View Full Version : mountain bikers?
09-04-2001, 09:32 AM
Hi All
i love discussing things with people on this board...i was just wondering, how many of you mountain bike? I do some road biking, but mainly as cross training. (although my friend is trying to turn me into a roadie :D )
this is my second season of *real* mountain biking. I say this because for the last two of the four years i have been biking, i have been doing much more technical terrain, and i even raced this year. The first two years were what my friends like to call "purse dragging" just pedalling along and being sociable, and i guess not really trying. So that is my story...
any others?
Have fun!
07-09-2002, 04:54 PM
YAY!!! Another mountain biker!! Sorry this reply is so late, but better late than never, right? Anyway, I've been mountain biking (well, biking at all, period) for about eight years now, and absolutely love it! This year, I've started concentrating on downhill racing (with just a little endurance XC racing thrown in for variety); it's really helping me fight off that "Oh My God, I'm over 40" syndrome:eek:
Anyway, are you on the east or west side of Canada (my geography skills are lacking)? What type of mountain biking do you do, etc., etc.?
07-12-2002, 07:40 AM
Hi Tammy
i do XC mainly here in the Ottawa area. I venture off on some easy downhill terrain in Bromont when i get a chance. I have to say i LOVE mtb. I love ebing outside and the dirt under my tires. I love the feeling of my own power on the pedals and the adrenaline i get when i do a technical section.
This year i have started to do some local races. I plan on doing some O-cups next year. Need to get fitter and faster. technical is finally coming along nicely. I am also teaching beginners which has done amazing things for my confidence and cleaning up my own riding skills.
Happy riding!
07-12-2002, 01:33 PM
hey all - I do mostly road riding, but that's only because 1) right now I have only one bike, and I am not very good at changing out the tires from the "slicks" to the knobbies! and 2) I was training for a 5-day, 370 mile touring ride with my sister (That's completed - had a great time YAY!!)
I'd like to do more mtbing now that my "big road ride of the season" is done...(season? what season? we ride year 'round here!!):p
We have this one park that is kind of technical in that all of the turns are VERY close together, and the bar ends on my bike make me a little nervous (I keep picturing them "catching" on the trees I am going by :rolleyes: )
07-12-2002, 02:28 PM
Originally posted by ayermail2
We have this one park that is kind of technical in that all of the turns are VERY close together, and the bar ends on my bike make me a little nervous (I keep picturing them "catching" on the trees I am going by :rolleyes: )
Hey - congrats on the big road ride! Now are you ready to get that bike out on the dirt? By the way, is that park you're talking about Hobby Park, by chance? Love that place - gotta get back out there soon:D
07-12-2002, 04:33 PM
Nope - Hobby Park is way over my head, the first half anyway. I've never made it to the second half, which I hear kind of mellows some. (I did help with the trail work when IMBA was here last November, though!). I was referring to Tanglewood...
Spicewood is about perfect for me right now, although I'd like to be comfortable at Tanglewood! Last time I was there, I fell flat on my face trying to cross a bridge! :o
07-12-2002, 05:03 PM
Then you should definitely try to get up here to the Raleigh area - our little group of "trail elves" have put in some stuff you'd love! Let me know anytime you think you might be able to get up here. :D
07-13-2002, 05:20 PM
Is there not a big population on this board who does mountain biking??
I started seriously into it last summer, got a new bike the christmas before (which I may be growing out of, I'll either be upgrading or buying a new one this winter I think). I also joined a woman's mountain biking club that go me out a lot more.
This summer I've only been out a handful of times, I'm taking six courses this summer, every one with a lab. None of them are easy couses, and right now I'm trying to finish off building my robot (see, now I'm just showing off). Anyways, needless to say I'm not riding much (or climbing). It makes me sad, but the robot compation is next week and I hope to get bake on trails the week after that.
I do XC, singletrack makes me drool. Drops and bridges still scare me, but I'm getting better. I'm loving the clipless that I started using this summer, it's amazing the control you feel you have over the bike while wearing them.
07-15-2002, 06:42 AM
Count me in! And I just got a new bike too. Out grew performance wise my old HT and just got a top end Kona FS. Woo-hoo. I love single track, speed and technical moves. I ride with a couple of other gals who use to race XC, and I ride with my hubby... lots of moutnain bike dates. Life is good.
penny s
for more mountain bike talk, ona board that needs more women, try news:alt.mountain-bike
07-15-2002, 02:00 PM
Mountain biker here! Brand new to this sport, but not really. i got my first mountain bike 15 years ago when I was twelve. I hit the dirt at that young age and continued XC into my teens. The only problem was, I lived in a totally flat area! Now that I live in the hills, I am finding whole new challenges and I love it! Plus, the clipless pedals are giving me even more of a challenge (while I learn them)...
07-17-2002, 04:34 AM
Guess what ya'll?! I can now say that I can change my own tires!! No more waiting for the bike shop to open to change them from slicks to knobbies and back!! The Quick Stick rules!!
And - I changed them for the first time this morning before work - which means that I get to go to the Ladies Mtn Bike training rides a local ladies racing team is offering at Tanglewood!! I am so excited!!!:p
07-18-2002, 05:45 PM
it's great being able to work on your own bike isn't it?
i taught beginners this summer and one of the skills was to change a tire. they were all so nervous but in the end had a great sense of accomplishment of knowing that all is not lost if they flat out on the trail.
great work!
03-08-2003, 09:39 PM
I'm a new mountain biker. I used to commute to work every day (20 miles) until my bike got ripped at Starbucks as it was locked up and right in front of the security guard...:mad: (Took me a long time to get over that one...) That was 10 months ago and I haven't had the $$ to replace the bike. I bought a 10-year old Specialized Stumpjumper w/ a steel frame from a friend who upgraded ($125, not a bad deal). I need to put a new shock on and new brakes before I can take it out though. My husband recently bought a Cannondale Scalpel 800 and I've been riding it until I can get my bike dialed in.
I rode today for the first time w/ a friend of nice to be able to ride without my husband there trying to teach me new things all the frustrating. (He means well...) Women rule...
Anyway, I'm hooked and hope to share some good stories..
03-09-2003, 12:57 PM
Didn't you have your bike insured??!!!!
03-09-2003, 01:28 PM
Well it would have been way to easy to have my bike insured....:rolleyes:
Of course I have insurance NOW in case of theft, but I didn't then. Funny how we learn our lessons, isn't it?
03-09-2003, 03:18 PM
Usually homeowner's insurance will cover something like that- well, assuming you're a home owner anyway :) Oh well, hindsight is 20/20 and its still a drag having something like that happen to you. That's unreal that the security guard was standing right there! What's the point?!
On a good note, I've got a new Turner XCE frame on its way! Woo, hoo! I'm really excited. I'm going on my 3rd year of mountain biking (less 9 months for a pregnancy and recovery). And I LOVE it! I've always loved riding in the dirt ever since I learned how to ride a bike. It gives you a different sense of freedom. Now, I'd really love to try freeriding. Uh oh, I better not tell my husband if I have to get another bike :)
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