View Full Version : Luv'n the Danskin Tri

06-12-2006, 06:03 AM
This was my second year to do the tri and it was wonderful! The environment is so friendly and supportive for women, especially for first timers. There is a section of the bike/run where we can see each other and the bikers are working especially hard as it probably the 4th or 5th steep hill they have had to endure thus far (but not their last) and you hear inspiring shout outs to each other. Go runners! (where do they find the energy to do that while they are working so hard just to pedal) Go bikers! Push, pull...you can do it...don't give up! Gives me goose bumps just to think about it!

We swam for a half mile in a balmy (75 degrees) lake and then biked for 12 miles on a very hilly course. I believe they said this is the toughest bike course of all their races, and I can confirm that it is no walk in the park! And finally, the run is a 5K through a grassy field with a few hills thrown in for kicks and giggles!

I only shaved three minutes off of my time from last year (1:52:52), but I did the race while suffering from severe plantar fasciitis pain. In fact, I wasn't even sure that I was going to do the run portion until I got off of my bike and found myself in transition tying up the laces on my running shoes! Needless to say, my pace suffered and I hobbled along to finish this part in almost 36 minutes.

I think I did pretty good with the bike portion and finished that in only 39 minutes with an average speed of 18.3 mph. I was pleased with that as I haven't been biking (or doing much of anything) this spring due to my hysterectomy in February and a late start in training.

It was the swim portion that really thrilled me this year even though I swim like a turtle that is asleep in the water! It took me 32 minutes to finish the swim, but I didn't use my swim angel this year! Whoo hoo! You see, I suffer from terrible panic attacks in the water and am normally terrified when my feet can't touch the bottom. This year I felt nothing but peace and a total release from fear, even though I was being bumped and nudged throughout this swim. I believe it was the yoga mantra (that roughly translates to "extreme ecstasy") that I said with every stroke that helped. Now I'm ready for next year and I am sure that I can improve this time, even if I do nothing more than swim in a straight line.

Sorry this was so long...hope you enjoyed hearing about my experience!


Fuji Girl
06-12-2006, 09:09 AM
Congratulations!!! That is so awesome! I did it in 2000 and it was one of the best experiences of my life.

06-12-2006, 09:30 AM
WOW Karri! Way to go lady!

Sounds like you had a lot of physical struggles going into this race... and look at what a great job you did! Your bike was FAST!

Also... WOW on not using a swim angel! Overcoming that mental fear in the water is a huge thing!

Thanks for the report and good job!

06-12-2006, 10:11 AM
Great job! You tri ladies are awesome.


06-12-2006, 10:18 AM
Great race report! I don't think there's any such thing as a "too long" race report for us! We gobble up the details. Good for you about the swim. You found a way to put the positive firmly in control. Now you know the freedom. I am really impressed with your bike speed. With those hills? Wow.

Good work! Looking forward to many more. :D L.

Tri Girl
06-12-2006, 01:34 PM
Congratulations on a great finish (and you even shaved time off from last year)!!! :D You overcame many obstacles, and that's what the Danskin tri is all about! What a wonderful and exciting race for you!!! Congrats!!

Do you have any pictures?

Hooray for you!!!! :)

06-12-2006, 05:38 PM
Wow, good work! Here's to next year, where you will surely kick serious butt! :)

06-12-2006, 05:52 PM
Congratulations! I love that the swim went so well for you!

06-13-2006, 07:35 AM
Thank you for posting!!!
I love that the race was a great experience for you!!!
I second that motion for pics...

Running Mommy
06-13-2006, 07:55 AM
I had to rub my eyes ti make sure I was reading right?! I can't believe you raced with a raging case of PF!! Being a former PF sufferer, I know just how painful it is! OY!!!
Good on you! You get the "tough cookie of the week" award!!!:D
Great job!

06-13-2006, 12:50 PM
glad to hear you had such a great time and conquered phobia and PF in one race. that is truely awesome. I am running my first try in just under a month - also a danskin race.

06-13-2006, 02:44 PM
Running Mommy-- I must admit that I am paying for it. I have found some relief from the pain by using this small green ball to massage the bottom of my foot and the calf muscle.

Brina--Good luck with your tri too. I was thinking of doing that one as well, but I'll be in North Dakota celebrating my Dad's 80th birthday that weekend.

Thanks for all of the kind words everyone. I've got some photos that I will attach as soon as I figure out how to post them.