View Full Version : Training is not fun anymore!

04-16-2006, 04:12 PM
It hit me this past week, training isn't fun anymore.


Because I am training with a group, and I'm not as fast or as good as they are, and it depresses me.

I don't want to give up training for tri's, and I hate that this is a depressing chore.

So, I am going to drop my Tri 202 training and join the club and train with the club when I feel like it. Now, I won't be pressured to do a 40 mile ride that I will get dropped on... or to run further than I can. I will do what I can. What makes me HAPPY to do.

Trying to keep up with others has changed my attitude towards training, and that's not good in my book. I want to enjoy training and not get depressed or upset thinking about it.

It's about having fun! Right ladies?! :D

04-16-2006, 05:25 PM
I'm with you. If it's not fun, why are we doing it? We're not getting paid. We have nothing to prove to anyone. I've never trained with a group because my schedule doesn't allow it. But I've played volleyball with a group of friends every Thursday for the past 4 1/2 years. In volleyball, the goal is to learn how to play as a team, help those who need it, and call your own fouls. Being part of this group has helped me find the courage to do the things I would never have dreamed I'd love, like triathlon. If the group doesn't help you do what you dream of, why suffer?

The training itself is not always fun--sometimes hurts, sometimes boring, sometimes ... well, you know. But KSH, you loved swimming, right? Still do, I bet. And I'll bet you love biking, too, and maybe put up with the running because it's what you have to do to cross the finish line at a tri. :p

So find a way to love it again. I train so I can do tris and long rides. I ride my bike for the joy of it, but the swimming and running are not the fun parts for me. But the races--who ever thought *I* would be pinning on a race number?!? I love the races. I love coming on here and reading and writing about the races.

I back you on finding a way to do what you love, with people you enjoy. Let us know how it goes. :)

04-16-2006, 05:26 PM
I think you're doing the right thing. Its just not fun when its a constant struggle and not enjoyable. That's actually the reason I usually ride alone; I want to be able to pace myself so that I can progress at my own pace. Riding with the group will keep you pushing your limits though, so definately do it sometimes; just not all the time.

Yes, it is about enjoying yourself and having fun!


04-16-2006, 05:36 PM
I know without a group, I'd just stare at my bike. :) I went from dead last in a faster group to the front of the slower group. (except when I drop my chain, twice, and get stuck behind a few folk whom I can't predict).

I hope you can find a better fit!

04-16-2006, 06:01 PM
I'm with you. If it's not fun, why are we doing it? We're not getting paid. We have nothing to prove to anyone. I've never trained with a group because my schedule doesn't allow it. But I've played volleyball with a group of friends every Thursday for the past 4 1/2 years. In volleyball, the goal is to learn how to play as a team, help those who need it, and call your own fouls. Being part of this group has helped me find the courage to do the things I would never have dreamed I'd love, like triathlon. If the group doesn't help you do what you dream of, why suffer?

The training itself is not always fun--sometimes hurts, sometimes boring, sometimes ... well, you know. But KSH, you loved swimming, right? Still do, I bet. And I'll bet you love biking, too, and maybe put up with the running because it's what you have to do to cross the finish line at a tri. :p

So find a way to love it again. I train so I can do tris and long rides. I ride my bike for the joy of it, but the swimming and running are not the fun parts for me. But the races--who ever thought *I* would be pinning on a race number?!? I love the races. I love coming on here and reading and writing about the races.

I back you on finding a way to do what you love, with people you enjoy. Let us know how it goes. :)

Well, I realized that doing rides where I can keep up... makes me happy and I look forward to the rides, instead of dreading having to go.

Not to mention, that when I'm done with the ride... I feel *good* about myself, because I didn't get dropped. When I get dropped, I feel like such a loser.

So, to keep having fun while training...it means that I ride with slower groups... and only train with my tri group swimming and ride with them when there is a no drop option. And... to be honest... my average when racing hasn't gotten any better than it was last year... and all I did was ride with my no drop cycling groups last year.

It sounds like your Volleyball team is a ton of fun! That is what it should be about... especially if we aren't getting paid for it! ;)

04-16-2006, 06:02 PM
I know without a group, I'd just stare at my bike. :) I went from dead last in a faster group to the front of the slower group. (except when I drop my chain, twice, and get stuck behind a few folk whom I can't predict).

I hope you can find a better fit!

Well, I do love to ride with groups... I too hate riding alone. I also know my limits. So, I too ride in the front in the slower group. :D

04-16-2006, 06:09 PM

I too have decided not to join my/the tri group on the sat am rides...One because i am too slow for the fast group-(i rode with them a few weeks ago & could sort of keep up..i was going 40km/hr on my mtn bike and hate to think what speed they were doing...) and a bit fast for the medium group. I am not a roadie.... (I also now have a nice brand new mtn bike-scott mc 40 & want to improve my handling skills on it so why do a road ride...?)

I still do the swimming and the running sessions as i know that's where i need to improve the most. I did three tri's this year and felt if i did any more i would just be wasting money on something i know in my heart i really need to improve on and just be frustrated out in the ocean...

I'm looking at purchasing a second hand road bike and have seen a few on the tri wa for sale section...that'll be 5 bikes between ian & I.....:rolleyes:
(never ridden a road bike before.....!!!)

04-17-2006, 01:41 PM

I too have decided not to join my/the tri group on the sat am rides...One because i am too slow for the fast group-(i rode with them a few weeks ago & could sort of keep up..i was going 40km/hr on my mtn bike and hate to think what speed they were doing...) and a bit fast for the medium group. I am not a roadie.... (I also now have a nice brand new mtn bike-scott mc 40 & want to improve my handling skills on it so why do a road ride...?)

I still do the swimming and the running sessions as i know that's where i need to improve the most. I did three tri's this year and felt if i did any more i would just be wasting money on something i know in my heart i really need to improve on and just be frustrated out in the ocean...

I'm looking at purchasing a second hand road bike and have seen a few on the tri wa for sale section...that'll be 5 bikes between ian & I.....:rolleyes:
(never ridden a road bike before.....!!!)

If you have a moutain bike, I can totally see why you don't ride with your tri group. It has to be hard to keep up on a moutain bike!

It's good that you focus on what you need the most... and training with them for those. I too see the validity in that decision.

It sounds like you need a road bike though. I good used one should be perfect!

04-17-2006, 02:29 PM
Hey there KSH,

Maybe it would help to write down the rides you want to do over each 1-2 week periods... include a ride with the group that drop you occasionally, but make it a minimum of a fortnightly ride. Commit to it knowing you will push yourself very hard, knowing there is a possibility you will get dropped but also knowing that riding with others that are as good or better than you is a great way to improve for racing.

If you make it a part of your training and choose the courses and don't do it too often, then it will become a ride with a purpose rather than a ride you dread approaching.

Definitely ride with the other group that you fit well with, there you continue to improve or maintain your group skills as well as having a a group to talk with and have fun with.

Also into your list of rides incorporate sole rides, because solo makes you stronger because you cannot draft, and have to toughen yourself mentally - bot, I assume, good attributes for a tri?

I have just joined our local cycling club, but I am not going to every Saturday race, i am going to choose the courses/races that will suit me or challenge, and leave out the courses that will ensure i am dropped and arrive last - i am not going to put myself through that - because as you have found, it is too demoralising...

Good luck, and I agree with the others... good on you for dropping the thing that destroys the fun... we get paid to do stuff we don't always want to do. Lets keep our spare time for stuff we like

04-17-2006, 06:49 PM
Hey there KSH,

Maybe it would help to write down the rides you want to do over each 1-2 week periods... include a ride with the group that drop you occasionally, but make it a minimum of a fortnightly ride. Commit to it knowing you will push yourself very hard, knowing there is a possibility you will get dropped but also knowing that riding with others that are as good or better than you is a great way to improve for racing.

Definitely ride with the other group that you fit well with, there you continue to improve or maintain your group skills as well as having a a group to talk with and have fun with.

Also into your list of rides incorporate sole rides, because solo makes you stronger because you cannot draft, and have to toughen yourself mentally - bot, I assume, good attributes for a tri?

I have just joined our local cycling club, but I am not going to every Saturday race, i am going to choose the courses/races that will suit me or challenge, and leave out the courses that will ensure i am dropped and arrive last - i am not going to put myself through that - because as you have found, it is too demoralising...

I like the idea of doing a challenging ride. I can do that on Wednesday nights, because if I get dropped, there will be a no drop group behind me that can pick me up. And, I know the route, so I could get dropped and be able to find my way home.

As far as riding solo... there really isn't anywhere where I feel safe to do that. We have a bike path, but it's crowded and skinny. I have to go slow in certain areas and I get bored on it.

But, I do try to not draft when I do ride with groups. I ride in the back and not that close... (maybe this is why I get dropped???)... so I can take the brunt of the wind, etc.

Hopefully your local cycling club will work well for you. Hopefully you be challenged...when you want to be!

Yea, I like to be challenged, but I hate to feel bad about how slow I am... on a regular basis! HA!

04-17-2006, 07:00 PM
KSH, do you have a couple of friends where you can go out with them one on one, and not in a big group. That works really well for me, it's just enough to keep pushing me to work harder but not enough so that I get my butt dropped and feel discouraged. Plus, it's safer than being out on your own. Anyways, I hope you get this figured out so you can get back to enjoying it again.

04-17-2006, 07:07 PM
KSH, do you have a couple of friends where you can go out with them one on one, and not in a big group. That works really well for me, it's just enough to keep pushing me to work harder but not enough so that I get my butt dropped and feel discouraged. Plus, it's safer than being out on your own. Anyways, I hope you get this figured out so you can get back to enjoying it again.

I wish. I have tried so hard to make some riding friends. I thought I found one in my tri group... but she got faster, and I didn't. So, I never see her anymore. Goes the same for 2 other ladies I really liked in my group.

Another reason why it's so depressing to ride (or rather get dropped) by them. As you know, if you get dropped... you are alone. And, you really only stay friends with the people you see when you ride.

It's my hope that I can find some riding buddies... just my speed... someday. Unfortunately, that hasn't happened yet.

04-18-2006, 03:35 AM
As far as riding solo... there really isn't anywhere where I feel safe to do that. We have a bike path, but it's crowded and skinny. I have to go slow in certain areas and I get bored on it.

Is there some reason why you can't find a place where you can feel safe riding solo? I wouldn't dream of riding on a bike path for just the reason that you mention - they are overused. I ride solo most of the time (other than occasional rides with a couple of TE gals in my area), and I ride on the roads.

It's quite possible that the roads in my area are friendlier for cyclists than those in your area; I live in New England, and the roads around here are typically narrow with no shoulders. So yes, I am sharing the road with cars. I realize that you can use the group riding to work on improving your pace; while it's a different approach, I suspect that you can also do that solo. What about finding a route that you are comfortable riding alone, then setting some time goals for yourself?

--- Denise