View Full Version : Some courteous drivers ... and one not so.

Duck on Wheels
05-22-2006, 05:40 PM
Thought I'd start by mentioning some courteous drivers, folks who contribute to Madison being the #1 bike city of its size in the US. Riding a bike route through quiet residential streets, I paused at an intersection to catch my breath and check my route. I pulled out into the gutter area and unclipped both feet. Nevertheless three drivers (one bus, two cars) who came up behind me seemed quite prepared to wait for me. Happily, I noticed them promptly and waved them on with a smile. I was thinking of sending only this positive note to the forum, and maybe also to the local paper, until ...

On the way home I came to an intersection where the right lane has a forced right turn. Since I was headed straight ahead, I stopped in the right hand side of the left lane and waited for the green light. Just as the light turned, some jerk passed me on the right and pulled in ahead of me. Good enough clearance (if only barely) that I didn't have a heart attack or get swerved off balance. Nevertheless, somewhat unnerving and highly irritating. In all fairness to Madisonians, the driver was probably from out of town since he clearly didn't know either the intersection or the local speed limit. Or maybe he was just an idiot.

05-22-2006, 08:07 PM
i vote for just another idiot

05-23-2006, 05:54 AM
I vote for someone who didn't realize it was a right turn only lane, then didn't realize there was a bike sitting there. Even with bright clothing, we are only as visible as the person "looking" at us! :rolleyes:

05-23-2006, 06:23 AM
I don't know if it's because I've been commuting more this year or if drivers just aren't ready for biking season, but there sure seems to be more idiots out this year.

I have been left turned in front of at least half a dozen times in the last few weeks. Yesterday was a hard brake and swerve manuever to miss broadsiding a SUV. The day before I swear the guy looked right at me as he cut me off. I felt like he was giving me one of those "get off the road" looks.

But Milwaukee-area drivers aren't all bad. I have also had quite a few go out of there way to be courteous.

05-24-2006, 05:37 AM
Thanks for reporting the good eggs. They never get any press and are quickly overshadowed by the rotten eggs. Such a shame.

05-24-2006, 07:34 AM
I was in the middle of an intersection waiting to turn left. There was a lady facing me in her car waiting to go left too. I think she was SO freaked out that there was a bicyclist facing her that she chose to go straight after all, leaving her left turn lane. I'm glad I didn't start to make my turn in front of her...sheesh.