View Full Version : First ride of spring

03-23-2006, 04:32 PM
This afternoon, as I made my way down the street to my class I was over come with a dilemma... it was too nice out to sit inside. All winter I've been spinning on my trainer, and I've been missing the feel of fresh air. So instead of going to class I turned around, went home and got ready for a ride.

Here in Montreal the snow has finally started to melt away in the last week so the bike paths are mostly clear now. But I must say, there were a few points, under bridges and in the shadows that still had some snow and ice. These wonderful little patches messed me up a little as I'm generally used to nice, clear, dry, summery roads. So I did some off roading after realizing that slush will throw you to the ground. It was my first fall! (other than cleat mishaps at intersections:( ) The beautiful thing is though, slushy snow makes for a soft landing!

Anyway, it was so beautiful out and I am SOOOOOO happy that I went riding today. Its such a motivator after a LONG winter.

03-23-2006, 05:27 PM
Girl! You rock! I need some inspiration. I have been going to the gym all winter but it looks like it is never going to warm up here in Ohio. Last winter I logged over 200 miles in February. I have been out riding once so far this year for about 10 miles.