View Full Version : Who's Watching the Tour?
07-11-2003, 04:37 PM
The Tour de France that is (not the 2003 Giro d'Italia Femminile, which unfortunately didn't seem to be televised in the US)!
Some random observations...
* How about that pile-up in Stage 1? Very scary.
* Tyler Hamilton, riding with a broken collarbone - totally amazing.
* The OLN coverage this year is really pretty good.
* Frankie Andreu is a hottie.
* Why are all the sprinters so damn cute, and young?
* Petacchi is amazing. Wonder if he'll be able to stay in the race through the mountains.
* Jan Ullrich looks like he's in great shape!
So, who's been watching? What do you think so far?
07-11-2003, 04:41 PM
Watching as I type. We recorded it this morning. I love Petacchi's blue eyes. Hope he keeps winning those sprints so we can see them some more.
I can't believe they are riding with all that road rash. Let alone broken bones.
07-11-2003, 07:24 PM
Yes, it has been fantastic all the way around. I think for cyclist to ride on such harsh, painful injuries takes a certain kind of genetically gifted person...I'm convinced that they are "true believers" and athletic professionals, but, I think it really does come down to genetics. Their tolerance to pain, their discipline, desire to go beyond themselves, yet, are doing what they do for themselves, takes a certain kind of person. We can all train hard, eat the right foods, ect. but, these athletes are gifted in a way that is hard to pin-point.
That's what makes the entire event so incredible.
07-12-2003, 06:50 AM
Agreed. The mental toughness of these guys is totally amazing. Sprinters often don't do well in the mountains. Watch Lance start surging ahead. King of Mountain.
Read some sour grapes from an ex USPS rider about Lance. He was upset because he wasn't allowed to break away from Lance to do sprints, etc. Ummm....right. Isn't that what being on the team is about?
What do you think about all of the jerseys and the special contests within the Tour? Does it dilute the race or does it add to the excitement?
07-12-2003, 10:19 AM
I think the different jerseys add to the fun, especially since the Green jersey is often contended right into Paris. And seeing Laurent Jalabert in the Polka Dot jersey last year was great -- what an inspiring way to retire. The White jersey is sometimes fun, remember Oscar Sevilla a year or two (?) ago -- he looked like he was about 15.
I haven't seen today's stage, but I heard Petacchi abandoned -- darn, I really hoped he'd stay in the race.
Tomorrow, Alpe d'Huez!!
07-12-2003, 03:44 PM
Petacchi dropped-out with classical Italian flare...he stopped, he got off the bike, he handed it over to an aid, got in the back seat of the team car and off he went! I only wish he would have worn a cape and waved to the crowd. He's adorable!
He'll be back.
07-15-2003, 02:49 AM
He's fantastic isn't he?
I'm Australian so hoping our lads do really well, but they're not really contenders overall, so my hopes are with Tyler especially after his riding up mountains with a broken collarbone. I like Lance too, but think the competition that he's getting this year is making it fascinating.
07-15-2003, 08:11 AM
The Australian riders rock! Baden Cooke is leading in the Green Jersey competition and is second in the Centenaire. And I've had a thing for Stuart O'Grady for years (and to think he doesn't even know I exist). Oh, and McEwen and McGee, both awesome.
So, how about Stage 9, and Beloki's crash! That was horrible to see -- the way his bike fish tailed and the hard fall. And you knew it was bad when you saw the looks on his team mates' faces. And Lance is so lucky, and skilled, of course -- that "cross country" cutoff was amazing.
This definitely is an exciting tour.
07-15-2003, 07:18 PM
How did you all feel about the SWAT team "removing" the protesters on stage 10? Those guys did not hold back! Oh my...
It never occured to me until I saw the SWAT guys come out of no where that ANYONE could take a pot shot at one of the riders for any given number of reasons; political, crazed, terroist, ect.
The riders are really vulnerable in an way....
07-16-2003, 02:47 AM
Wasn't someone punched in the kidney a few years ago?
It is quite scary to think that all it would take is one nutter in the crowd. Touch wood for all the guys in the Peloton.
Already suffering withdrawals since Le Tour isn't on today - might get out on my bike and see how my sprint finishes go....
07-17-2003, 05:29 AM
Here's what that protest was all about . . .
7/15/2003: Protesters Disrupt TdF
French zombies supporting the buffoonish “radical farmer” Jose Bove staged a sit-down protest at the Tour de France today, delaying the peloton for about two minues: Protest disrupts Tour de France.
Demonstrators sat down in the middle of the road during the 10th stage of the Tour de France, about 70km (43 miles) away from the city of Marseille.
The peloton, or main pack of riders, was forced to halt for two minutes before police dragged the protesters away.
Mr Bove, a prominent critic of trade liberalisation and mass-produced food, is currently serving two separate prison terms for destroying genetically-modified crops of maize and rice in the late 1990s.
He also leads a militant group of farmers called the Confederation Paysanne, which champions smaller producers, and is considered by many in France to be a hero for his stand against big business.
Tour officials ruled that the protest was "a normal race incident," meaning that riders would have to suffer the penalties of being caught in the protest.
Lance didn’t lose his yellow jersey however. Danish sprinter Jakob Piil won the mostly flat stage.
You can read more about it and peoples' comments here:
Click here to read more about the protest (
07-17-2003, 10:36 AM
French zombies? Radical farmers?
07-18-2003, 04:11 AM
The French will protest about anything. Ask any person trying to get a ferry from Calais on the last weekend of school holidays....
07-19-2003, 10:29 AM
Am watching like a fiend. Must get a life.
Yes, Frankie is totally gorgeous!
Am sick of LanceLanceLance all the time, tho is he a hero is is not 100% of the cycling world.
I feel like a blob sitting in front of the tube, but i'm hooked so far.
I have made aquaintance with one of these pro cyclers and their lives are incredibly rigid and actually, many times lonely. They train at least 6 hours a day.
07-19-2003, 02:50 PM
How exciting was it today??? I missed it live, but watched the replay later. Jan and Lance are making it so exciting.
I have made aquaintance with one of these pro cyclers and their lives are incredibly rigid and actually, many times lonely. They train at least 6 hours a day.
That's really sad, but then again, I guess a lot of them are doing something that you love - it would be disappointing when it became like a job but. Is there a good comradery within the teams? I would've thought that would've kept them going?
07-19-2003, 03:14 PM
The race is soooo close. Does anyone think Jan Ulrich can pull off the win?
07-19-2003, 03:47 PM
I think it's a real possibility. His form looks great, and keeps getting better.
Lance's face has looked awful most days of the tour, like he's really suffering. Also, I noticed in the TT that he was sticking out his right knee, and his right foot looked kind of odd... I don't know if it was just my poor eyesight or what. I wonder what's really going on, he's normally such a finely tuned machine that Chris Carmichael always has his exact peak plotted.
07-19-2003, 05:19 PM
Yes, I think you are right, they do have team camaradarie. The training is certainly a "job", esp in the winter, but I'm sure the races are fun for them.
I thought it was very exciting today, Lance is struggling to keep up, he may not do it this year. Jan U. was very very tough.
If you liked to see a lot of pictures, yahoo sports had LOADS of pictures, esp. some very scary pictures of Joseba Beloki. You really really will feel sorry for him, it shows him sobbing into his coaches arms when they scraped him off the road.
we should send him cards and stuff! ; )
07-19-2003, 05:20 PM
There's alot of rumours about Lance and his wife breaking up. Maybe that's wrecked his peak this year. Also personally I think his gotten too skinny.
07-20-2003, 10:08 AM
I thought Lance's form was odd too. I'm glad I'm not the only one.
He is struggling. But the heat - can you imagine doing those hills with 95 degrees and who knows what humidity? Almost made me feel bad about whining during my morning ride...I said almost...I don't get paid to ride like Lance does!
I didn't hear that about his wife. That would really suck, especially after everything he's been through. Did you read "It's Not About The Bike?" I wondered about his attachment to his mommy.
07-20-2003, 01:40 PM
I read that Lance and the Mrs. had reconciled. Also a lot of the riders including Lance had some sort of intestinal problem or bug early on in the race. They are so fit and so full of red blood cells that there literaly are fewer white blood cells which puts them at risk for any bug that going around.
Suposedly he's better now but who knows, it could have left him dehydrated. It's amazing to watch these super-fast riders and then sudenly it's like all strength leaves their legs in the mountains. I heard this is the hotest Tour in years.
07-20-2003, 04:55 PM
I really don't think lance is gonna make it this year; but that's okay, I mean that's what competition is all about. It can't be the same all the time.
The close up of lance' s face freaked me out. He really looked like he was about to die. It was scary. Good thing they re-hydrated him right away. \
In contrast, Jan ulrich looked fresh as a daisy.
07-21-2003, 03:23 AM
Go Ullrich, Go Ullrich....
I've got a good feeling about Jan. I really think he might pull it off - he just looks so strong.
Although he's had a year out due to various reasons I can't help but think it's done him some good, given his body a break. No matter how carefully you train etc , it must be so hard on the body to put it under the kind of pressure Armstrong does, year in , year out. An enforced year out give the bod a chance to recover properly.
There's been a lot of riders who've had to take years out due to injury and a lot of them have come back stronger than ever.
Plus, I'd love to see baby Maria Ulrich on the podium. She'll only be about 3.5 weeks old and would probably be the youngest offspring to take to the podium.
PS - I've been in France for the last week and L'Equipe, the sports newspaper, has had some amazing full front page pic.s. Fave's include Armstrong charging across the corn field after poor Beloki fell , a smiling Virenque as he took the yellow jersey for the day, and a scary on of Ullirch tearing home in the TT the other day.
07-21-2003, 07:16 AM
what channels is the coverage on? I'm getting 30 second blurbs on the news programs and that's it... but I have limited cable.
07-21-2003, 11:55 AM
Get OLN (outdoor life network) if you have cable or satelite. If you don't, find someone who does and go live there for the next few days ;-)
So sue me, I'm skipping workout tonight gotta see Lance win the stage after taking a fall. I read that Ulrich re-paid Lance the favor he owes by holding the pace just enough that Lance could could get back on the bike.
Such good sportsmanship.
07-21-2003, 12:36 PM
I think OLN also has a website.
07-21-2003, 12:46 PM
Good idea to check the web.
I will get cable on the day that I can select which channels I want to get, and only pay for those. Paying +/- $50 for 70 channles when I will only watch 2 or 3 of them, in my book, ridiculous.
07-21-2003, 01:23 PM
No Tv! driving me nuts please keep me updated.
07-21-2003, 02:33 PM
Sorry for you guys without coverage, but its just been a brilliant stage to watch.
I watched it live and Armstrong is just amazing. The way he pulled away from Ullrich and Mayo just showed his strength. He's only just got over a minute on Ullrich, so it's going to be interesting going into the time trial.
I think it was mainly Tyler Hamilton who slowed the stage down. He got to the front of the group and waved his arm to slow them down.
Rest Day tomorrow - what on earth am I going to watch on TV? I think I'll definitely be out for a ride. :D
07-21-2003, 04:04 PM
Originally posted by waterlilli
No Tv! driving me nuts please keep me updated.
the OLN online option gives you daily video clips and so on.. not a bad option and a good way to get the fix
07-21-2003, 07:33 PM
full-on agree with ya, aussievic; wasn't today mind-boggling?! It's been an amazing tour to watch so far and today's stage had yet more drama and courage on display. I think that Lance's travails today will join the 'Beloki detour' recently as a clip that is replayed continuously when they show highlights of this years race.
Couldn't believe it when it looked like Lance went down so hard and so quickly bounced up...Mayo going down with him and Ullrich steering masterfully around them both...and yep, he had that "look of Lance on the hunt" when he continued the attack that he started before the spectator literally hooked him.
It's going to continue to be a brawl to the finish, don't you think?
I'm hooked on the updates and replays; it sure hasn't been boring, has it? And to think that Tyler Hamilton is still racing and doing so well each day and has completed 15 stages, when it sure looked like he was on his way out during the first. So, it's a rest day tomorrow, then another day of climbs, right?
07-22-2003, 12:55 AM
Hi AussieVic
So are you a David Duffield/Sean Kelly Eurosport girl or a Phil Ligget & Paul Sherwin ITV fan? Generally I go for Duffers, but ITV do some good interviews.
(By the way the ITV stuff is done by Venner TV and is mostly aimed at the Outdoor Life Network - hence it's sometimes just a touch pro - Lance :p) )
I followed yesteday's stage on the internet from cyclingnews live commenty, while stuck in the office, with my boyfriend phoning up from time to time from home to add some extra details and generally get over-excited. The on-line commentry is a life saver, I don't know how I'd manage without it.
I then watched the video when I got back of the last 15km. It's so exiting - I just don't know how I'm going to cope with the TT in the next few days - I think I'll explode with nerves and excitement!!:D :)
07-22-2003, 04:25 AM
What a race! Ullrich aged ten years going up that last climb. Lance really had to dig deep too. What's with Mayo & company not taking their turns to pull? That sucks. I wish Ullrich could have finished better than 4th - he is really a class guy.
The time trial is going to be a barn burner! Man, I wish work didn't get in the way!! I'd take the morning off to watch...but I have a huge meeting. Grrr....
Does anybody else think they should keep the crowd back from the cyclists? That fall Lance took could have easily been a collar-bone-breaker. And then when he slipped out of his cleat...ouch!!!
07-22-2003, 06:47 AM
what's up with the crowd all over the road? That obviously is a maopjor hazard.... I wonder how that person who's bag snagged LA's handle bars feels now about trying to get a close look at the race...
Thanks for the OLN on line tip... that's been great!
07-22-2003, 08:33 AM
No tour today! I was going to go out for a ride, but its been absolutely miserable where I'm staying at the moment (Teesside in the North-East of England). So instead I've been catching up on episodes of Qunicy ME and learnt more about antiques than any sane person needs to know (I never realised there were so many programs about this stuff on terrestrial TV in England as I was always working - I need t0 get me a set of Natwest Piggy banks - £100!). But I digress....
Mighty - I'm definitely a Duffers fan (he reminds me a lot of cricket commentators - yabbering away about nothing in particular but then getting overenthusiastic when something happens), but agree with you about ITV and their interviews and the behind the scenes looks at the teams (most heartbreaking was the BTS look in Millar's car when his chain came off when he was up on everyone else).
Nothing was stopping Lance yesterday - he did say he was full of adrenalin after the crash and was so focused.
Come on tomorrow.
07-22-2003, 08:56 AM
I sure hope that this is a rumor. I read the Dave Watson freerider for Kona, tried to road gap the tour, and crashed in the process. I really hope that this is not true. What a sad day for mt. bikers if it is.:(
07-22-2003, 10:06 AM
the pros say that when they get close to a stage ending, about 4 to 5 kilometers away, the crowd gets so close and so loud that they can barely hear themselves think. i say erect dividers to keep the spectators away. but in europe, you know how fanatical they are about their cycling. looks like vinokourov cracked yesterday. not good.
i thought it was way "gentlemenly" that jan waited for lance after he crashed. shows a real competitor. if i do recall, lance did the same for jan a few years ago. i guess what goes around, comes around.
07-22-2003, 11:11 AM
Yeh, the crowds do get pretty mental at the top of the big climbs but as far as i can remember there haven't been too many crashes.
A few years back a Telekom rider called Guerini was stroming out ahead up the mountain when a fan stepped right in to his path trying to get a photo of him. Guerini crashed to the floor but still managed to win the stage.
A few days later the German camera guy met up with Guerini and apologised to him face to face, but the best thing was the picture he actually took. It was a big blur of Guerini's face close up, with loads of sunshine in the back ground! It was useless!
I think Armstong actually admitted in an interview yesterday he was too close to the barriers and normally would ride much nearer the middle. Still, no broken bones, and boy did it add to the excitment of the race.
07-22-2003, 11:15 AM
Aussievic - now you know it's no good for you . Stay away from the perils of UK daytime TV. It'll zap your brain, you'll become attached to the sofa and never ride again....:D :D
And as for those NatWest piggy banks... £100? Maybe I'd better just go and check my loft...:p
07-22-2003, 06:30 PM
Originally posted by waterlilli
I sure hope that this is a rumor. I read the Dave Watson freerider for Kona, tried to road gap the tour, and crashed in the process. I really hope that this is not true. What a sad day for mt. bikers if it is.:(
What does that mean "road gap the tour?"
07-22-2003, 06:47 PM
"....Does anybody else think they should keep the crowd back from the cyclists?"
It'll never happen, unless someone gets really badly hurt, the baricades that is. So much tradition in cycling. They have baricades some places. How do they determine where?
"That fall Lance took could have easily been a collar-bone-breaker. And then when he slipped out of his cleat...ouch!!! "
Looked like quite a knot on the elbow from the first fall, he went over so fast theres nothing to do anything but smash on the ground. And right after they all turn in their helmets so he's lucky he kept his head off the road. I'd be waving for the sag wagon for sure.
And the fall from the cleat, yikes, how he kept from turning soprano on the top tube I don't know, but then he does have at least one prosthetic ;-)
07-22-2003, 07:31 PM
VeloNews managed to catch up with Kona freeride pro Dave Watson who was just back from an eventful excursion to France. After being approached by a French cycling magazine a month and a half ago, Watson pulled off a monumental stunt, actually jumping over the back half of the peloton during the Alp d'Huez stage of the Tour de France. Watson estimated that the jump, a road gap, was about 45 feet in distance.
complete article (
Not all mountain bikers are free riders, or downhillers... in fact a lot of mountain bikers have real disdain for the "rad, dude, extreme...." attitude that the Mountain Dew marketing people would have you believe is the way to go. It's this kind of stunt, the in your face, tear it up attitude that give all mountain bikers a bad name.
I'd rather say it's a bad day for a brand that encourages their pros to do this kind of thing, than to slam a very general category of rider.
07-23-2003, 07:54 AM
How about Tyler Hamilton!!! That guy is amazing. I'm so glad he won a stage!
07-23-2003, 09:20 AM
right on dogmama!!! considering a compound fracture of the collarbone, tyler epitomizes the trueness of "digging deep."
on to paris!!!!
07-23-2003, 10:07 AM
Tyler Hamilton - what is he on??? The guy's amazing . Good job guts and determination aren't on the UCI banned list:D
Well said Dogmama - if anyone deserved to win a stage he did,
07-23-2003, 06:30 PM
Yeah Tyler!
Here's a particularly scary pic of Tyler ( from a few days ago... fortunately ( has some better pictures of Tyler after today's win.
07-24-2003, 05:17 AM
I saw that picture on the spinning forum too.
I think what makes it look so weird is that he has very narrow shoulders, makes his head look big and he looks like he's starving. His arms look pretty toned though. If he had broad shoulders i think he would look a lot healthier. :)
07-25-2003, 09:57 PM
Has anyone been able to get Lance's start time for the time trial on Saturday? I've tried all day and the tour's website has been down. I wanted to go riding before his start so I was really wanting to know what time he would be riding, so I can watch it on OLN.
07-26-2003, 05:43 AM
I've just had a look at the Tour website. If you go to and click on Schedule Times, it brings up all the times for the riders.
Lance is due to go out at 16:02. Hope this helps :) .
I'm hoping David Millar can get a stage win after all the trouble he's had - he's currently leading even after by the sounds falling off during the TT. Of course I'm also cheering on the Aussie boys as well as hanging out for Ullrich-Armstrong. Exciting!!! :D
Hope you got your ride in. Its depressingly wet yet again here.... :(
07-26-2003, 06:08 AM
We're recording it so we can get our ride in before it gets too hot.
07-26-2003, 09:15 AM
Looks like its Armstrong's tour now - poor Ullrich!
07-26-2003, 06:53 PM
Yep, all he's got to do is stay upright from point a to point b. Watch for him to ride into Paris surounded by his team, like a protective shield.
I read that he's already signed to do 2004 TdF and try for 6.
07-26-2003, 07:31 PM
Alas, poor Urllrich, we've known him well...What a noble cyclist.
Well, he's still young and I hope he makes a future come back.
I love watching him in motion.
07-27-2003, 03:24 AM
I loved watching Lance in motion too. He seems effortless - fast cadence?
Ullrich's jersey material must be made of iron! If I had skidded like that, I'd have terminal road rash! Poor guy. Would he have won if he didn't wait for Lance? (I know, it's the unwritten rules, but still). Nice guys finish second!
And little Tyler Hamilton - the energizer bunny! I hope he has a good showing today.
07-27-2003, 05:13 AM
I kind of doubt that Jan would have won if he hadn't waited. The time gap would probably be closer is all. Jan would need the win today and there's no way he'd get it between the blue Berry boys and the sprinters. The group waited for maybe 30 seconds and Lance blew by them to finish 40 seconds ahead. He was clearly feeling fine that day.
There are always lots of what ifs. What if Lance had hydrated properly for the first time trial? What if Beloki hadn't fallen? Man can you imagine how exciting a three way fight would have been! What if there hadn't been that huge crash that first day? Would Tyler have done so well without a broken bone?
I'm so impressed with those blue Berry boys from US Postal. 4 of them in the top 8 yesterday. What an amazing team.
07-28-2003, 06:34 AM
Evidently he's been jailed, the article was in german so I didn't read it. It's nice to know that for the most part, the freeride community seems to be disturbed by this.
07-31-2003, 03:37 PM
lance also raced in austria a few days ago and did very well.
07-31-2003, 05:58 PM
"Lance also raced in austria a few days ago and did very well. "
I thought he said he was going to take some time off?
08-01-2003, 09:57 AM
I'd also read that Lance was planning to take it easy, then he goes and does the Austria race two days after the Tour, and just did a race in Denmark today. Well, maybe that means he'll be rested enough to do the SF Grand Prix in September!
08-02-2003, 09:47 AM
i read the article in "OUTSIDE" mag, and kristin said they were going to take the entire month of august off and have some fun as a family. his race schedule on his website is clear until the race for the roses in october. maybe he changed his mind about a couple races and decided to go for it.
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