View Full Version : AZ Timex Olympic Distance

04-12-2006, 07:23 PM
Denise.... Melisa.... Anyone else in AZ

do you know anything about this one? Its Sept 24th.


Running Mommy
04-12-2006, 08:04 PM
Never heard of it?? When is it again? Still in the 100's in Sept. down here..

04-13-2006, 05:42 AM
Hey Denise,

Its done by the same people that do SOMA. I didn't even think about the heat but its pretty hot over here too and I can probably compensate for some of that (when we looked at houses here it was 107 for pretty much the whole month of July). BUT, its an Olympic distance so I could potentially be done before the heat really gets to me???

wahhhhhhh, I wanna live in AZ!

http://redrockco.com/timex.htm - basically TTL; two loops on the bike and I think one for the run.


Tri Girl
04-13-2006, 07:12 AM
wahhhhhhh, I wanna live in AZ!

I just had to laugh at that one. :D Me, too, but in Tucson. I grew up in Yuma (you know, the armpit of AZ) and the summer of my senior year in h.s. we had record highs in the 120's. I never want to live there again...
Tucson tho, that's another story.
I miss AZ...

I'd just be happy to live where the daily wind forecast isn't as important as the daily temperature forecast. I HATE wind- I'll take 110 and calm anyday over 80 w/ 30 mph wind...

Anyway- the race looks like fun! Good luck if you enter!!!

04-13-2006, 07:46 AM
Tracy - the only thing I know about that one is the guy that posed for the picture... LOL!

But, really, its pretty hot here then still, but if you're careful about how you train (make sure your hydration is all set) you should be fine. PLUS, we're here!! And you know how great RACE SUPPORT I can be!

Come on down!