View Full Version : SSM Lady Nelson??

07-05-2006, 12:27 PM
Has anyone tried the Selle San Marco Lady Nelson saddle? I was going to order a Brooks for my new Bianchi, but they are sold out at Wallingford right now, and I really want to order from them to take advantage of their 6 month trial offer. So in the meantime, I was going to get a less expensive but still hopefully better than what I have now saddle. I found these Lady Nelsons online, and it says that they are 180 mm wide, which sounds appealling, since my sit bones are about 160 mm wide. Just wondering if anyone else has tried one and what your experience was. I went ahead and ordered one, so I will give you the update when it gets here.

07-07-2006, 04:09 PM
So it got here today, and I tried it out on Sasha (that's her name now:cool: ). Verdict: thumbs down:( It is weirdly designed and it *always* points nose-down to an extent, even if you move it all the way the other way. Trying it as level as possible resulted in major smashage of the girly-bits:eek: , and having it nose-down as it wants to be makes me slide down severely. I tried multiple settings, to no avail. I am thinking about returning it, although that would incur a 15% restocking fee, plus I will be out the shipping both ways:(
I guess I should post this over in the "hated saddles" area, really:o

07-07-2006, 04:58 PM
That thing looks like a torture device!!!

07-07-2006, 05:34 PM
Too bad! There's nothing worse than a miserable saddle! I actually went to a recumbent bikes in the years prior to saddles with cutouts because I swore I could never get comfortable on an upright bike. My girly bits got rubbed raw and it would hurt to pee or wash for a couple of days after a ride!

Have you tried a regular old Terry Butterfly saddle? That's the saddle that finally enabled me to ride upright in comfort. They're a smidge too wide for my sitbones, but I rode them for a couple of years and many thousands of miles mostly very satisfied. I've now switched to narrower Performance Contour saddles, and my latest find (recommended here), the Selle San Marco Atola Gelaround, but when I have laid off the bike for awhile, I always prefer to start back with a Butterfly as it is more cushy. Once my sitbones toughen up again, I can go back to the narrower, firmer saddles!

Good luck with your next try, and if you haven't tried a Terry Butterfly and do prefer a wider saddle, maybe give it a try.


07-08-2006, 08:55 PM
My problem is that my sit bone distance is 159mm, and most women's saddles I find have a width that is right at that or even narrower. That's why I tried this Lady Nelson thing--it has a nominal width of 180mm, so I thought it would have enough real estate there for my bones. Even the Terry saddles seem to top out at 160mm:(