View Full Version : Asheville Riding
05-23-2006, 03:20 AM
DH and I are headed for Asheville over Memorial Day weekend for a quick get away...and I'm sure the bikes will jump on the car:p :p .
Any ideas about good routes (road)? We're not the best climbers (and I'm in not such great shape after 3 weeks at a desk with not much riding), so flat[er] routes and those with not so steep grades (long is OK) are preferred. :D :D
Anything else not to be missed?? Bouncy - suggestions?? I'm so excited!!!!
05-23-2006, 04:22 AM
Hey c-a
sorry but i am still a follower in this neck of the woods...and i am so busy trying to keep up i can't remember any street names!!!
this site has a link to the left of the page "ride library" that has really good maps of some local routes...i find it easier to put it with a real map to get a better idea! also check out Liberty Bicycles, they are loaded with maps and info!
i am still nursing a bruised hand (the palm, so it is very uncomfortable to ride let alone maintain good control) so i will most likely be on foot still this weekend...
also, it is my first spring here so i am not sure the level of traffic and which roads to avoid...
can't say i was much of a help :( but i hope you get something off of the blue ridge site!!! hope you have a beautiful time here!!! what else is on your agenda? where are you staying?
05-23-2006, 11:37 AM
Looks like you are going to have good weather here in Asheville for the weekend.
The blue ridge site has a great ride library as already mentioned. I would stay in the Etowah,Horseshoe,Fletcher and Mills River area if you want to stick to the rolling hills. There are so many great roads to ride on - and some to stay away from for sure. There is a map for bicycle routes put out for Henderson County, and I assume there is also one for Buncombe County - they will identify the high traffic roads - most local bike shops have them on hand.
How far are you looking to ride?
I have another web site to direct you to - but have the info on my home computer and will provide you the link later tonight.
Let me know if you want some restaurant suggestions while here - we have so many good ones to choose from.
05-23-2006, 03:50 PM
Bouncy and Gowest-
Thanks for all of the leads! I do have the Buncombe Councy bicycle map, and have used it in the past with good success.
I'm looking for 20-30 mile rides probably (given my lack of saddle time recently). I'll check out the Blue Ridge site - I think they're the ones who published the book of rides I have, too.
Food suggestions are always welcome! I love Greenline grocery, but we're not staying somewhere with a kitchen this time. I've heard the Flying Frog is good (and my uncle up there confirms it). I've also heard that the veg restaurant downtown is good.
We're staying at the Red Roof Inn - should be an adventure;)
Carrie Anne
PS - Hope you hand heals soon bouncy!
PPS - Welcome to tbe board Gowest!! Glad to see more NC people recently;)
05-23-2006, 05:29 PM
I see you are in Durham - I used to live in Bahama - in northern Durham County - I miss Sal's Pizza in the worst way!
The other ride library is here:
They are also from the blue ridge bicycle club
Watch out for the ones marked hilly - the Apple Festival Challenge is a bear - climb climb climb and then when you think you are done - climb some more. The rolling rides are more what you are looking for. Although I live in Buncombe county - I prefer to ride in Henderson county - I find less issues with traffic, and more rolling scenery if that is what you are looking for. The one I think you might enjoy the most is the Etowah ride of 31 miles - it is one of my favorites - you need to drive to the start from Asheville - but worth the short ride in the car. Avoid Cane Creek Road on a holiday weekend unless you are riding very early - they are installing natural gas lines and there is construction traffic, and it is generally a busy road.
Food - yes the Flying Frog is good - pricey for dinner - I like to go for lunch and sit outside and enjoy people watching. If you like vegetarian or whole foods - my all time favorite restaurant is Jai - next to Earthfare - the food is very fresh with no preservatives and prepared just how you like it. The owner - Nam is usually there - and she is very sweet. Their hot ginger tea is fantastic.
Other - don't forget to go to Discount Shoes (there is bike shop across the street from there) and Tops if shoes are your thing - not for me - but most ladies who come to town consider these must-go to places.
Lastly - have you been out to Chimney Rock while you have visited Asheville? It is a short beautiful drive out 74A east - off 240 ("beltline" around Asheville) it is extremely beautiful and a fun place to poke around for an afternoon. The drive up and over from Asheville is also scenic - just be glad you are not on your bike as you go - that is part of a ride this summer called the hilly helacious.
Let me know if I can be of more help - I will be around for the holiday weekend - just returned from a trip to Utah - hence my name GoWest.
05-24-2006, 03:23 AM
Wow - small world! I was just up in Bahama last weekend - every weekend I buy goat cheese from the local farmers market, and they had an open house at their goat farm. Adorable baby goats and LOTS of cheese to sample Yum! It's really beautiful up there. Let me know if you're ever back down here for long enough to ride!!
Thanks also for the ride suggestions- it's so neat that they have all of the elevation information. We rode the breakfast ride last year. I'm thinking we'll ride in Asheville one day, and in Henderson County the other.
No shoes - unless, of course, they're danskos - that's what my feet have been demanding I wear of late. I know we'll be visiting Earthguild again, but I'm not sure what else is on the plan.
The Flying frog is on the high side - not sure my family I'm meeting for dinner would go for a veg/whole foods kind of place. We'll have to go there for lunch one day:)
I have been to Chimney Rock, but it might be time for a re-visit!!
Thanks again!!
Carrie Anne
05-24-2006, 04:01 AM
Carrie Ann,
Definitely go to Discount Shoes if you love Dansko's - they have the largest selection I have seen - and tons of European shoes that are similarly comfortable. They also have a great kids section and mens section. It is near the Biltmore Square Mall on 191 - very easy to find - self service so you can look at whatever you want. I actually can give you a nice rolling ride of a little over 20 miles up to as many as 40 right from there if you want - it is a loop that takes you out to Mills River on some lovely country roads that are rarely used.
I have no immediate plans to return to Durham any time soon, the heat in the summer was just so brutal - I love the cool air in the mountains.
Oh, and I forgot to mention that Jai is a Thai restaurant - so it appeals to many - not just the whole food crowd. Lunch is excellent there.
I will send you my contact info for future reference.
05-24-2006, 09:23 AM
I know this has already been mentioned, but Liberty Bikes is awesome. They are our LBS...and we live 40 miles away in South Carolina. There are other shops closer to us, but they can't touch Liberty. We've bought 5 bikes from Liberty and they do all our bike work. They have a good selection of everything. They are well worth the trip. Here's a link:
Also, if you like pizza, try the Mellow Mushroom.
05-24-2006, 02:51 PM
I've actually visited Liberty Bikes while I was in Asheville on vacation, and I agree - they are fabulous! Wish we had one like them here....I'm still on the prowl for a good LBS.
We're lucky enough to have a 'shroom here:D They do have incredible pizza!!! Didn't know there was one up that way, though.
Carrie Anne
05-26-2006, 09:40 AM
CA-has the 'shroom on E. Franklin Street across from the Siena Hotel in Chapel Hill closed? It was there for a long time.
I like Franklin St. Cycles in Chapel Hill. Durham used to have Bull City Bikes, but it's long gone.
In Asheville, I like BioWheels for bikes, and Heiwa for sushi. There's also Laughing Seed for vegetarian food. And Tops for Shoes! And Gold Hill for coffee! and Malaprops for books! And Earthguild for yarn! I could go on and on...I'll be in Asheville in a couple weeks and I look forward to going a ride with my brother, who knows every road and trail up there.
Have fun!
05-29-2006, 05:48 AM
SOOOOO?????? how was your weekend C-A??? the weather was phenomenal!!!! hubby and i hooked up with some new friends and did a mtb trail called heartbreak ridge...6000 feet of climbing :eek:
....but that also meant 6000 feet of sweet singletrack DESCENDING!!!! boy did i have a blast but i was worn-out!!!!
hope your weekend was one to remember....and lets not forget what this weekend is about....
Thank You to all our troops!!!!
05-29-2006, 03:40 PM
Had a great weekend! Got back late this afternoon. Just enough family (a bunch of us ended up in Asheville accidentally on the same weekend!), not quite enough riding, too much sun and too much shopping!!
Tried riding part of the parkway on Saturday - was too much traffic, plus the heat was brutal, as were the hills! Didn't go very far. Trip to discount shoes - left with many pairs of danskos (oh, my credit card!!!). Trip to Liberty Cycles - almost left with a new bike - drool!!! Dinner at an Italian restaurant (not my choice) with family. Good to see them - food was too greasy for my taste.
Yesterday - did the Etowah ride of 31 miles (except we turned around a little early - too much sun, not enough sunscreen) and ended up with 28. Beautiful route! Saw lots of other cyclists. Just enough hills for my liking. :D :D
Went to Earthguild and bought some alpaca yarn for a hat/scarf come winter, and meandered to the other yarn shop downtown, Purl. Knitters will appreciate this - they had enough skiens of a discontinued yarn I had kicked myself for not buying to make a tank I had been wanting to make (plus 1 extra for good measure). Yay!! Dinner at the Laughing Seed which was delicious!!
This AM - verified the yarn was enough and picked it up. Picked up some black locust honey - yum!!! Drive home was uneventful (which is rare for this weekend!). Ate breakfast everyday at Greenlife Grocery - you ladies are lucky to have such a neat whole foods option!
Carrie Anne
PS - The 'Shroom on Franklin street closed a while ago. There's a new one in downtown Durham, though, that's pretty nice.
05-29-2006, 03:42 PM
Pic from the Sunday ride...
05-30-2006, 05:59 AM
Carrie Ann,
Sounds like you had a good weekend. The weather was hot - I was road riding every day except for Friday - which was mountain riding day. I got a beautiful farmers tan - especially on the arms. The Etowah rides are very nice and rolling - glad you were able to get out there.
I warned you about Discount Shoes now didn't I?????? Easy to walk out with an entire stack of boxes.
What did you "almost buy" at Liberty???
I had thought about riding the parkway, but decided against it for the very reason you mentioned - TRAFFIC - especially bad on holiday weekends - with no shoulder and out of the area drivers, it can be dangerous.
Let us Asheville gals know when you are returning.
06-01-2006, 04:41 AM
Will do. It would be really neat to have a NC TE get together!! I'm kinda jealous of the CA gals...
This trip was kind of nutty - dealing with family made our schedule really unpredictable. I'll be back up the nights of the 7th and 8th, but I'll be in depositions all day both days so...I probably won't get much riding in :(
I was really glad for the Etowah rides - for anyone else visiting who's used to flat land - you'll be fine on them. The hills are short and, with one very short (1/8 mile) noteable exception, not steep at all. They really are an incredible suggestion.
I have a nice farmers burn on my arms, so I know what you mean. :mad: :mad: That's the last time I listen to dh when he says you don't need sunscreen.
The bike at liberty - It was a Specialized Roubaix. Beautiful and a perfect fit! But alas - I didn't need to do that much credit card damage and I'm not sure I want a carbon fiber bike (I'm thinking maybe ti or steel - current is aluminum). We actually discovered that DH and I ride the same size frame.
Carrie Anne
06-06-2006, 05:24 PM
I'm going riding in Asheville on Thursday! I'll report back, I'm nervous about he hills. I'll be borrowing my brother's bike (titanium Merlin...).
06-06-2006, 05:37 PM
You'll have a great time and you've picked a good week to come down south! The weather here has been nice for the last several days...nice and cool, that is. The high Thursday is supposed to be in the mid to upper 70s, so plan on a short sleeved jersey with very little sweating.
And don't worry about those hills...just pick a nice gear and go at your own pace! The hills in Asheville are mostly rolling anyway, so you get to recover (as opposed to miles and miles of climbing, though you can find that too if that's what you're after).
Enjoy and don't forget to report back! :D
06-15-2006, 01:02 PM
I was so busy with home improvement projects that I did not get to ride at all. I almost arranged something with Bouncy, but we both got too busy. I hope next time to bring my own road bike, have a longer visit, have fewer trips to Lowes, and more biking!
08-10-2006, 11:49 AM
hi everyone,
i will be in canton,nc on business the week of 8/21-8/24 or 25 and wondered if anyone lives in that area or knows of the area and can suggest rides that aren't extremely hilly which i could ride in the evenings.
rides would start from maybe 6-6:30pm and i would like to ride for at least an hour (preferably 1.5-1.75hr). my average is 15-16mph here in the flatlands of clayton,nc :)
i'm not a very good climber yet, but would love to take my bike and try some rides in this area.
thanks, karen.
08-11-2006, 06:30 AM
umm...NOT extremely hilly? Have you been to Canton before?
I hope you find some riding partners. I don't live in Asheville most of the time, but my family does. One of these days I'd love to ride with some Asheville folks down there.
08-11-2006, 01:59 PM
well, i didn't mean NO hills or mountains or whatever. reading the previous posts, someone mentioned some rides and said they were kind of rolling, which i can most likely handle, but you had to drive to get to them. i was interested in something where i could just leave the motel and ride. i'll figure something out.
thanks for your help, karen.
08-14-2006, 06:26 AM
CANTON AREA ROAD RIDE: Leaves at 6 p.m. from Canton Recreation Pool, just off N.C. 215 in Canton. Ride lasts one to two hours, with a moderate pace. No riders dropped. Helmets required. Call David Tate at 648-7968.
did not see any e-mail or website but a call to David might lead you in the right direction...
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