View Full Version : Snot Rockets

04-02-2006, 12:54 AM
I went out on my first ride this year (at home) - yesterday.
A group of about 20 riders came up behind me and I decided to try drafting a bit - which was difficult as I am scared of leaving only one-two wheel lenghts between myself and the bike in front of me. So after a while I started letting myself drop behind.

So this one guy was feeling the need to blow a snot rocket. He had the kindness to move into the traffic lane so as not to grace anyone behind him, which worked nicely, until another guy produced a beautiful, visible cloud of aerosol - which I was unable to evade. Just hold your breath and pray there's no virus in it.

Yuck. :mad:

04-02-2006, 04:02 AM
:eek: Snot rockets...I haven't perfected them yet...I'm sure someone somewhere is eating breakfast & won't go into that...

Anywho, i just hope the guy who snot rocketed you will look & notice others around him prior to going for it.

Perhaps you can snot rocket some dork the next time you ride. The ultimate revenge?


04-02-2006, 04:33 AM
I myself am not a Rocketeer...can't get the hang of it. I seem to end up with it all over the front of me. I sniffle and snort my whole ride....

Rocket Impaired.....

04-02-2006, 06:58 AM
I myself am not a Rocketeer...can't get the hang of it. I seem to end up with it all over the front of me. I sniffle and snort my whole ride....

Rocket Impaired.....

Keep practicing! Let it build up til you have enough to launch!! I've perfected the art, however, I still occasionally misjudge the wind & "spoooge" the lens of my glasses.

04-02-2006, 07:59 AM
Typically my aim is pretty good, but every now and then I end up with one on my jacket or tights. :rolleyes: What's worse, is when they freeze!

04-02-2006, 12:29 PM
Yuck! I myself am a complete snot-rocket dweeb. I'm not even too good at spitting stuff without hitting myself. I tuck kleenex in my sleeve like an old lady, and snuffle onto my sleeves and gloves the whole ride. :rolleyes:

I admire those of you who draft. The concept is wonderful. I even dreamed that I was doing it once, recently. But in reality, I haven't developed the skill. I don't do many group rides at all, and drafting is illegal in the tris I do. Still, it seems like such a nice way to work with a group, to pull and be pulled.

04-02-2006, 01:45 PM
Ew. Poor you, alpine. I always check before I fire. You could call me an erratic rocketeer - the things either go miles or land on my shoulder, no middle ground.

04-02-2006, 01:55 PM
Duck and cover!


04-02-2006, 04:14 PM
Ahem....I'm actually embarassed to admit that I feel some pride at having mastered snot rockets. Of course, I do check VERY carefully so as to avoid what you describe happening.

04-02-2006, 05:08 PM
Shoot, I can hardly blow my nose, let alone fire off snot rockets.

snap "no rocketeer here" dragen

04-02-2006, 05:08 PM
I tried a couple times, in desperation, to learn how to do it. I can only hit my sleeve, though. So I am resigned to being a Sniffer.

I spent about five hours Saturday night being sprayed by snot rockets. It's pretty gross, but if you want to draft...

(I guess some people aren't on the clue bus about moving over first.)


04-02-2006, 06:48 PM
Did you ask the guys if you could join in? I only ask because from reading other cycling message boards I've seen that guys can be rather touchy and sometimes use snot rockets (and other nasty things) to discourage uninvited draftees...

04-03-2006, 10:12 AM
That's disgusting! No, we were a team. The offender has some sort of medical condition, multiple myeloma, and had had a stem cell transplant. I wonder if it had anything to do with that. He had a lot of breathing difficulty- coughing, throat clearing, etc. the whole nine hours I spent with him.


04-07-2006, 05:51 AM
Sounds like a fun ride, ahem...

We announce when we're firing and pull off, and even to the back - but we generally are doing "dilly dally drafting" - we're also chatting and we'll just slow down until the snocketeer is done and back with us.

Adventure Girl
04-07-2006, 08:29 AM
I posted these suggestions a while ago, but I think posting them again may have some value.:p Kind of like a public service message.

1. Speed is your friend. They work best when you are riding fast. The rocket will fly away better. (Actually, the rocket goes the same speed; you just have a better chance of getting away from it when you are riding 20 miles per hour rather than 5).

2. Practice when you are alone. I think a big part of the problem is psychological. We just are programmed not to do this in public.

3. When group riding, launch them when you are at the end of the pack or at least on the edge. It is uncomfortable for at least two people (you and the other rider) if it lands on one of your riding partners...

4. Beginner's practice... Try it in the shower. Yes, this is gross, but you really need to know "how" to do it before your public debut!

5. They really do help! Sniffling and wiping your nose just doesn't cut it. Once you let one fly, you can breathe again!

04-07-2006, 10:23 AM
Arrrgh...GROSS! My DH is one of those old fashioned men I hate who uses a CLOTH handkerchief...and it grosses me totally out!!:confused: :eek:

I avoid visual contact with said nasty "snot haven".....(reminds me of the story of a Native American (NA) sitting on the steps of the Indian Bureau in Toppenish, Wa, observing day after day the agent eating part of his lunch and wrapping up the rest,...... and one day the agent blew into his handkerchief, then folded it and put it in his pocket...the totally appalled NA then said: "YOU WHITE PEOPLE SAVE EVERYTHING!"):eek:

I have burned, appeared to lose and misplace every handkerchief he gives me to wash..it doesn't work...but I have found a suitable revenge...:D

I twist pieces of Kleenex up into a pointed form and shove it up my nose and twist, then remove and inspect..(this is BEST done at dinner table...) and it has won the title from my DS of "Mom's nose rockets"!:D

....now I never see those dang hankies again..but I know he's hiding them somewhere...

I think if someone blew a booger on me while riding, I'd promptly morph into a motorcycle riding toughie in my leathers, speed up and whoop his/her b-tt!:mad:

Well, maybe not really, I do understand those runny noses-- I have one myself...watch out for MY nose rockets!:D

04-14-2006, 10:09 AM
THis could go in the "embarrassing moments" thread, too, except it wasn't really.

We were pulling in to stop in a small town restaurant on our Tuesday morning long ride and I waited while everybody went into the restaurant, looked up and down the street, and gracefully planted a big snot rocket into the storm drain/gutter.

I looked up and realized that *in* the car not ten feet away from me were four women, all of 'em laughing fit to burst. So much for delicacy!

However, I must say that here the wind's a major advantage; a cross wind really cuts the chance for shoulder misfires.

04-14-2006, 03:06 PM
Heh. Nice one Geonz. :D

I've discovered it's kinda handy to have something to aim for too. Like, there may not be a hope in hell of that booger clearing that bush or going in the canal, but the effort involved in trying to land it there is generally enough to ensure my shoulders remain clean (of course, sometimes it just results in higher velocity shoulder splatter - gotta put in some more practice).

Aint Doody
04-21-2006, 10:40 AM
Y'all know, I never in my life thought I'd launch a snot rocket, but hey, I'm pretty good at it. I usually yell out "snot rocket" before I send it out. I still don't want my genteel mother to know I do that...

04-21-2006, 11:38 AM
I'll have to include that custom in my presentation Monday afternoon as "group riding etiquette" :) :)

04-22-2006, 01:49 PM
I used to be married to a Canadian guy and they called them "Greeners":)

04-24-2006, 12:28 PM

Heres the snot rocket thread I was talking about!!!!

:eek: :D

04-24-2006, 06:45 PM
If I hadn't learned how to "rocket" years ago, I don't know if I would still be riding...... :o :D I have to remember NOT to rocket when I'm not on the bike -- like at work or out shopping. I haven't yet, but one of these days, I'm afraid I'll slip up. :eek: Just like I am so used to the rear-view mirror on my biking sunglasses, that I expect it to be there all the time! And hate it when I can't see what's behind me simply by glancing in the sweet little mirror.

The secret to successful snot rockets is explosive power. You have to shoot/blast them hard enough that they fly away from you. Practice and more practice. I never thought I'd get it when I first tried either. Now it's as natural as .............as..............as.............. clicking out of my pedals. ;)


04-26-2006, 11:24 AM
You all don't know how happy I am to have stumbled onto this thread!! I thought I was the only woman who did this. Riding is one sure-fire way to get my sinuses open again. And after spending so much time sniffling I finally let one fly. Wow, what a relief! Now when I'm riding solo I make sure there's nobody around and just let 'er fly. But I still feel funny doing it in a group. I always make sure to go to the back and get out of earshot...don't even want them to hear me doing it. I guess it has to do with my mother always telling me to "act like a lady" or be "lady-like:. Well, in my opinion if a lady does it then it's lady-like! Am I right?

That's disgusting! No, we were a team. The offender has some sort of medical condition, multiple myeloma, and had had a stem cell transplant. I wonder if it had anything to do with that. He had a lot of breathing difficulty- coughing, throat clearing, etc. the whole nine hours I spent with him. Nanci
Nanci, my hubby has MM and I can assure you it has nothing to do with that. Although, the MM could make him more susceptible to colds/infections, etc.

04-26-2006, 01:46 PM
Well, in my opinion if a lady does it then it's lady-like! Am I right?
You'd better be - there's no hope for me otherwise. :p :D (My mum gave up telling me to be ladylike at a very young age; it only encouraged whatever behaviour she was trying to stop.)

04-26-2006, 02:45 PM
Now when I'm riding solo I make sure there's nobody around and just let 'er fly. But I still feel funny doing it in a group.

I ride with a group of women only and most of us tend to do it. However I feel funny doing it when I ride with men, and if I ride with the BF I make sure I am behind him when I do it.