View Full Version : First ride Fundraising Nervousness

07-14-2006, 11:30 PM
Hi Ladies...

I just need someone to help me allay my nervousness...

I just registered for the Livestrong ride in Portland, but I'm scared to death that I won't make the $500 minimum... any suggestions on what I can do to garner more support/what you ladies do to raise funds?


07-15-2006, 08:06 AM
mostly let everyone that I know, know

but since headed out the door here are some tips:


07-18-2006, 08:15 PM
I don't know who to thank, but...
Thank you so much.:D

07-19-2006, 03:15 AM
I recently participated in the Tour de Cure. I sought funds from family and friends (direct contact), friends in a feline diabetes forum and my colleagues at work. I started out by sending an email to everyone on staff explaining why I was participating, offering some facts about diabetes and asking for their help and encouragement. I included the link for those who wished to charge their donation and encouraged everyone to place a small doantion in the envelope I had placed on the break table (I covered this in facts about diabetes). Every 10 days or so I would send out a brief email thanking all who had contributed, updating everyone on my training, etc.

Hope this helps.

makbike (marcie)

07-19-2006, 07:14 AM
This is a timely thread. Thanks for starting it, Kitsune. (And I LOVE your pic and your webpage!)

I was blessed (and caught QUITE off guard) when a few people made donations as soon as I posted the link on my blog. I can't begin to say how relieved.

But that has raised a prob.

There is somebody who donated whose name I don't recognize. I can't figure out if I'm supposed to know this person or not. It's a little hard to imagine somebody would support me who doesn't know me -- but I also don't recognize the name. I'm not sure what to do. I wrote a nice thank you email, but that's it.

I don't have home addresses for some of the people, either. I'd like to send real thank you cards, but if people are donating who only know me online, they may not want me asking for their addresses.

What do y'all think? And has anybody gotten donations on their page and not known who made it?

ETA: I'm not talking about anonymous donors, but somebody who leaves their name and you don't know who it is.

Also, my husband is riding the event, too. Now I'm kind of puzzled about how to fundraise. I was about to send notes to several relatives and neighbors, but then realized that cuts him out. Or makes them feel like we expect them to donate to both. How do you handle that?

07-19-2006, 08:09 AM
Oh wow, and I have yet another question.

When I donated to a friend's Three Day Walk (or was it Four Day?) for the Cure, on the website it was set up so people didn't see how much you donated, just that you did.

I notice that the livestrong runs a banner on the side saying how much was given. (Although one person's amoutn doesn't show up so I imagine they had an option for it not to show.)

Do y'all think having the amounts show up is good? If there's an option to now show the amounts, do you think it would be better just to show names? As soon as I saw those amounts I felt odd, maybe because the other way seemed more polite?

07-19-2006, 09:48 AM
what makbike says, "Every 10 days or so I would send out a brief email thanking all who had contributed, updating everyone on my training, etc."

Take your sponsors along for the ride, send thank you cards, real ones not just e-mail.

One thing I'm very happy about is several of my sponsors on ALC have...drum roll...taken up cycling. Guess they think If I can do it....

I've found is you never know who is impacted by any issue. Till I did ALC I did not know that a family members brother died of AIDS for example.

Also regarding donations showing on your site: if your event gives you a customizable page I'd choose the option that shows your goal and progress. Folks like seeing that bar raise for you, must be all that playing video games or something.

As for showing the donation I turn that option off for several reasons. One is to protect my sponsors, I have sponsors who do not want people to know that they donated or how much, also a $5.00 to my budget might be $500 to another person, I don't think it should make a difference.

07-19-2006, 12:28 PM
Pooks - I think when a person donates, they have the option of having their donation shown on your page. At least that's the way it was for a friend of mine who raised money for Huntingtons.

07-19-2006, 12:55 PM
Thanks, snap!

07-19-2006, 03:11 PM
Pooks- DH and I both did the MS150 this year. It is hard joint fundraising, but it can be done. What we did was sent out an email from the both of us. We explained why we chose to ride and a little about the tour. The few family members that donated chose to split the donation since we sent links for both of us. My parents would have done $100 to one, but instead we each got $50.

Other than that hit up people you know well that he doesn't. I asked my work, friends on another non-cycling board, etc... He got donations from co-workers. Check if your work does a donation program. Mine did $1 per mile. Since the MS150 is supposed to be 150 miles, they cut me a check for $150. We did end up contributing some out of pocket, but that is because we just don't know a lot of people who can afford to donate.

Don't be scared to ask!

07-19-2006, 06:23 PM
Thanks, Aggie. Good advice.

07-29-2006, 02:30 PM
Okay, so I got all signed up at the 'village'. I'm officially number 1779. I also got a grey/yellow jersey, so I guess you'll know me by my copper-mirrored shades, number, and black/blue striped bike! Is there anyone I need to keep an eye out for tomorrow?

07-29-2006, 05:11 PM
Good luck Kit. Enjoy the ride!

07-29-2006, 05:26 PM
Thanks, Deb =)