View Full Version : OK, that's better

06-13-2006, 07:58 AM
I went for a 45 min run this morning. Probably 2/3 run, 1/3 walk. Covered 3.2 miles. Thanks again for the encouragement and information last week, when I went for a run while still recovering from that stomach bug.

Today my legs felt GREAT. It was my heart and lungs that said, "walk now". It is such a beautiful day. About 65 degrees, bright and sunny, everything green, blooming, shiny.

The point about depleting my glycogen stores when I was puking really hit home. Impressive. I'm laughing, because I have a bachelor's and master's degree in science, I "know" this stuff about glycogen, etc, but you don't really know it until you experience it a mile away from home with no money in your pocket! :o

Now to build the heart and lung stuff back up. Onward! :D L.

Tri Girl
06-13-2006, 10:18 AM
Glad your run was much better this time around. :)
Sometimes the heart and lungs just won't cooperate, but maybe they were just forcing you to slow down a little and enjoy the beautiful day outside. We sometimes forget the beauty that is around us when we're so focused on time/mileage (and the WE I speak of is referring to me specifically).

Your next run will be even better than this one!!! :D