View Full Version : Irongirl Triathlon

08-27-2006, 10:26 AM
I am a triathlete! This morning I did the Ryka Irongirl triathlon in Columbia, MD. 0.6 mile swim, 17.5 mile bike, 3.3 mile run. It was great. Doing an all-woman event was wonderful, and it was very well organized.

Last night didn't go so well. At 10 pm the doorbell rang and the county police were there investigating a report of gunshots at my house. Uh, no. I was in bed with my earplugs in and didn't hear any gunshots. That didn't help me sleep well for the rest of the night.

When I woke up, it was 77 degrees and 84% humidity. You could swim through the air. We had to be at the park very early, so we were setting up the transition area in the dark. It had rained overnight at the event site so all the bikes were soaking wet. With one exception (one woman got snitty about how someone else was taking her valuable transition space) all the women were friendly and supportive.

As we got ready to start, I got choked up when I realized that I had never before been a participant in any athletic event where they sang the national anthem. It was a special moment.

I was in the first swim wave, with the over-50 crowd and teenagers. (I was probably the young one of the bunch because I won't be 50 for another month, but they use your age as of December 31.) The swim went fine, not too much thrashing and grabbing of feet, but I took the advice to stay to the outside since I wasn't worrying about winning. I was a bit slower than I had planned, maybe 27 minutes instead of the hoped-for 25, probably because I stayed to the outside.

The bike ride was fantastic. It was a very hilly course, and it was slippery due to the overnight rain. One woman wiped out on a corner and was being carried off on a stretcher when I went by. There were lots of volunteers and neighborhood residents cheering us on, and it was such a pleasant ride. I rode it faster than I had ever ridden the course, in something like an hour and 15 minutes or so.

The run is the worst part for me. I only started running 6 weeks ago when I signed up for the triathlon, so I didn't expect to do great. I walked most of the uphills and ran the rest, and it worked out ok. My time was again the fastest I've ever done the course, but I had to add a few minutes because I had to use the portajohn before the run. I think I did it in 42 minutes plus the john time.

They don't have individual segment times posted yet, but my overall time was 2:38:53, 47/60 in my age group and 1088/1249 overall. I must be underestimating my times somewhat because it doesn't add up when I factor in what I think my transition times were, but what the heck.

Ten years ago I made a list of 50 things to do before I die (except I only came up with 29.) One of those things was "do a short triathlon." 5 years ago I crossed it out with the notation "let's be realistic." A year and a half ago I was 40 pounds heavier and sedentary. This year I put the triathlon back on my list and now I can swim, bike, and run for nearly 3 hours and have a good time doing it. Life is good for this slow, fat triathlete. :D

08-27-2006, 10:39 AM
You did awesome!! I'm sure you're gland you did it. It sure does sound like you had a crazy experience, though, with the police last night, rain getting everything wet, and the crazy humidity.

You got anymore planned? :D

Tri Girl
08-27-2006, 10:41 AM
:eek: Wow-Divingbiker. Your race report brought tears to my eyes (the part about the national anthem and then again at the very end).


Your list reminded me of "My Name is Earl" and I had to laugh a little because when you said you had it on your list, I thought "well, cross that baby off."

Congrats on a wonderful race!!! Your times are wonderful, and you should be VERY proud of yourself!!!!

Yay for you!!!! :)

oh, and the police/gunshot thing would've totally freaked me out, too. Glad there wasn't any gunshots at your house... just you shooting serious zzzzzzzzz's :)

08-27-2006, 05:41 PM
You Are A Triathlete!

What a phenomenal feeling! That is always yours. Congratulations. Sounds like a great race, too. Sorry about the po-lice at the door, but at least it wasn't because of actual gunshots.

I love the singing of the national anthem, too. I am so happy for you. Do you feel like "gee, I'd like to that again"? :D

08-27-2006, 06:02 PM

I loved reading your race report - You did AWESOME :) !!

Originally posted by divingbiker A year and a half ago I was 40 pounds heavier and sedentary.


Well done - Enjoy!

Peace & Love,


08-27-2006, 06:21 PM
Congratulations! You are a triathlete!

Happy dance!

(when's the next one?)

08-27-2006, 09:08 PM
Sweet! You are awesome!


08-28-2006, 05:48 AM
Ten years ago I made a list of 50 things to do before I die (except I only came up with 29.) One of those things was "do a short triathlon." 5 years ago I crossed it out with the notation "let's be realistic." A year and a half ago I was 40 pounds heavier and sedentary. This year I put the triathlon back on my list and now I can swim, bike, and run for nearly 3 hours and have a good time doing it. Life is good for this slow, fat triathlete.

Great job on accomplishing a "to do before I die" item! Sounds like you had a good race!

You should be very proud!

Wet roads are the worst! I refuse to ride on wet roads, since my only wreck occured on one.

Congrats on being a TRIATHLETE!!!!! :D

08-28-2006, 07:52 AM
congrats, you are awesome!!!!!

08-28-2006, 01:09 PM
Thanks to all. I don't quite feel "awesome," but definitely glad I did it and glad it's over.

You got anymore planned? :D

Not yet. I really can't imagine doing a big and/or co-ed race like Brina and LynneK did this weekend. I was spoiled by this women-only triathlon. My bike-riding friend got inspired by the atmosphere yesterday and she said she'd do it with me next year. Hopefully by then I'll be a bit better at running.

The next goal is a century this fall! That will be fun.

08-28-2006, 01:36 PM
Actually, the guys were way cooler than I expected them to be. And, honestly, there were a lot of them in my wave who couldn't swim comfortably, so I stopped feeling self-conscious. Also they weren't aggressive or obnoxious or anything; they seemed pretty self-aware. My husband snapped a great shot of me swimming along, with three guys in wetsuits doing either breaststroke or doggy paddle around me :D . So I wouldn't be too bugged about the guy thing. Don't know if that would also be true for an Olympic distance; probably not!