View Full Version : Mean drivers suck
05-06-2006, 11:30 AM
I am just venting and PMSing! I was out on my ride today, in the bike lane, minding my p's and q's and this young lady (lady? not really in my book) yells out from her car (Jeep) "You *****!":confused:. I guess I slowed her down too much because she was behind me getting ready to make a turn and had to wait on me. THEN.... I got stung by a bee today and here's the topper, a truck pulled out from the side of the rode and had his windows rolled down (he saw me in the bike lane for sure!), But continued like I didn't even exist:eek:!! That one was close, slid a little as I put on the brake!
Okay...I feel better now:p. Thanks for letting me get it out:)!
Ugh!!! So sorry you had a "hat trick" of unpleasant people to deal with today. Hopefully next ride will be peaches and cream.
05-06-2006, 02:22 PM
Mean drivers are everywhere! Yesterday I was in the bike lane and pulled up to a four-way stop at the same time as a guy in a truck. When it was "our" turn to go he suddenly pulls in front of me and makes a right-hand turn, cutting me off as I nearly ram into the side of his truck! If he would have had his turn signal on before we hit the stop sign, I could've been prepared, but no....
05-06-2006, 04:31 PM
That's why I take over the lane at those 4 ways. Car in front of me (I don't pass on the right at these stops) car behind me, but no-one beside me. I move my buns back over to the shoulder once I'm through the intersection. No skin off the car driver's nose because I'm not cutting in line, and they seem to understand my intentions better if I'm actually IN the lane. Probably cuz they can see me better. And they can check out my lovely tushie....:p
Of course, this only works where the car traffic is light enough that you can get into the lane in the first place.
I already posted this book, but it's worth repeating: Effective Cycling by John Forester. Kinda grumpy and anti-car, but has some good points.
05-06-2006, 06:13 PM
Doc: Hey thanks for the understanding, from the ugh, it's seems you too have experienced some lovely motorists as well:rolleyes:.
luv'n Austin: Wow! Sounds like you had a close call too, glad you are okay. I try to wave and make eye contact to make motorist aware of where I am at. Most of the time it works....when they are not on their cell phones, jabbering with someone, messing with their stereo, putting on make-up or simply just spacing out.
KnottedYet: I'll try to check out the book you suggested next time I'm in Barnes & Nobles. I'm feeling anti-motorist right now, for sure:eek:!
Thanks again ladies for the stories, understanding and letting me whine:p!
BRB, sorry you had such a sucky day. Hope it improved.
I both rode and drove today. While riding, I worked on staying in the lane I meant to continue in, ie: not blocking cars from making their right turns.
Then, while driving, I was at a T intersection, intending to go right. I stopped to let pedestrians cross on my right. I also saw a cyclist coming up on my right. Lucky for him, the peds were walking slowly, or I would've turned right and creamed him. He came around me from the right, and turned left across in front of me. All of a sudden I *got it* about how dangerous that is.
I'm a cyclist-aware and friendly driver. But I did not expect him to turn left from my right side. That'll keep me in the correct lane on my bike!
05-07-2006, 05:12 AM
Hello Lise,
Many here in Tucson use the bicycle to communte. I have seen a alot of unsafe riding as well. Yo've made me stop and think;) .....and I hate to admit it, but I guess it goes both ways:rolleyes:.
I hate to admit it, but I guess it goes both ways:rolleyes:.
Many people have written here about how being a considerate cyclist makes it better for us all. I misjudged a light at a big intersection today, and was half-way through when the cars started moving. I held up my hand to say, "my bad, sorry", and thought about how annoying I was in that moment. I don't want to be the one that makes the drivers say, "d*mned bikes!"
05-08-2006, 10:06 AM
Many people have written here about how being a considerate cyclist makes it better for us all. I misjudged a light at a big intersection today, and was half-way through when the cars started moving. I held up my hand to say, "my bad, sorry", and thought about how annoying I was in that moment. I don't want to be the one that makes the drivers say, "d*mned bikes!"
Well, thank goodness everyone seemed to be aware of you. I realize too, there's been a time or two that I know I could've been a safer rider:o. I'm glad you okay and safely arrived to your destination:).
05-15-2006, 01:12 PM
ugh there was a guy that kept pulling up in front of me the other day its hell
05-16-2006, 09:25 AM
I usually ride in a pretty quiet area where there are more cyclist than cars, but today I went out into "the other world." At one spot, a car decided to come by me on the left, and before he even got passed me, started to stop and turned right in front of me, very very slowly of course. I had to slam on my brakes, started skidding a bit, and still almost went into his rear bumper. Why he couldn't have let me go another 20 feet I'll never know. The rest of the people in the area were fine though.
05-17-2006, 07:14 AM
Try being a tad further out into his lane so he has to go further around you... but yea, right hookers are a bunbite. Most folks around here hang back nicely... but it's the non-mosters that ruin your day (or more if they hit ya :( :( :( ) so they're the ones you have to think about.
05-18-2006, 07:34 AM
Waaaaaay back in 1984 I was in the UK and saw tons of reflective paddles that stuck out to the traffic-side of a bike, wider than the handlebar ends. These were on the seat post.
Anyway, they really emphasized the size and width of the rider, as opposed to just the width of the bike.
They were pretty cool, and seemed to work well. I'd love to see some of those around here. Guess I'd better go play on Google for a bit.
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