View Full Version : What I Learned Today - Middle Ring Only

05-08-2006, 04:53 PM
I haven't had a chance to replace my front derailleur. But I wanted to ride today anyway. My usual after work ride is what I would call flat to rolling. I ride most of it in the middle ring anyway, never use the small ring and have a few sections where I go into the big ring.

Observation # 1 - There's a lot of overlap between my gears. Sections where I usually use the big ring, I could get the same speed and resistance just by using the smaller gears in the back.

Observation #2 - I'm more willing to spin at a higher cadence in my my middle ring and that translates to some higher speed. There is a 90 degree sweeping corner with excellent sight lines that I can do in the 20 - 25 mph range. The highest I've gone through that corner is 27 mph. Today as I approached it, I was doing more than 30 mph and had to brake. I NEVER brake for that corner!

Observation #3 - I need to work on my spinning technique. Once I get over 115 RPMs my technique goes to h*ll in a handbasket.

Observation #4 - Spinning up above 100 doesn't tire out my legs as much as 80 - 90.


05-08-2006, 07:20 PM
If I go over 60 or so rpms, I start bouncing up and down in my seat. I'm hoping clipless will help with that. (no one needs to see my seat bouncing:D)
Today I tried using a tip someone posted, pedalling with just one leg to train it to work on the complete circle rather than just pushing down.

I'm sure it was very entertaining for the folks at the school track, watching me wobble and flail around and around and around.

05-09-2006, 06:47 AM
I've found that when I start bouncing in my seat I just need to shift into a bigger (harder) gear. This way, I can keep the high cadence without the bounce effect. Bouncing happens with clipless pedals too!