is mainly through those mean city streets.

I do just fine with my troublesome foot -- as I said, I was fortunate in that the right cushioning shoes and socks took care of the problem. Nowadays, it's "civilian" shoes that cause me any problems.

Actually, the worst thing about the toe joint is that it is immobile, and sometimes I forget and don't lift the foot high enough out of the shower stall and -- ouch! ouch! ouch!

One other thing to mention: Compeed have some marvelous cushioned bandaids and things you can put over painful foot areas to protect them while you run.

I have lived here since 1984, when I moved to Ireland from New York, which is my native land.

I am so enjoying these forums, and meeting you wonderful women.

Have a great day!


09-05-2006, 07:04 PM
Karen! You crack me up....if it hurts just don't do it:D why do we continue to cause ourselves pain??? Cause I just can't quit and let everyone else keep going. It is a sick addiction I have.

Bev, send some pictures of Ireland!!!! tell us where to go visit. I'll find out where my friend Deb visited.

Isn't this the best forum. I have never been part of anything like this before. such a great way to have support and make new friends.:)

Beverly Fay
09-06-2006, 10:15 PM
Dear Anita,

Sorry not to have got back sooner. Does this website permit uploading of photos? I'd love to send you some, but I don't have any to hand. I'll have to go out with my handy-dandy digital camera!

If you want to have an idea of the absolute best Ireland has to offer in terms of running scenery, have a look at the website for the Connemara Marathon:


It was the only race I've ever been in where runners were stopping along the road to admire the scenery and take pictures.

It's also the only race where I finished in the top quarter of the finishers' list instead of among the last few stragglers. It's mostly uphill, and uphill running is the one thing I can do. I chugged along, like the Little Engine Who Could, while faster, sleeker runners gasped for breath, doubled over, at the side of the road!