View Full Version : ALC 5 almost here

05-10-2006, 08:12 PM
Day one is almost here. I have the elevations here of most of the days. Are you ready gals? Day one will be a little shorter, Santa Cruz this year (must have been the sprinklers.)

05-10-2006, 08:15 PM
Lost the file it but but it's a little longer day, relatively flat but watch the headwinds. Enjoy the cookie lady and artichokes.

Here's day 3 though with quadbuster.

05-10-2006, 08:17 PM
Day 4, by now you should just be feeling stronger each day. Good thing because today's the day of the Evil Twins. Lunch is at the little town of Bradley, skip the Cliff bars and bring some money the kids put on a BBQ for us each year.

05-10-2006, 08:19 PM
I think this is the shortest day, and red dress day and talent show.

05-10-2006, 08:25 PM
This has been my favorite day, endless moderate climb and then...the ocean again. Paradise Pitstop and camp is by the ocean. You should end the day by riding along the ocean and then right through camp. I also don't have the elevations for day 7, there's a lot of rollers, no big climbs just a lot of up and down.

Day 7 the Pacific Coast Highway is busy and dangerous, heads up TE gals. Enjoy your ride, we'll be following you online.

05-11-2006, 07:52 AM
I'm feeling really nervous about down hills. I'm feeling like up hill is just work...down hill is scaring me.

05-11-2006, 09:16 AM
Ride your own ride, go at your own pace, and keep this thread taped to the handlebars ;)


Hope to see you on Day 0, and although you might not have cell access during the ride for the sole reason that recharging can be a problem (charge your phone up, leave it off unless you're using it, and if you have a spare battery...) but if any of you gals care to PM me for my number or call in to someone here and I'll post the news to TE.

Are you going to do a ride out together?

05-11-2006, 10:48 AM
and thanks for posting the thread that *I* started :)

just gotta remember to take my own time!

05-11-2006, 11:56 AM
I don't like down hill. I often count backwards to myself when going down hill, somehow this gives me a level of control. I am counting the days.

05-11-2006, 12:04 PM
I don't like down hill. I often count backwards to myself when going down hill, somehow this gives me a level of control. I am counting the days.

I need to remember, that I'm not the only one who dreads these downhills! I do get mired in my own nerves, and it really helps to remember that I'm not the only one!

Bike Goddess
05-11-2006, 12:44 PM
If you can muster up the courage, going down hills with your hands in the drops will be much easier on your body. Take a moment to stretch your back (push your belly button down!). Be relaxed- this will make you more responsive to the bike and vice versa as you go down the hill. Don't worry about how fast you are going, just be with your bike. It will guide you. Look for curves and look at the road ahead. Don't even look at your speedometer! Make each downhill a practice for the next one to come.

Also, when cycling, practice keeping your face still (no grimacing!). You want to stay as relaxed as you can. I know this is difficult to do, BUT, with practice you can. Any kind of tensing up costs you valuable energy. To this day, I still have to remind myself to practice this technique.

Red Dress day may be short, BUT there are hills! Just take your time and enjoy the countryside!

What time do you all leave on the 4th?

(Trek's tentmate here from ALC 4)

Bike Goddess
05-11-2006, 12:49 PM

Stretch your quads and stretch your hamstrings. Lay on your back (a nice place on the grass would be the best OR at the medical tent on a cot) and stretch out your back. I trust you know these 3 stretches. If you don't we'll tell you how to do it.


05-11-2006, 02:03 PM
I think it is Velogirl who said that tends to quell the screaming voices in your head.

And what BG sez about stetching.

Trek-BGs tentmate here from ALC4-420

05-11-2006, 03:29 PM
I did an 8 week MTB skills class with Blair Lombardi (She's coached people like Marla Streb), and she advised singing during technical parts of a ride. Somehow singing occupies one part of your brain that you don't want interfering with your balance/reactions/etc.

I try to get a good song going during a technical downhill. Right now, it's that Love Generation song (Bob Sinclair). When it's "Lola" I know things are not going well for me.

Just have fun out there, you guys. It will be a great ride!!!

05-11-2006, 05:45 PM
singing's good for climbing too, I fell in with a group of gals last year and we sang "aint no mountain high enough" to the top of Quadbuster.

We were slow but if you can climb that and sing, guess we were doing ok.

on downhills, I just try to find my safe line, look where I wanna go (if you focus on the pothole you'll go to the pothole) and I have found that weighting the outside leg eg: if you're turning right your left leg is down makes me feel more stable.

Also on tight turns point the way I want to go with that inside upper knee. Don't brake during the turn, go into the turn at your speed but accelerate out of the turn.

and have fun, I want to hear what rest stop 4 is doing each day. You can tell us after if you want.

uk elephant
05-12-2006, 03:13 AM
Seeing those elevation charts...AAAAAA:eek: I'm already nervous for next year! I've been passing over the highest point in this county on my way home from work, thinking its a decent hill. It's a climb of only 80m! That's only 262feet. Some of those ALC climbs are over 1000feet! How will I ever survive?! Think I will put super-granny gear on my Christmas wishlist.

05-12-2006, 09:21 AM

Each individual day on ALC is hard, although there are lots harder rides: Devil Mountain Double, Death Ride ...we could go on an on. You'll need to climb and descend well but I feel the hard thing about ALC is the back-to-backness. Get up, do a century, repeat 7 times.

IMHO for now and the next few months keep building a base of base miles, core fitness, weight lift and or Pilates/Yoga. Tell your trainer there what your goal is so they could specify what will build leg strength. The climbing will come.

good article for you here:


Can you come over here for a month or more before the ride? We've got hills in the East Bay that'll more than get you ready.

05-12-2006, 01:03 PM
Hmm, I'm no good at looking at elevation charts. :( How do these days compare to Day On the Ride from Presidio up to Petuluma and back or say going up Portola to Old La Honda to 84? :P

05-12-2006, 02:20 PM
Have you ridden Whites Hill? I've seen elevations that it compares to Quadbuster. You will do fine.

06-01-2006, 09:47 AM
Starting Monday June 5, there will be

Travelogues from the road, the day's highlights

Daily audio podcasts -- for a preview, visit


A variety of event photos
Online blogs written by participants on the road and in camp

During the ride you can send a message of support to riders and creq or to the entire group.

Participants can read those messages in camp each day.

To send a message, visit http://experience.aidslifecycle.org/2006/support/

06-01-2006, 10:19 AM
Just wanted to wish you ladies a safe ride! I am looking forward to hearing all about it.

Be safe and have a blast!!!


06-01-2006, 11:05 AM
ACG, liksani & Shadon , we did this last year and if any of you would like me to post a daily summary to the board PM me (or anyone else) and I'll give you my phone number. But if you're worried about battery life (might not be able to charge in camp) we'll read all about it when you return.

06-01-2006, 02:50 PM
Good luck you guys - have FUN!!!

Bike Goddess
06-01-2006, 04:07 PM
All the best to the ALC5 riders. You'll be in my thoughts next week (I'll be on a work related training in Italy). If I can get to a computer, I'll send you a message. Otherwise, I'll be looking forward to a report when you return.

TE gals- Last year when I was riding this very same ride, it was SO WONDERFUL to get messages from everybody. Although I couldn't respond, it meant a lot to me that people were sending their best wishes, etc my way.

That said.....be sure to send them.

ALC5 riders- BE sure to look for your messages each night. You'll be surprised at what people say to the group and to you as well. I was very touched by all of it!

06-02-2006, 09:28 AM
Good luck folks. May you have a tailwind-filled, flat-free ride full of good times and primo weather. :)

06-02-2006, 10:35 AM
I'm going to see the riders off Sunday morning - I'll keep an eye out for you so I can wish you a great ride, Shadon (I don't think I've met any of the other TE riders...), but if I don't run into you (among the thousands of people there!) -

To all of you:
Have a great ride and be safe!

06-03-2006, 02:33 PM
I arrived at registration pretty early. Got to see Janet, after an overview from the crew of tent registration including something new. This year UPS has donated scanners so there's no more "rider bingo" of finding the box and x'ing the rider off a chart at end of the route each day day we began.

The first official safety video showing is at 10 but a few as riders and crew came in after seeing the super top secret 8:30 am safety video that no one knows about. ;)

Quickly it became super busy and the line was long but we managed to keep it moving. I saw a lot of folks from previous rides.

Lorri if you're reading, I got Winnie expedited into the "my tenmate's already registered" line and saw Julie Brown before I left.

I didn't get to see AGC but we talked on the phone. She was already in the city and her team was planning on registering later, 1 or so. I suggested if she could get there quick, get things done and go get some rest.

I've met liksani on a ride but did not see her today. I saw Nichole in line, and Virginia the team leader from when I crewed in '97, and Kathy my tentmate from CAR3.

After things calmed down and the line dwindled I picked up my training ride leader jersey and headed home.

UK, Bikerz, whatcha think of a Amici Veloci team next year?

06-03-2006, 02:52 PM
That means we have to buy 7 AV jerseys by the deadline!! Yikes! (no, great idea!)

06-03-2006, 03:27 PM
oh, one for each day? I'm thinking since I always wear a vest....and have the armskins but hmmm. When's the deadline?

Janets idea, not mine. Credit where credit is due.

06-03-2006, 06:31 PM
Janets idea, not mine. Credit where credit is due.

OH sure blame it on me.....

06-03-2006, 08:01 PM
heh, and when it takes off "that was MY idea" :p