View Full Version : So danged hot

07-01-2006, 12:28 PM
Rode thursday at 6:00 pm and this morning at 7:30 am to try and beat the heat. It's been in the 90's all week. Humidity not too bad, not like monday when we had some dry thunderstorms.

This morning was long climbs and descents on fireroads with a couple miles of single track. A couple shady spots but mostly sun. I felt like laying down with the poor bunnies kicking back under the bushes. Started out following a bunch of stinky high school boys running cross country. P-U! Rode (quickly) past a big ol' rattler crossing the road.

So what's the season like for you in your hemisphere?

07-01-2006, 02:50 PM
A friend & I went for a last minute ride late this morning. So, we rode in the heat of the day. We did 12 miles at a fun local park. Nothing too technical, but this park does have some long gradual climbs. My friend doesn't live near me and had never been to this park. She had a great time.
When we left about 1:30, the temperature gauge in my car said it was 90 degrees! No wonder I worked up a sweat! Now I hope my legs will hold up for my 50-60 mile road ride tomorrow. It's supposed to be even hotter!


07-03-2006, 09:10 AM
Actually, we just got done with a moderately cool (mid 80s) week, so it wasn't too bad. We're gearing up for a hot one this week, though, with lots of thunderstorms looming.

In general, things cool off in the evening so I try to wait until after 7pm to go out. But the late afternoon rides aren't killer yet. That'll be later this month and into August.

Just out of curiosity, what is a fire road? I've seen people talking about them, but we don't have them out here.

07-03-2006, 10:21 AM
Fireroad are dirt access roads for Forests and parks. They're usually closed to vehicles.

07-03-2006, 12:17 PM
And the reason they are called fire roads is they act as a fire break and give the trucks a way up to battle brush fires. We were packed to evacuate last fall because of the big one that roared through here.

07-26-2006, 07:14 PM
Man, I wish it were only in the 90°s! My new Turner Flux came in on Monday, so I absolutely had to go out & ride it, right?? It was 114° at 6:00 pm when we started, and "down" to 107° at 8:00 pm when we finished. But, it was definitely worth it!! Next stop: Mammoth Mountain, where it should be in the low 80°s - AAAaahhhh :o

07-26-2006, 09:29 PM
Have fun in Mammoth. Truly heaven up there. Yeah it was up to 106º with 40% humidity over the weekend here in lovely SoCal. I have been riding at 6 am. So I need to go to bed!