View Full Version : NC cyclists...

08-30-2006, 07:28 AM
Have any of you been to (or heard about) this place?


It sounds like a dream come true in terms of getting the right fit. DH is going to call to check prices and availabilty, but I figured I'd check to see if anyone here had any experiences to share. We are not in the market for new bikes, but we'd be interested in having our current bikes set up in such a thorough setting.

What do you all think?


09-01-2006, 09:57 PM
I do not know anything specific about that particular place - but I had a similar type bike fitting here in Asheville and it was worth every penny. I did not have any pain issues with my bike fit - but have noticed a huge difference in my power transfer and overall times once I was properly fit for my cleats and position on the bike here in Asheville. The fitting took almost three hours.

I feel so much more over my pedals, and my confidence on the downhills is 100 times better because I feel more "over" my wheels if that makes any sense.

If you want an excuse to visit the beautiful mountains of NC (as if you need one!) PM me and I will direct you to the website for the person who did my fitting.

I highly recommend achieving a proper bike fit for anyone who rides long distances and wants to enjoy this sport relatively pain free for years to come.
