View Full Version : Running Coach Update - Week 7

06-08-2006, 07:35 PM
I started the session with the following:

I owned up to not doing 2 of the exercises he gave me (never made it to Target to buy the workout rubber bands I needed)... fessed up to not doing 1 of the drills cause I couldn't read my notes... admited to missing one day of drills (I got 2 days done...and he said that was fine) due to flat tires on my bike (long story)...and I also told him about running for 4 minutes. :o :cool:

He didn't really SAY anything. Just looked at me... and smiled.

In today's session we did more drills. Lots of hopping drills. I also did some lunge drills, because I have a problem with tightening my butt and landing on a bent leg. Did some hamstring exercises (will pay for that tomorrow) and some other butt burner exercises.

This time, I wrote down my drills that I need to do for the next week, and I can understand what I wrote down. ;)

Next week... we are going to start doing short tempo runs! OH YEA! :D

06-09-2006, 07:37 PM
Next week... we are going to start doing short tempo runs! OH YEA! :D

So close!

Hopefully you can get out of bed tomorrow ;)