View Full Version : Ok, I'm a dork. Help!!!
07-24-2006, 09:58 AM
I took the rear wheel off. First time I've had to do this. I can't figure out how to get it back on! It looks like I somehow twisted the chain around (pic attached)???? What the heck? I know there's no way I could've messed it up as bad as I think it is. So, how do I get the chain back on to the cassette?!?
07-24-2006, 10:13 AM
Are you pulling the rear derailleur down into position as you put the wheel on?
07-24-2006, 10:18 AM
It actually seems to be in a rear position and I have to push it forward. ???
07-24-2006, 10:23 AM
Look at the rear derailleur in this picture. The pulley that is currently on the bottom, right above the bike rack, flops up when you take the wheel out. You have to push it back down to get the cassette to fit in properly.
07-24-2006, 10:28 AM
yikes.... i know what you mean.... i remember when i had to change my tire on my own (hubby was at work and i was riding on my own) and i couldn't get the dang blasted thing back on! you are NOT a dork!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you do have to kinda push and pull the derailleur thingy.... and then "slip" the wheel in.... (in know... that helps a bunch, eh?)
07-24-2006, 10:35 AM
Got it!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you. <kiss> :D
I wasn't pushing the RD far enough. I hear it's the most fragile part on the bike and I was being too gentle. :p
07-24-2006, 10:41 AM
Tell them why you took your wheel off!!!! :D
07-24-2006, 10:44 AM
Hush up! :p
07-24-2006, 10:45 AM
To get intimate with my bike. To know the in's and out's and get comfortable with the parts and how they work.
Yeah, that's it!! :D :p
07-24-2006, 10:49 AM
Tell them why you took your wheel off!!!! :D
*arms crossed and tapping foot* we're waiting!?
07-24-2006, 10:50 AM
To get intimate with my bike. To know the in's and out's and get comfortable with the parts and how they work.
Yeah, that's it!! :D :p
Ummmmmmmmmm sure. They don't believe you. ;)
07-24-2006, 10:52 AM
/\/\/\ See previous post. ;)
07-24-2006, 11:02 AM
To get intimate with my bike. To know the in's and out's and get comfortable with the parts and how they work.
Yeah, that's it!! :D :p
Well... that's a good goal, but I know how much I like messing with the rear wheel... so... ahhh... I don't think that's the full story.
07-24-2006, 11:13 AM
Tell them why you took your wheel off!!!! :D
Okay Tiff... fess up!!! :p
07-24-2006, 11:14 AM
07-24-2006, 11:21 AM
Look at the rear derailleur in this picture. The pulley that is currently on the bottom, right above the bike rack, flops up when you take the wheel out. You have to push it back down to get the cassette to fit in properly.
Hey Veronica, I loved your website with all those cool tour pictures! Especially the pics of Rivendell Bike Works. I should be getting my very own blue Rambouillet in the next 10 days or so....I'm going out of my MIND waiting!!!!
I liked the redwood pictures too.
Thanks for the great website!
07-24-2006, 11:23 AM
Ok, ok, ok!!!
On our ride this morning, Brandy at one point looked at my bike and said "Yep, you have one too!". Looking at her confused I asked her what she was talking about.
She was referring to the "dork disc" on my rear wheel. So, not wanting to be branded a dork, upon my return home I promptly started trying to get the darn thing off.
I was having trouble with it, so I decided to take the wheel off to get better leverage.
Then came my call for help. And I blame it all on my friend. :D ;p
07-24-2006, 11:24 AM
Yeah, what she said.... (tapping, tapping, tapping)
07-24-2006, 11:25 AM
Ooooh Veronica, I like the little bike stand you have in that picture. I need a stand for my bike. Where did you get it from?
07-24-2006, 11:26 AM
Ok, ok, ok!!!
On our ride this morning, Brandy at one point looked at my bike and said "Yep, you have one too!". Looking at her confused I asked her what she was talking about.
She was referring to the "dork disc" on my rear wheel. So, not wanting to be branded a dork, upon my return home I promptly started trying to get the darn thing off.
I was having trouble with it, so I decided to take the wheel off to get better leverage.
Then came my call for help. And I blame it all on my friend. :D ;p
and thus the title to the thread.... maybe we should've gotten the connection... I'm a "dork"... get it???
Glad you got it off and everything back where it is supposed to be! You are too cute!
Ok, ok, ok!!!
On our ride this morning, Brandy at one point looked at my bike and said "Yep, you have one too!". Looking at her confused I asked her what she was talking about.
She was referring to the "dork disc" on my rear wheel. So, not wanting to be branded a dork, upon my return home I promptly started trying to get the darn thing off.
I was having trouble with it, so I decided to take the wheel off to get better leverage.
Then came my call for help. And I blame it all on my friend. :D ;p
What's a dork disk? Only thing I can think of is a spoke guard, and you can't get that off without a cassette tool.
07-24-2006, 11:35 AM
What's a dork disk? Only thing I can think of is a spoke guard, and you can't get that off without a cassette tool.
that's exactly what it is... although, I've heard of people taking them off in several different ways (plyers, wire cutters, the list goes on :rolleyes: )
07-24-2006, 11:35 AM
well... tiff... if you were REMOVING your DORK disk.. then you AREN'T a dork!!!!!!!!!
(heh heh... i rode with mine for the longest time cuz hubby wouldn't remove it for me... i finally was attempting to remove it.. and thankfully he took over and got it off! so now i'm only a dork cuz of my handlebar bag... and i have acquired lots of fellow handlebar bag dorks!)
07-24-2006, 11:36 AM
that's exactly what it is... although, I've heard of people taking them off in several different ways (plyers, wire cutters, the list goes on :rolleyes: )
yep... hubby cut mine off!
07-24-2006, 11:38 AM
well... tiff... if you were REMOVING your DORK disk.. then you AREN'T a dork!!!!!!!!!
(heh heh... i rode with mine for the longest time cuz hubby wouldn't remove it for me... i finally was attempting to remove it.. and thankfully he took over and got it off! so now i'm only a dork cuz of my handlebar bag... and i have acquired lots of fellow handlebar bag dorks!)
Me being one of them! :D
07-24-2006, 11:40 AM
that's exactly what it is... although, I've heard of people taking them off in several different ways (plyers, wire cutters, the list goes on :rolleyes: )
I used my Pampered Chef kitchen shears! They're unbreakable, I tell ya!
07-24-2006, 11:40 AM
Ooooh Veronica, I like the little bike stand you have in that picture. I need a stand for my bike. Where did you get it from?
07-24-2006, 11:41 AM
Me being one of them! :D
and tracy and brandy too (even though she's not my friend anymore cuz she's mean and banned mr from future TE rides!)
we are dorkettes! lol!
07-24-2006, 11:44 AM
Hey Veronica, I loved your website with all those cool tour pictures! Especially the pics of Rivendell Bike Works. I should be getting my very own blue Rambouillet in the next 10 days or so....I'm going out of my MIND waiting!!!!
I liked the redwood pictures too.
Thanks for the great website!
Thanks... my Nova Scotia pictures should be up in a day or two.
07-24-2006, 01:08 PM
You're supposed to take that thing off? Who knew? (Other than everyone but me, I mean. :p)
07-24-2006, 01:48 PM
What is it supposed to guard?
Many people think you're a dork if you don't quickly snatch those reflectors off, too. "Excess weight." Is the spoke guard in that category? Or is it part of the packing stuff for shipping? (I don't think I"ve got one.)
Queen of Dorkdom, here! (Of course, given the etymology of dork, that conjures up its own images.) True Freds have all that stuff.
It's supposed to guard the rear derailleur from shifting into the spokes. But that would only happen if the derailleur was badly out of adjustment (i.e. the "L" screw was too open). Sometimes the adjustment can get just a little bit off and you'll hear the edge of the jockey wheel cage just tick a spoke as the wheel turns. That's not a big deal. I guess the spoke guard is really supposed to protect idiots from themselves when they really screw up their derailleur adjustment.
Generally spoke guard don't do any harm unless they rattle and drive you crazy. They are just unnecessary. And would certainly not be found on a very high end bike.
07-24-2006, 02:12 PM
the day that i brought my bike home, bf was taking "dork" thinks off my bike. cracked me up. now i see why he did it. he saved me from dorkdumbness.
07-24-2006, 07:32 PM
Oh, horror! I have a dork disk!!!!
It's so incredibly tiny, i didn't even know I had one. Looks like it just clips on. I'll probably leave it and fret over it for weeks. It's only slightly larger than my granny gear. Is it a faux dork disk?
I did leave the reflectors on, on purpose. Nearly hit a kid riding across the road right in front of me one night. His spoke reflectors were the only thing I could see. Saved his (and my) butt. Figure I need all the reflecting I can get on my commute, and even added sticky reflector tape all over my fender and rack.
07-24-2006, 08:28 PM
My dork disk eventually broke off on it's own.
07-24-2006, 11:01 PM
Just got my bike back after having the cassette replaced.
My mechanic is an anal-retentive purist and thankfully took it upon himself to remove my unsightly, cracked dork-disc. :)
07-25-2006, 08:37 AM
I don't have one at all on my LBS-built rear wheel - and I don't think there's one on my Trek. (My LBS probably took it off.) I've added reflectors to my bike that was too old to have 'em already. (When the bike's already 45 pounds, what's a little more?)
07-25-2006, 09:09 AM
Wow Sue, that's a heavy bike!!! :eek:
07-25-2006, 09:10 AM
and thus the title to the thread.... maybe we should've gotten the connection... I'm a "dork"... get it???
Glad you got it off and everything back where it is supposed to be! You are too cute!
Actually, I hadn't thought of that! Guess they go hand in hand, huh? :D
07-25-2006, 09:14 AM
So let me get this straight, this dork disc is sort of like a maidenhead that only bike virgins have, and that BF's can't wait to remove?....
And Veronica- is my new Rambouillet going to have one, or is Rivendell too enlightened to install DorkDiscs on their new bikes?
07-25-2006, 10:48 AM
OMG - so it is true I am a dork. I have one of those on my Trek bike and always wondered what it was for. My other road bike Im pleased to say doesnt have one so the upside is I only look dorky half of the time.:D
I just went on a hunt around the office and found 3 dork disks, on a Bianchi and 2 Treks. Funny thing is, none of the company web sites show dork disks on the bikes. Not at Trek, not at Bianchi, not at Kona). So the companies don't advertise their dork disks, they just quietly slip them in. Maybe their lawyers make them do it.
I found 2 different styles of dork disk: a clear plastic piece only 2 inches wide clipped to the spokes (looks very easy to destructively remove) and a wide black (plastic?) disk, much of which is behind the cassette. Those might be hard to remove without removing the cassette first, unless they break easily. The old 10-speed spoke guard would not come off without removing the freewheel, as the inner part was metal and fit tightly around the hub.
07-25-2006, 12:08 PM
its a conspiracy i say! :eek: trying to make us look like dorks!
07-25-2006, 12:09 PM
This thread is cracking me up! I will have to go look and see if Sasha has a dork disc on her when I get home. If so, I will ask DH to remove it--I'm sure he has a cassette tool in his pile of bike stuff. Certainly can't have my sweet Bianchi looking dorky:p
07-29-2006, 08:32 AM
Yikes! I have a dork disk behind the cassette on my hybird Fuji Sagres -- the lowest end bike I have. Since I don't ride it much, I am not sure it's worth taking off. Hmmm. I better not tell my 12 year old daughter that it is a "dork" disk or she won't ride it for sure. :D
12-06-2010, 04:53 AM
What if it is really called a dork disk cause people run home and try to remove them, which can be quite hard if you don't know how to remove the cassette? I can just see all these poor people struggling to take something off just because! I think that is more dorky than just leaving it on.
12-06-2010, 08:23 PM
five years and almost 25,000 miles later, my bike still has its' original dork disc in the back. If I don't choose to worry about it or think of myself as a dork, then I shouldn't give a flip about what others think or say, unless they can prove to me that they are a) earning their live living by riding their bikes professionally, or b) can outnumber in miles ridden in a five year period along with number of cross country rides and vertical feet ridden while crossing back and forth.
screw em if they can't take a joke.
Still a dork in some peoples minds obviously. I am reminded of a pithy church sign seen locally- "throwing mud at a good person makes you dirty."
12-07-2010, 01:16 PM
My Trek, Giant and the stock wheel set on my Fuji all have them - only the Easton wheel set I bought after market doesn't have one. I'm with mumbles on where the term came from :)
And as for removing reflectors, too, the wrench at the LBS did take the one off the rear wheel of my Fuji while doing a minor repair in the field. I'm all about visibility, and my commuter lights up like a dang Christmas tree!!
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