View Full Version : You're In Good Hands On My Road!!

04-11-2006, 10:10 AM
(No cyclists were hurt in this accident)

I was out behind my house yesterday evening when I heard a big crash, and went running out to the road. There was a car which had been hit very hard in the driver's door while making a u-turn. There was a girl in the driver's seat, pinned by the crushed door. She couldn't get out. She didn't hurt her head, but had low back/ hip pain. Her BF was wandering about out of the car, couple of scratches. The other driver was ok- he was in a big PU truck. I yelled at BF to call 911. He's a deputy- he came out. Meanwhile, all these people drove by and stopped:

Day off RN
Physician's Asst (lives across the street, it turns out) from Intensive Care
OR nurse on her way in
OB GYN doc
OR nurse on her way home
and me- x-ray tech very experienced with ER trauma

Good place to have a crash, I guess! (She's more or less ok. Cool seeing them Jaws of Life the car and extricate her.)


04-11-2006, 11:52 AM
Yikes!! Those folks were lucky to have all of you guys there. What an amazing coincidence that there are so many trained professionals in one block.

04-11-2006, 01:05 PM
Organized bike rides are also good moments to have sudden health problems, like a heart attack. Last year during a multi-day ride there was a guy that collapsed at the top of the third 15%+ hill in a row. At the top of that hill there were about 60 other riders having a break and a bit of water in the shade. An ER doctor and his registered nurse-wife were there and coordinated the ressussitation team which also comprised two GPs, one cardiologist and one surgeon (who knows what can happen...), as well as a couple of nurses. Mostly he and his wife did the work, and indeed ressussitated the guy (who was incredibly lucky) in about two minutes. Needless to say, this was scary, but we were all very relieved when the guy came back on his feet (and scared again when he started screaming to death). Anyways, the ER guy just waited for the ambulance and kept going with his ride after. Impressive...

05-04-2006, 06:25 AM
And that's why I date a paramedic....:D

05-04-2006, 08:23 AM
And that's why I date a paramedic....:D

Yep, it's always good to keep one of those around :) And they always look so cute in their uniforms... ;)

06-01-2006, 01:27 AM
I was driving (my car) home from the dentist, and I was his last patient. A van tapped me from behind. It was some young guys, new drivers. They put a small dent in my car, but were nervous as hell as I got out and inspected it.

My dentist was behind us and pulls up, jumps out and asks me if I'm okay, and says he saw everything, and he's still weariing his white jacket. I thought the kid driving the van was going to faint in the road! How would he know it was a dentist.

I figured my car was getting old, the paint wasn't damaged. And the poor kid deserved a break, he did more damage to his own newer looking vehicle, and he would probably have to do some explaining to angry parents for denting their van. So I just let the kid leave.


Duck on Wheels
06-01-2006, 12:08 PM
I thought the kid driving the van was going to faint in the road! How would he know it was a dentist.

Maybe he DID know it was a dentist! I mean, how much scarier could it get for a kid than to be confronted by a dentist?! Not only had he dented your car and his parents', he probably had forgotten to floss for weeks! :eek:

06-02-2006, 11:12 PM
You got me there!!!