View Full Version : Call for cycling stories

04-02-2006, 11:01 AM
Just passing this along...

Publishing house Casagrande Press in Seattle, Washington, is seeking
submissions for its forthcoming book, Cycling¹s Greatest Misadventures. The
press is looking for quality nonfiction stories about riding disasters,
comical mishaps, pranks, crashes, bad judgment calls, misfortune, contest
meltdowns, strange injuries, loss of wit, critical conditions, bike trips
gone wrong or "non-riding episodes" that surround the cycling experience:
well-written stories that tell a good tale, reflect a culture, and develop
the depth of the characters involved. The call is open to writers and riders
of any level and any kind of bicycle, i.e., racing bikes, road bikes,
mountain bikes, bmx bikes, beach cruisers, etc.

Writers will be paid up! on publication if their story is selected. The press
will pay on a per-word basis for previously published stories and will pay a
higher per-word rate for stories that have not previously been published.
The deadline for submission is September 30, 2006. Stories will not be

Please send your story submissions to:

Casagrande Press
4316 36th Ave W # C
Seattle, WA 98199-1333

Or via e-mail at: casagrandepress@aol.com

04-03-2006, 06:47 PM
Cool, thanks. I sent in a couple!


04-10-2006, 09:27 AM
Cool, thanks. I sent in a couple!

As well you should, Nanci, you're a wonderful writer!

04-10-2006, 05:30 PM
Thank you, Lise. I love Tar Baby Rat Fetus's story. It just burbled out of me, uncontrollably,after that last day. That might me my all-time best story. (The guy I submitted it to might think I'm psycho, though :-) It was just such a meaningful thing to me.


04-10-2006, 06:47 PM
sifting through the portfolio of cartoons :)

04-11-2006, 08:05 PM
Thank you, Lise. I love Tar Baby Rat Fetus's story. It just burbled out of me, uncontrollably,after that last day. That might me my all-time best story. (The guy I submitted it to might think I'm psycho, though :-) It was just such a meaningful thing to me.

Well, you may be psycho. I mean. 600K...TBRF...but you're my kind of psycho, and I love reading your tales! :p L.

04-26-2006, 11:06 AM
Thank you, Lise. I love Tar Baby Rat Fetus's story. It just burbled out of me, uncontrollably,after that last day. That might me my all-time best story. (The guy I submitted it to might think I'm psycho, though :-) It was just such a meaningful thing to me.

So where can we read some of these stories?

04-27-2006, 05:00 AM
If you search for "Tar Baby Rat Fetus" and "Bizarro Ride" you'll find two of my stories. My 200k, 300k, 400k, and 600k ride reports can be found by searching like "200k Report" I think.
