View Full Version : Training question for a newbie

08-04-2006, 03:52 AM
Good day everyone!

I am new to biking but I love it. My eventual goal is to ride a century but I'm starting from a position of being quite overweight and out of shape. Been riding for about a month now, taking it easy in the heat but very happy with the changes I've seen so far. Now, here is my question. I have done some reading and found the Bicycling magazine "getting ready for a century" information. I'm not ready for that yet, but it's ok--I am building my base mileage up. Right now I ride about 4 times a week, for about 50 minutes a shot. I'm slowly building up the distance I ride by about 10% a week.

The information I've read recommends one long ride per week. How long should my "long ride" be? Right now I go about 8 miles each time I ride. Also, starting in a few weeks I'll be revving up my mileage by beginning to commute to class four days a week. How does the "long ride" figure in there?

And finally--I bought a Jamis hybrid bike because when I bought it I figured I'd be riding on some dirt roads (lots of those around here!) however, as I've started riding, I realized that I want more speed! More speed! And that I'm really not that interested in the dirt roads, just want to ride on pavement. I know I can swap out the tires for some slicks, but what about the rather upright handlebars? Right now the bike's configured more like a comfort bike than anything but it looks like the stem is flexible--would lowering those bars help with the speed thing?

As to my goals--I am going to ride a nice, scenic 30 mile ride in late October, then next summer I want to do the Bike Ride Across Georgia with my sister. Then...who knows? Maybe I'll start getting ready for a century by then.

Thanks for any advice!

Nancy, Central FL

08-05-2006, 02:00 PM
The program in Bicycling magazine is the one I used when I started riding to prepare for my first Century. I also had a hybrid bike that was too heavy and too upright and had the "wrong" handlebars. AND I was overweight and out of shape when I started.

First and foremost, you're doing great! You already have the dedication necessary to succeed. Just keep upping your mileage slowly until you can make a really long ride. My goal was a 50 mile ride on a Saturday at some point before the Century. Remember this isn't a race, the point is to finish (at which point you'll be hooked and wondering why you were so worried about it at all). It took me 8 months training before I felt comfortable even attempting 100 miles. But if you keep at it, and slowly keep increasing your mileage, you will be ready before you know it!

Don't worry about your bike. I completed my first two Centuries on a hybrid Gary Fisher "Nirvana". I changed the tires to slick road tires and removed everything not necessary for pedaling (rear rack, trunk and kickstand). If you decide you really love Century rides, or you want to get into racing, then you can invest in a more appropriate bike.

2 years ago I was where you are now. I remember when 10 miles was a lot. I was so proud of myself the day I put in a whole 20 miles without stopping. I still remember the thrill of being able to ride up hills that I used to have to stop and push the bike up. Today I'm 60 lbs lighter due to cycling. This fall I'm riding several mountain Centuries - two have 10,000 feet of climbing. And now a "long" ride is 100 miles with a couple of mountain ranges thrown in for good measure.

Everyone here is very supportive, so let us know how you're doing. Especially let us know about your first Century so we can root for you. You'll do great!