View Full Version : April Showers bring... riding
04-02-2017, 11:30 AM
Today is 52 and sunny and it actually feels warmer than it is. We have a mess of melting snow (there's not a lot of snow, but it's amazing what 2-3 inches will do), so we set out for a short ride. It was really nice, no expectations, my back was OK, despite not feeling so great in the morning from a sloppy, snowy hike yesterday. Saw quite a few riders, but we purposely rode away from the areas where we might see more.
When we came back, I looked like I had just done a cyclocross race, from being behind DH. Most of it happened in the last 2 miles of the ride. Since there is still snow on the ground in our backyard, we cannot take the bikes in/out of our walk out basement, so we had to clean them out in front of the condo. They are now drying in the sun. Mine will go in my car, where it will stay until tomorrow morning, when I ride to work for the first time this year. DH is also riding to work, first time at his new job. Because he had to bring in a lot of stuff and he forgot that he had his laptop, he has to ride his Guru, with the trunk rack and a pannier, so he is going to drive to a parking lot, near a bike shop/trail and ride to work from there, as it's only 11 miles. Otherwise, it's 20 one way. His pannier is so heavy right now, I would fall over. I also should have brought in some clothing (thought about it), but I have a couple of outfits that are very light and I have learned which shoes are light, too. It's going to be nice enough, so I can walk across the street to another company's cafeteria and buy my lunch, so at least I don't have to carry that.
Even though this is my 5th ride of the year, I feel like it's the first official one.
Pretty sure my official first ride of the year will happen in July in Florida. Currently the bikes are blocked in the corner of the living room by bins waiting to be moved down.
Crankin, your post made me smile, you obviously have a great sense of humor. We are enjoying 70 degree weather, so I rode my new bike for the first time today (I picked it up yesterday). It was exhilarating--I felt like a kid again.
north woods gal
04-02-2017, 04:28 PM
Yesterday, got tired of waiting for the ice packed portions of my trails around the house to melt, so went out with a sledge hammer and broke up the ice. My trials are now 100% snow and ice free - for now - but very muddy and squishy in spots. The fat bikes can do, however, so started April with a couple hours of trail riding. When I got done, I actually went down to the lake and went for my first canoe paddle. Only about half the lake is open, but that's enough to say I went paddling. Star, our Border Collie, went with me in the canoe, same as she goes with me on all my trail riding. She doesn't like the canoeing as much, though, because she can't find sticks for me to throw for her. :)
What a beautiful BC! Miss mine so much, give Star some ear rubs from me.
Yesterday, got tired of waiting for the ice packed portions of my trails around the house to melt, so went out with a sledge hammer and broke up the ice. My trials are now 100% snow and ice free - for now - but very muddy and squishy in spots. The fat bikes can do, however, so started April with a couple hours of trail riding. When I got done, I actually went down to the lake and went for my first canoe paddle. Only about half the lake is open, but that's enough to say I went paddling. Star, our Border Collie, went with me in the canoe, same as she goes with me on all my trail riding. She doesn't like the canoeing as much, though, because she can't find sticks for me to throw for her. :)
Oh my goodness! Is there anything you can't do? Your athleticism is astonishing to me, you'll live to 150!!!
Pretty sure my official first ride of the year will happen in July in Florida. Currently the bikes are blocked in the corner of the living room by bins waiting to be moved down.
I forgot, I rode my bike in February when I got my ortho pedal installed, yay, first ride not happening until July was giving me a sad.
north woods gal
04-03-2017, 08:05 AM
Oh my goodness! Is there anything you can't do? Your athleticism is astonishing to me, you'll live to 150!!!
Well, thank-you. So far, so good, but it's one thing I will never take for granted. For me, the age thing is very much a matter of attitude. I have a friend my age that has MS and can now only walk on crutches. Still, she refuses to call it quits and gets out and walks on those crutches, every day, knowing that at some point, even walking that way may come to an end. I've been blessed to be able to still ride like I do, but I know full well how quickly that can come to an end, so I ride and I ride, hard, as if every ride might be my last.
north woods gal
04-03-2017, 08:07 AM
What a beautiful BC! Miss mine so much, give Star some ear rubs from me.
Will do. She is very affectionate and, like all BCs, very athletic and smart. Best trail companion I've ever had.
Will do. She is very affectionate and, like all BCs, very athletic and smart. Best trail companion I've ever had.
Wonderful! Every time I hike I can still see Tess in my minds eye, peeking back at me from a bend in the trail.
04-03-2017, 11:28 AM
Got out for my first April ride today. Today would have been my FIL's 88th birthday had he not passed away on March 16th. So I rode today in honor of him, and just like he was from time to time (more lately than for most of the years I'd known him), my ride was a bit ill humored, crotchety, and a bit painful (back bothering me). It was hot, humid, and quite breezy, mostly in my face. I figured the hardships were nothing compared to what my FIL had gone through as his health failed in the past couple of years, so I was happy to put up with the discomfort. RIP Dean/Dad.
north woods gal
04-03-2017, 12:27 PM
That was a nice thing to do, Emily. Good for you.
Light rain, today, but, even so, my trails are not quite as waterlogged, thanks to the soil thawing and some of the water draining off. Doesn't feel much like spring, though. Woods are still dead-ish looking without the snow cover and nothing green popping up, yet. Did a combo of some road work and about an hour on the trail work. Have to say, without any ice or crunchy snow on the trail, the fat bikes sure ride, quieter! :)
04-04-2017, 03:46 AM
I rode to work for the first time this year, after going to my core and balance class at the gym. Was still cold when I left at 9:00-ish (38), but I was dressed correctly. I have an alternate route that is pretty and avoids traffic congestion at 2 intersections in the village, which brings my total miles to the office to about 2.4 :). At one point, I have to make a left to get on the street that eventually crosses Main St, and is actually the street my office is on. It seemed like there was a lot of traffic here, although it is a road that leads to a highway. Anyway, I had to get aggressive and not only signal with my arm, but also do what my friends call the "teacher shaking finger," so someone would let me in the lane to turn. After that, once I cross Main St., I am faced with a street that has more pot holes than ever. It has been like this for as long as I can remember, so it's not from the winter. After dodging these craters and cars turning into their respective employer's lots, I arrived.
Sometimes I wonder if it's worth it to ride 2.5 miles, bring my clothes, etc. But, when I left at 6:15 pm or so, it was really nice out, around 52 and the traffic, while busy, is starting to die down. I do not take the alternate route home at this time of day, although I have to, if it's earlier, as it avoids traffic back up coming from the train station. I am still getting nervous turning onto my street, since the day last summer when a jerk tried to pass me on the left as I was turning. Although I do it all of the time on weekend and middle of the day rides with no issues, there is a lot of traffic at rush hour. But, I guess it is worth it, as I slept really well and feel great this morning.
04-04-2017, 04:50 AM
I get what you are saying, Crankin. We normally will walk in lieu of riding if going somewhere < 3 miles away and when getting there super quickly is not imperative. Riding is more fun but takes a lot more getting ready for. But good for you for commuting via bike rather than car. Any car trip saved is a good thing for our planet, and for your health!
north woods gal
04-04-2017, 03:43 PM
Plus one on what Emily said, Crankin. It truly is good for you and the planet. Speaking for myself, I would much rather deal with heavy traffic on a bicycle than being trapped in a car.
Wow! I think spring is here. As of today, our lake is completely ice free. Time to take a break from the trail work and do some pavement miles on the road bike. Our lovely open roads are calling. :)
04-04-2017, 04:14 PM
I think we are turning the corner. Predicted to be almost 70 here by Monday.
Emily, it would take me about an hour to walk to work and I would not want to face it at the end of the day! Of course, unless my DH met me for dinner in the village (about half a mile) and then drove me home. I don't get bothered by the drive (it's 7-10 minutes, depending on traffic and time of day) and it takes 10-20 minutes to ride, also depending on how I hit the light and how long I wait to make 2 left turns. But, I am going to try and ride there at least 1/3 of my regular work days and every Friday, for my women's group. I am not going to have the group in the summer, so between now and the end of May... after that I want to do long rides on Fridays. I know it's better to ride... but although it's the shortest of my commutes, it is the most traffic laden. When I lived in my house in Concord, it was 5 miles, through the other town center, but usually, I was riding after the big rush hour and I think I am just more used to that stretch of road.While I hated the hill on my street at 7 pm, the part of that commute after the town center was lovely and peaceful.
04-05-2017, 05:16 PM
I don't blame you for not wanting to walk home, Crankin! I wouldn't either. Just too long a walk after work. When we do a walk like that, it's early in the day and to somewhere fun like a farmer's market. Not after a long day.
NWG, that's great that you're melting up there! I know you're glad to see some pavement.
Today was our usual day off to do laundry and other chores. In between chores, I actually went to the pool here at the campground for the first time ever. The water was a bit cool for me, but I did get in up to my waist, and it felt so good. This was in the late morning. By afternoon, the temps soared above 90. Ugh. However, a front is coming through, and we're supposed to be in the 70s from Friday for a few days, and maybe even down to 45 on Saturday morning! This morning was 69, so that's a change!
We would normally ride tomorrow, but it's supposed to be very windy with a chance of storms, so not sure if we'll make it out or not.
04-06-2017, 03:24 AM
So yesterday, I rode a total of 7.3 miles. My back was in a spasm again, not caused by riding, though. I felt it building up, most likely from the hike in the soupy snow and compounded by a stupid twisting motion and banging into my space heater at work on Tuesday. By Tuesday night, it was getting worse again. Ugh, I do not want to get an MRI to find out I can't do much about this.
Anyway, by the time I got on my bike, I had been to 4 grocery stores (2 regular, Trader Joes and the natural foods store), had my nails done, gone to a case conference meeting at work for an hour, and done laundry. I have a very busy weekend coming up and had a lot to do. By this point, I had about an hour to ride, before a haircut appointment. It was raw and cloudy, but I got out, despite barely being able to move around. Some pulling in my hips while riding, but no pain, and I felt like afterwards it would feel better. It did, although I really babied it last night with ice and stretching. So, I rode for about 25 minutes. At least it helped my mental health!
Planning to ride to work tomorrow, wearing a cycling dress I bought years ago, but have never actually worn on the bike.
Yes, Emily, when we walk to the village, it is usually to have a glass of wine, eat, or get ice cream. Once we had beer, appetizers, and ice cream. It was a slow walk home!
Emily, that's one big thing I miss about our condo in FL, we had a pool about 20' from our front door. I'd step into a suit and be in that beautiful clear water in moments, did that several times a week. It was heavenly.
north woods gal
04-06-2017, 06:54 AM
I love my rustic, north woods lifestyle, I really do, but all this talk of stopping at Trader Joe's and coffee shops makes me long for a taste of the city life I have known in Chicago, Portland (as in Oregon) and other places. I managed quite well with a bicycle as my only means of transport when living the city life. Spent a lot of time in coffee shops, food co-op type stores, book stores and, of course, my local bike stores where everyone knew me on a first name basis. Yeah, spending all day out in the woods or doing my usual long solo road rides doesn't make for much of a social life. I am ever the quiet, sit in the corner type, but I do miss having people around at times. Will have to work on that, somehow. Anyway, I do enjoy hearing about everyone else and their more urban experiences, so please keep posting.
As for riding, it's now an every day thing with only rare days off. Most of it is on my trails, which are lovely, right now, but some road work, too. Not going to bore everyone with daily/more of the same ride stuff, but will report on a bit, here and there, when something stands out, be it major or minor. :)
30 mph winds and whitecaps on the lake, this morning. Will have to check the trails for downed trees and tree limbs, later.
04-07-2017, 04:26 AM
Well, I hardly live in an urban area. It's a suburb, with a lot of rural-type areas and farms. When we bought our condo, we specifically wanted to be close to one of the 2 "downtowns," and while I am not as close as I had wished, it's only 2.2 miles, very walkable and rideable. I also enjoy being close enough to riding on quiet country roads.
Well, I hardly live in an urban area. It's a suburb, with a lot of rural-type areas and farms. When we bought our condo, we specifically wanted to be close to one of the 2 "downtowns," and while I am not as close as I had wished, it's only 2.2 miles, very walkable and rideable. I also enjoy being close enough to riding on quiet country roads.
That is my favorite part of our Florida condo, we are.5 mile from the beachside restaurants and shopping, .9 mile from the ocean (our place is on the water, but it's the intracoastal), and 1 mile (on a MUP) to the downtown area. Now that I can ride my bike again, it means we can enjoy what the area has to offer without dealing with the insane traffic.
north woods gal
04-07-2017, 07:58 AM
Sorry, my mistake. I meant urban in general terms, not as in living in a downtown metro area. That kind of urban is beyond my experience. Most of my "city" life has, in fact, been suburban or even small town. Where I live, now, would definitely be classified as rural, though, and even though we are relatively close to our local small town, we are surrounded by water and forests. Very few farms in the area (not to mention coffee shops. :)).
Anyway, as I said, I do enjoy hearing about the commuting, shopping, sightseeing and eating out trips. Brings back good memories for me. Thanks, all.
ny biker
04-07-2017, 12:44 PM
I did 40 minutes of easy (and boring) pedaling on the indoor trainer two nights ago. There was no pain from the problematic ankle tendon. My knee hurt a little, probably because my cycling muscles are pretty much gone from lack of riding. I tested clipping in and out, and that also did not cause any pain. I actually don't have to move my foot much at all in order to clip out, which is good.
This weekend, probably Sunday, I plan to ride outside. I want to do an easy flat ride. Logically a MUP would be best for that, but they will all be crowded with the warmer weather that we're having. So I'm not sure yet where I'll be going.
The inertia of not riding for a long time has set in. I feel like just getting all the gear together is a huge undertaking. I need to muster up some energy and push through this.
04-08-2017, 03:52 AM
Ha, ha, NY, for me, the inertia never goes away, no matter how much I am riding.
I rode to work yesterday, wearing my wool Terry cycling dress and my cycling commuter pants and jacket. Since I already had appropriate shoes at work, it was perfect and I felt like a cool urban rider. The stoplight was out on the cross street of Main St, and that was a "fun" experience, trying to get across the intersection.
Since I was at work to just do my group, I kept my bike in my office, instead of locked in the chart room. So, I got lots of comments, like "how much did that bike cost?"
04-08-2017, 06:20 AM
Hi all- checking in after being distracted for a couple weeks. I've been riding to work daily- so getting in 95 miles a week just commuting. The weather has been decent- a little breezy (always a headwind) in the afternoons. Two "perfect commute weeks" in a row.... I'm up to 48 commute rides since the start of the year.
I did some short rides last weekend and am looking for the motivation to get out this morning... it will probably happen.
I'm still tracking the birds on my commutes. I rarely have time to stop in the mornings so it's a mental tick by calls as I roll past or catch a glimpse of something. On the way home I sometimes stop and try to roust out some of the lingering sparrows or check out something in the bushes. Yesterday near sunset I was rewarded with a kettle (circling group) of migrating Swainson's Hawks. I called my husband and he was able to drive down to meet me, but they had flown south. I rode and he drove a mile to the next parking area / bridge along the bike path and he was able to see them. That was pretty cool.
04-08-2017, 08:04 AM
I forgot to mention that I had an unbearably cute moment on my commute home that almost made me forget about the rotten cheating incident with my classes and the last class of the day that couldn't follow instructions and had to stop doing the fun activity I had planned and got to read silently instead for 20 minutes.
The little guy is not a baby- he's a two year old miniature! ( ( by Sharon Goldwasser (, on Flickr ( ( by Sharon Goldwasser (, on Flickr
04-08-2017, 05:27 PM
Oh how cute is he!?! Thanks for sharing those adorable photos, Sharon!
I had a nice ride yesterday, though it was very very breezy. Still, it was a gorgeous sunny day, low humidity, temps in the 60s. After the hot, humid weather just a few days ago, I didn't even mind wearing a long-sleeve jersey. The weather sure has been up and down here in Florida!
04-08-2017, 05:39 PM
I rode 21 miles today, with our riding friends who are in from Amherst for the weekend. Despite tapas and copious amounts of sangria last night, along with an excellent play, we got out around noon. It was about 47, partly cloudy, and windy. I think we got the wind that Emily had Friday. I had several moments of my back hurting on both sides, but I kept stretching while riding and while stopped, and by the end of the ride I was OK. It seems ike we had a cross breeze almost the whole time. At one point, I got blown into the middle of the road. Thankfully, no cars around. The ride was moderately hilly, mostly rollers, a few 8-10% grades that are short, but at the beginning of the season feel like torture. By the time we got to one of my favorite roads, I felt better. There's one kind of obnoxious small hill right before we turn to get within a mile of our house. It comes after a long down hill, but near the end of a ride, it can be a bit tough. I made it up at 10-11 mph, not much lower than my normal pace. Of course, I was behind DH, so a little drafting going on.
I was dressed too warmly, but glad I went. It was my friend's first ride of the year, so her DH stayed behind with her at the end. We got home and then prepared for our early celebration of Passover (I know, the lightening is going to strike), after which we had more wine as our recovery drink and some cheese, until my son and family arrived to start the Seder.
My back is still feeling pretty good; I have stretched like crazy, used the pulsating shower head, and stretched some more. Here's hoping it's OK, as the next few days are going to be warm.
04-09-2017, 01:37 PM
We rode about 18 miles today, doing one of the flattest rides we can do from out the door. It ended up my first short sleeved ride of the year, as I took my arm warmers off, after about 8 miles. I always stop at the same spot and take off layers on this ride, as it's not as shady as most of the rides we do.
Still windy, though not as much as yesterday. Bright sun, blue skies, and almost 70 when we got back. No incidents, tons of riders, and I had my first 15 mph average of the year. This only happens on flatter rides most of the time, and I don't usually care, but between my back and my foot thing last fall, I am feeling a bit broken!
north woods gal
04-09-2017, 04:06 PM
No riding, today. Bummer. By the time we got back home from our Sunday grocery shopping, some storms moved into the area. Very hot and humid - for us in April, that is - then some heavy duty T storms with marble sized hail. That would not have been something I would have liked to endure on the bicycle. Ouch!
On a more peaceful note, our frogs are beginning to sing and we saw some Wood Ducks, so spring is coming. If you've never experienced the annual rite of spring frog music in the north woods, you are missing something very cool. :)
04-09-2017, 04:41 PM
Yep, the peepers have been out in force in the wetlands behind our house. And the pair of mallard ducks that were in the small pond when we moved in, in March 2016, have returned. The summer and fall was so dry that all of the water dried up, so we really only saw the ducks for about the first 6 weeks we lived here.
04-09-2017, 07:40 PM
Saturday- short ride on the Surly to a nearby park and then groceries... maybe 7 miles?
Sunday- ride with my husband to 3 parks and Sweetwater Wetlands. 61 species, including an American Bittern at the wetlands, a Peregrine and a Prairie Falcon. We stayed on the bike path most of the way- his wrists are very sensitive after a fall while running a few years ago and he doesn't do well on bumpy roads....Oh and a brief stop at the spring bike swap meet, but most of the vendors were packing up. I got a new little backpack to replace the little Camelback type pack I use on my birding rides. Used, but only $7. I don't use it for water, just for carrying shoes, a lock and extra layers that I've shed after it warms up.
north woods gal
04-10-2017, 07:51 AM
Going to be an indoors riding day, today, and an indoors kind of day, period. Been months since I've had one of those. Hate being cooped up, all day, but what can you do with cold gusty north winds and steady rain?
Nasty T storms continued, last night. Our Border Collie had a rough night with all the lightning and thunder. Typical Collie. She finally curled up at the side of our bed, shivering.
The rain is expected to turn to sleet, snow or ice, overnight, so may wake up to a white landscape, again. Good thing I didn't put the Norco fat bike with studded tires away, just yet. It'll be temporary, of course, but I am kind of eager to see how my trails fared with all the rain, wind and even hail.
04-10-2017, 05:10 PM
Yuk, NWG, sorry you had such an ugly day. Our Boston Terrier hates storms too. I hate that they scare her so much, and nothing I do helps. Poor things! The overnight ones are the worst. Fortunately we've had very few this year in Florida, compared to last. It's been mostly very dry, bad for the farmers and wildfires, but good for my furkid, and for our riding!
35 miles today; gorgeous out!
04-11-2017, 01:58 AM
I commuted yesterday, after going to my core and bands class. Was going to do a "dark ride" this morning, but I am really sore, from the class, so I want to rest for my group ride tomorrow, which is going to be hard. Nagog Hill Rd., features prominently, so you get the drift.
Tuesday is the only day I usually can fit this early AM ride into my schedule, but I have to get my body more used to this class. I know it's not the commute! It is going to be near 80 today, almost too warm for me, so I will go on a walk at lunch. I really like riding early in the AM, I find it very meditative.
Had a friend over on Sunday, she and her partner own the condo two doors down from us in FL, we also all have the same beach bikes, in different colors... we joke that we're some sort of old lady lesbo bike gang, watch us go!! I finally got to show her my ortho pedal and it got us all talking about all the places we'll go on our bikes, now that I'm mobile again, really gives me hope.
north woods gal
04-11-2017, 10:00 AM
Wonderful to hear that everyone is getting out for a ride. It's that time of year, again. Well, not for everyone. :) Woke up, this morning, to 5" off this stuff. Very wet, heavy and icy. Gave hubby fits with his snowblower, so we had to do a lot of shoveling. The good news is that it is melting, fast, so I am going to try riding my trails for some late season snow biking.
north woods gal
04-11-2017, 11:34 AM
Two miles of trail riding in heavy 5" of snow makes for a GREAT workout. Absolutely no glide in this stuff. You stop pedaling, the bike stops moving, as in right now. All my riding was in the lowest two gears to get it done. Yeah, totally different kind of bicycling, but welcome to snow biking at its best. :)
This is fat bike work, exclusively, and not just any fat bike, either. For this work, I use the fat bike that gives me the widest footprint and tires with the most aggressive tread. It's my Salsa Blackboro with 4.8" tires on 100mm rims (wider rims flatten out tires more than narrower rims). The tires are the Surly Nates. My other fat bikes would certainly work, but at the risk of some fishtailing and loss of control. Not issues with the big bruiser of a Blackboro.
You really need to know the trail when doing this. Trust me, the trail through this section is quite narrow and if you miss it, you are going down for a nasty spill. A little snow can hide a multitude of hazards.
Star is no dummy. She let's me break the trail and do all the work. She just trots along in back, going off trail, now and then, when she finds an interesting stick. :)
04-11-2017, 01:26 PM
Gorgeous photos, NWG. You continue to amaze me with your courage to ride in just about any conditions -- and all your bikes for different conditions too! How many in your stable?
Today was gorgeous, and we rode west into the hillier Lake County. My rear shifting has been giving me fits for awhile, and I was hoping after my DH changed out lots of my parts (new chain, new middle crank, and new 12-30 Ultegra cogset in back for lower gearing), things would get better. But if anything, they kept getting worse. Just about ready to head to the LBS, but DH took a close look at it today after our ride, and while he was running through the gears, the shifter cable broke! It was totally frayed at the end that attaches in front. So, now I have my answer. Fortunately, he has a spare so will replace that tomorrow (our day off the bikes for laundry and other chores/errands anyway).
I hope this fixes things! I think I'll have him replace the pulleys too, since he already replaced so much other stuff.
Oh, and as I was rolling along today after my rest stop, I saw a flash of silver in my rotating front tire. Stopped and looked, and what did I find but a thumbtack embedded in my tire! Thank the gods we'd changed out my tires for Schwalbe Marathon Plus and some thornproof tubes not too long ago, in anticipation of riding out west this summer (goatheads!) I kept my eye on it for the rest of the ride, and so far, so good. We'll know in the morning if there's a slow leak. These tires and tubes make my bike a little heavier and slower to accelerate, but to me they are worth it. I haven't had a flat yet this year, and we haaaate changing flats!
04-12-2017, 04:09 AM
Beautiful pics but I think I'm done with the snow for now. :)
We had mega rain downpours over the past week, cold, snow, name it..and on Monday it was full sun and 22c. I wrote to my boss on Sunday morning to tell him I'd finish for lunch so I can go ride our bikes while it was decent weather. It did not last long as Monday night was storm night and we're into the rain even as of now. And it is 4-5c... what a change!
So we took our Crux and did a 42k the winds...light at first but strong enough to kick my bike on the side. Hate that. grrr
Anyway, it was truly an enjoyable ride, although too hot for me (I'm not a summer person) but it was fun to be out in shorts and short-sleeve jersey. That was cool after a winter of being bundled up. :)
I am so happy as I had no problem pushing in the wind, false flat up for 17km... All that winter training paid up.
I don't know when our next outing will be because weather is not so fun yet but it will come. In the meantime, still on bike trainer and still doing my muscle training in the basement.
Signed up for a 100km ride on May 28 and another 117km on June 10. So I have to be ready. May 28 is mostly flat but the 117km has more hills...and big ones. so got to work on those thighs. :)
04-12-2017, 05:07 AM
I am in awe of those of you (like NWG) who get out in the cold weather. That's why I live in Arizona. But still, I complain when it's hot and the hot weather is around the corner. It was around 90 (F) on my ride home yesterday.
Helene, I may have asked before, but where are you located? I'm not really happy about that kind of wind either.
Still mainly doing commutes- I finished #50 for 2017 yesterday.
04-12-2017, 05:24 AM
I am in Montreal (QC) area. :) It's in my profile location. :)
04-12-2017, 09:13 AM
I ditched the group ride today, as there was a chance of rain (it hasn't rained yet) near the end of the ride and it was being led by a woman I cannot stand.
So, I rode to Ferns' Country Store in Carlisle, which is about 21 miles round trip, sat on the porch and had coffee, and then was glad I went the way where the second half of the ride is pretty flat. I saw several cyclists on my ride, it was a pleasant 68 degrees, and no blazing sun. I also was dressed correctly, with short sleeved jersey and shorts, and a sleeveless base layer.
I am trying to increase my ability to maintain a faster speed on flats. I am happy with my climbing (for me) and my descending, well, has actually gotten a teeny bit faster in the past 2 years, but it's never going to be fast. But, I can improve my endurance on the flats. It seems my ability to ride at 15-20 on a flat is pretty good, but I often give up and rest, instead of maintaining that speed. Part of it, is that there's not a lot of places I can practice this around here. It's either rolling, hilly, or false flats, which I also dislike. I did pretty well today for being alone. Most of this loop was a go to ride when I lived in my house, and I know every bump in the road, as well as how fast I usually go in each spot. I was very sick of this loop after 11 years of doing it a lot, but now it is more miles and I am not sick of it anymore!
north woods gal
04-12-2017, 10:11 AM
The cold thing is mostly a matter of acclimation with a little psychology to get me motivated. Would have a hard time to going into this kind of cold, directly from hot weather, but after months of riding in the cold, the cold really ceases to be a factor.
As to how many bikes, I have two drop bar road bikes, one strictly for pavement and one a gravel bike. The pavement road bike is a Domane WSD with 105, but I don't ride it much, because I can't resist the temptation to go off pavement and explore. Great bike, though. The gravel road bike, as in mostly hard surface gravel road, is the Salsa Warbird with 700x40 tires. Very versatile bike. Ride it a lot. Not a bike for any softer surface riding, though I often push the limit just for kicks.
The other five bikes are 4 fat bikes and one 29+MTB. These are all setup with various types of trail riding in mind, though I actually use them on pavement, quite a bit, since I sometimes have to ride pavement to get to some of the trails and sandy roads I like.
For me and my riding, if I had to pick just one type of bike that could be used all year long, up here, even for commuting or utility work, it would be a fat bike. A lot of folks in the area are now doing all their trail work on fat bikes. Just the nature of our trails.
Right now, my Surly Pugsley is set up for utility work with low rolling resistance tires and a Jones Loop bar handlebar for more comfort over long rides. Can ride it anywhere, anytime. Not super fast, of course, but fast enough and plenty comfy even for long distance rides. Would have no hesitation to load up the Pugs and go bike packing across the country. A lot of folks have done just such a thing on a Pugs or other fat bike. Setup right, they're actually not as slow and cumbersome as they look.
04-12-2017, 01:36 PM
I am in Montreal (QC) area. :) It's in my profile location. :)
Also, everyone's location is in the upper right hand of every post they make, if they've entered a home location. :)
ny biker
04-12-2017, 02:49 PM
Catching up... I rode on Sunday (3 days ago). The Garmin battery died mid-ride but I think it was about 30 miles. Totally flat. There was a longer club ride on the schedule that included this long flat section in the middle, around various communities on the western shore of the Chesapeake. I drove to a school that was about 10 miles into their ride and met the group there, then after the long flat part was done I peeled off and went back to my car while they all continued back to their starting point.
This was my first real bike ride since I hurt my ankle in January. Overall it went well. My sit bones hurt and my neck and shoulders were tight but my ankle was okay -- in fact it felt better than it has on most other days in the last week. Next I will try a short ride with hills to see if the added stress of pedaling uphill causes any problems.
(Off the bike, the ankle is sometimes okay but sometimes not. Overall it's worse than it was before spending a month wearing an ankle boot. I will see the doctor next week and am afraid he will put me back in the boot even though I really think it made things worse. But that is a story for another thread.)
04-13-2017, 01:36 PM
I am glad you got to ride, NY! Yep, sit bones, neck, etc. are all early-season issues that you'll overcome. Glad the ankle behaved on the bike at least! I have found that most of my various aging-related aches and pains are actually better on the bike than when walking. Sorry you are still having problems with that. I'm not sure I'm on board with that boot, especially if it made things worse for you. :(
04-13-2017, 01:40 PM
37.5 miles today, and was I ever a happy cyclist, as my DH (very very very D!) replaced my snapped shifter cable yesterday (not an easy job, as the end got stuck in the shifter and did not want to come out), and my bike (Trek) shifted better than it has in months! Felt like a new bike! It almost is, considering I've got a new chain, cogset, middle ring in front, and saddle since the year started. I felt strong and good today, despite the wind. Fun fun!
I was thinking, riding along today, how lucky I was that my shifter didn't snap on Tuesday's ride in Lake County. There are quite a few more hills there than our usual ride east, and if it had, I would have been in my 12-tooth cog in back and probably had to walk the hills. Lucky me! :D
04-13-2017, 03:05 PM
Yup, I had mine snap on a commute home, as I was climbing the hill to my house, about 9 years ago. I was already in my granny, so I could make it part of the way, but I did walk a little bit on the street and definitely up my driveway. I shudder to think what would have happened if it had occurred earlier in the ride, which was 14 miles. It would have been a long walk home.
04-14-2017, 08:49 AM
Did another Friday commute today. It was 41 when I left at 9 and just about 60 when I got home, just before 12. Beautiful, cool, but with the feel of spring. I am exploring which clothes I can wear on the bike, that aren't bike clothes and still look sort of like I am at work. Since I usually dress more casually for this Friday group, it's a perfect time to experiment.
Many years ago, I bought a pair of Zoic "jeans." They are black lycra and look like leggings, but have jeans styling in the back and front pockets. I have worn them just a few times. So, today, I wore my Giro boy short liner, which is the thinest liner I have under the pants, and just a regular camisole with a built in bra and a cotton sweater. All I had to do was take the liner off and change out of my cycling shoes when I got there. I did wear my heavier commuting jacket, which was probably unnecessary, but I dealt with it by unzipping it on the way home.
It is going to be cycling weekend, with awesome weather, and Monday off, as it is a holiday here (Patriots' Day). I didn't want to be tired from a longer ride today, so it was perfect and I am still wearing the same thing for my afternoon errands, sans the cycling liner.
04-14-2017, 04:29 PM
Did the same route today as yesterday, had the same (even a bit more) wind, and am still very happy with my shifting! It's so nice not to have noise and chatter and mis-shifts and auto-shifts, like I'd been having increasingly over the past couple of months. Yay!
Unfortunately the new pair of Sugoi Evolution shorts I got recently are not as satisfactory as my three older pairs. These are the same size but fit a little looser, which I thought was nice when I first slipped them on, but has proven not to be. These are a bit more puckered around where they sewed the chamois in, and on the left side (only), they rub the top of my inner thigh like crazy as I pedal. I end up with red, tender, raw skin there. I may have to trash them. :( Sigh...good thing I got them for a great price on ebay, but I sure do miss Team E for bike clothing!
04-14-2017, 08:23 PM
Had a day off today :) I rode about 26 miles - opted to "stay low" and skip Mt. Lemmon because I started late. Thinking about riding up the mountain a ways tomorrow though.
north woods gal
04-15-2017, 07:34 AM
Rain, rain, rain but at least it isn't snow, snow, snow. :) Tomorrow, though, may be sunny, so a long overdue, longish road ride may be in my future. Still very much a trail rider, but that kind of riding is so intense, at times. Need to balance it out with some more zen-like road work. Also, have to admit, that I miss that smooth rolling, hypnotic speed of pavement riding.
04-15-2017, 11:31 AM
Today we decided to pre-ride the first ride we are leading this season, on May 6. It's not a new ride, but very local, so an excuse to get out and not ride 50 miles. We rode to the start (5 miles) and headed on our way. The ride is only 21 miles, with most of the climbing in the first 10 miles. DH has also had back/neck issues, for the first time in his life, so we started out going very slowly. We had already decided not do the last part, which is mostly through neighborhoods, so we could head home at an opportune place. After a nasty headwind, right before we turned off of the route, onto our favorite road, we did pick up speed,but when we were about a mile from home, I had to stop and readjust my shorts. I felt like I was chafing on my left leg crease, not sure why. DH thought maybe I am doing something due to my back issues, but I know I always kind of lean left a bit. I will use more chamois butt'r next time!
Rode exactly 26 miles and both of us said we better be in better shape (and moods) in 3 weeks, to lead! DH ramped up way too quickly and has paid for it.
It was 71 out when we got home. Will be doing a long and hilly ride tomorrow, and it is going to be hot (84), so I want to leave early. DH loves riding in the heat, in fact, he had arm warmers and a vest on today, while I ss jersey and shorts, with a sleeveless base layer, that was making me sweaty. I took my arm warmers off after 6 miles.
Hoping to do 30-40 tomorrow.
04-15-2017, 04:24 PM
Crankin, it is hard for me to imagine it being 84 degrees in Mass. while we're to be 85 in Orlando. That is just crayyyy-zeee! :eek:
Nice day off the bike today. Long walk to the farmer's market plus a few other shops today for about 6 miles total of walking. Good change of pace! Tomorrow is my yoga/weights day, then back to the bike on Monday. It has been so windy/gusty here of late, I am really hoping it calms down!
04-15-2017, 04:45 PM
Today was a sunny and cool day to start riding but it got warmer fast enough. We ended up doing 56km ride but the winds were pretty strong. Sometimes, I felt the bike go sideways so hubby tried blocking off the wind by placing his bike in a certain position. It worked but not that well since the winds were front/side and changing directions now and then. But I'm very happy for all that winter training as I was fairly good and strong. Yeah. Still had enough but it is nice to get out.
04-16-2017, 10:27 AM
Wind is the word of the day. OY! We didn't leave until 10:30, already 77 degrees out. Leaves just budding on the trees, so no shade! After a mile, decided to ditch the ride in the hill towns west of here. Ended up doing 27.5 miles in Concord, Carlisle, and Lincoln, and it truly felt like a metric. We had a stiff cross breeze almost the whole way. Got blown into the road a couple of times.
We used to do rides on Easter, when there was no one on the road and it was quiet. Seems like there were more cars than a regular Sunday and tons of cyclists today. I was pretty good with no complaining; had a Shot Block and 2 bottles of Nuun, which helped, until we were about 2 miles from home, after I had to sprint to get through a yellow light. It was 85 when we got back. Did I mention I hate riding in hot weather? Especially with no acclimatization and no shade. But, my average was actually quite good for this ride. I guess we got wind instead of hills.
north woods gal
04-16-2017, 03:30 PM
This wind thing must be catchy. We had our sun and nice 60 degree weather, as per the forecast, but it arrived with 30 mph, gusty winds. Did a little neighborhood riding with hubby and the dogs, but mostly worked on one last remaining section of trail and then finished up with some trail riding. I must be nuts building all these trails at my age. It is brutal, back-breaking heavy labor. The payoff is great, though. This last section includes a little bridge I built from scrap lumber and some nice big rocks to climb over. Also a nice log, or two. Yippee!
04-17-2017, 03:53 PM
Finally, finally, we got a light wind day today! First one in a long time here in Florida. Actually, a little lake breeze kicked in from the north at the end of the ride, but most of the ride, all the wind was that we created. That helped with average speed, and I was about .5 mph faster than on this exact route than most times lately. Felt good today.
This was our second-to-last ride here. We'll ride again tomorrow, then Wednesday we start our trek north. I'm ready to hit the road. We've had a fun winter in Florida but are definitely ready to move on. Looking forward to seeing my mother and step-dad!
04-19-2017, 05:38 AM
Hope your travels are good, Emily.
Another group ride missed today. I guess my 3 days of riding and hiking in the pollen finally got to me. I did not feel so great last night, but went to bed, wishing for the best. Woke up with a scratchy throat, which is gone, but a low level sinus headache and achy-like feeling. Trying to be an adult, so I am not going. Been aggressively treating the allergies for a couple of weeks, so hopefully, this will subside. I am going on a walk with a friend, who walks at a slower pace and hoping this is not too much. Even though I have an easy week at work, as it's spring break here, the weather will not be cooperative. Saturday we have our club bike workshop, so unless I ride there and back, I have no idea when I can ride again, as Sunday looks kind of iffy.
north woods gal
04-19-2017, 06:04 AM
I feel your pain, Crankin. Allergies have been an unwelcome lifelong companion for me, but the biggest improvement for me was getting out of farm country with all those weeds. Still have to deal with allergies in our north woods, but not as severe.
Right now, though, the weather is less than ideal. The forecast can't make up its mind whether we will have snow or rain, tomorrow, or both, but that's how cold its been. Hasn't kept me from riding my trails, of course, but I would love to see some spring weather. It is spring, right? :)
04-20-2017, 07:37 AM
Hi everyone-
Catching up on everyone's rides. Crankin sorry you're under the weather.
I'm into my fourth week of commuting every day! So that's at least 19 miles a day, plus yesterday I added an extra 1.5 to stop by a park and look for birds. Saturday I rode up Mt. Lemmon to Molino Basin (that's at about 4400 feet, starting from an elevation of about 2400 feet). Saturday afternoon, my DH and I drove out to Willcox, 80 miles east of Tucson, and then rode 1.5 miles to Lake Cochise, a good place for migrating shorebirds and ducks. I wish I had a picture of us riding with a spotting scope balanced on the handlebars! Anyway, we saw a big diversity of birds.
Spent our anniversary celebration night (32 years) in Sierra Vista, and in the morning we rode to Ramsey Canyon (22 miles roundtrip, a very special Nature Conservancy property in the Huachuca Mountains. We then hiked 3 miles up over a ridge and into a gorgeous canyon that I'd never been to before- and were rewarded with a sight of a Tufted Flycatcher, a bird from Mexico that has been seen in this canyon for a few years but I just never had a chance to look for it.
Emily, I may have missed it, but where are you heading next?
Helene- it didn't even register with me that everyone's location is on their posts!
04-20-2017, 12:56 PM
I am much better today and I commend myself for not going on that ride! We have more people signed up for our workshop Saturday, and it looks like Sunday will be fine for riding, as the rain will stay south of here.
AZ, I want to sigh after reading your comments. There are so many places in AZ I never saw. Of course, when I moved back here,my DH was amazed at how many places in MA I had not been to. I finally finished that list, about 5 years ago, but I still have plenty in the rest of the New England states.
north woods gal
04-27-2017, 07:39 AM
Been riding my trails on a daily basis and enjoying spring blooming all around me. Then, wake up, this morning, April 27th and, yup, it's snowing. Maybe up to 3", today. So what's a girl to do? Ha! I knew better than to put the fat bike with studded tires away for the summer. Look out snow, here I come. :)
ny biker
04-27-2017, 11:09 AM
Happy anniversary, AZ.
I finally got out and rode again last night. I did a short, least-hills-possible version of my post-work hill route two weeks ago to test my ankle, and it was okay but I felt like I had to stay in a really easy gear. Then I went away for Easter weekend and we had a long rainy stretch, so no rides at all for two weeks. This was probably a good thing since it gave me a chance to strengthen the leg and ankle muscles after wearing the boot last month -- it's still been less than 4 weeks since I stopped wearing it. So last night I did a slightly longer version of the hill route with a little more climbing but no really steep hills. All went well and I was actually able to forget about the ankle, unlike my rides earlier this month. Of course everything else hurt from lack of saddle time -- my quads are like noodles, my sit bones are still not in riding shape and for some reason I was hunching my shoulders for the first half of the ride. And when I looked at my Garmin I found that I'd been riding slower than usual. But there was no pain and afterwards I felt at peace for the first time since I can't remember when.
Oh and I almost forgot -- I start the ride at a community center. While I was in the parking lot getting ready, a class or activity for children must have ended because people started coming out to their cars. I heard a child talking to me and looked up. It was a little girl with Down Syndrome, dressed in a dance outfit. She was with a man, I assume her father, and their car was parked next to mine. Her speech actually wasn't very clear so I had trouble understanding her, but she was obviously very excited about something that that she wanted to tell me about. I was able to understand just enough words to make it seem like I understood -- something happening in July, getting braces and having her hair done. She was really sweet.
04-28-2017, 01:28 PM
Rode today for the first time in almost 2 weeks. Between some horrible viral thing, my back, and rain, it has not been good. But, I rode to work, my big 2.8 miles there, and 2.5 back. On Fridays, I am only there for a short time, so I wear regular clothing when I ride. At 9 am it was 60 and it had rained about an hour earlier. Cool, humid, but smelling beautiful. I was happy. Glad I changed my original plan of cycling in a dress with commuter knickers under, as the roads were still wet. I wore my commuter pants, which look like regular pants and a regular semi-lycra t shirt that is nicer than just a t shirt. I did wear my rain jacket, kind of unzipped, and it was perfect, as the tail of the jacket did get wet and spattered and it was cool enough to wear a jacket. The way home, oy, it was 78 degrees, bright sun, and humid. I was soaked with sweat when I got home, from just the 2.5 miles. But, it was nice.
Going out to western MA tomorrow for 2 days of riding with our friends.
04-28-2017, 01:34 PM
Going out to western MA tomorrow for 2 days of riding with our friends.
Sounds like fun, Crankin, enjoy! Glad your commute went well.
04-29-2017, 02:13 PM
Today we did a pre-ride of a ride our friends are leading in the Amherst area. It was the absolutely flattest 21 miles I've ever ridden. We started on the bike path in Hadley, for about 5 miles and then rode into Sunderland, a little bit in North Amherst, and back to Hadley. Uneventful, humid, but thankfully, cloudy and 80 degrees. Lots of farms and small town stuff until near the end of the ride, where we rode through some suburbia and behind the U Mass campus.
Tomorrow we are doing a hilly ride up to a lookout on the Quabbin Reservoir. It will be cooler, a front is moving through now.
04-30-2017, 05:30 AM
What a nice week (weatherwise) we had. Weather was very warm for time of year. But lots of rain too. So I enjoyed a few rides outside trying to get ready for my 2 upcoming 100km+ challenges.
Friday afternoon I took time off and we rode 42km.... on strong winds. ouch. But I'm impressed by how well I did. The hard work of winter training paid off and it shows. :) It was not a long ride, but with the winds gusting at nearing 40km/h W, it was a good job of pushing against it. :) Today is so cold I think if it was raining, it would snow.
ny biker
04-30-2017, 11:10 AM
I had a great ride yesterday. It was a charity ride that is the first big event of the year for me and many bike club friends. Many planned to ride together. I opted to play it by ear rather than decide in advance on the route distance I wanted. I ended up getting started 10 minutes after the last group of friends left, but figured I might catch up with someone I knew at some point. Sure enough, I caught three friends who were doing 35 miles at roughly my pace, maybe a bit slower, but I was not trying to break any speed records. I rode with them to the end, had a great ride, and as a bonus got a great tip on a local foot and ankle doctor to see for a second opinion. At the post-ride picnic I saw other friends, though not as many as expected. It was 90 and humid so I guess many opted to ride a shorter route and thus finished ahead of me. With no plans for the day I hung out at the picnic to see a few folks who did the longest route at a relatively slow pace. They finished just in time to get food before the picnic closed down. On the way home I stopped at a small independent grocery store that we often use as a reststop and bought some strawberries from a nearby farm. Also bought a smalll picture of a sailboat made by a company on the eastern shore of the Chesapeake. Supporting local businesses FTW.
Overall my ankle felt okay as long as I don't use too high a gear. There is a twinge of pain if I push too hard.
The only problem was saddle-related. I am experimenting with saddle position a bit to try to alleviate some chafing. But, yesterday before the ride I noticed a small lump below the skin in front of one sit bone. It felt like a bruise, with pain when I touched it. But no discoloration of the skin. After the ride I think it was a little bigger. I wasn't really uncomfortable for most of the ride, it basically felt like a normal early season thing where your butt is still adjusting. I'm declaring the saddle position experiment a failure and putting it back where it was before. I've iced the lump a few times but that didn't help. Not sure what to do next. It's on the right side, on the thin bone that's in front of the sit bone and to the left (closer to the crease).
north woods gal
04-30-2017, 02:25 PM
I'm glad to hear that so many are out and riding and enjoying some warm weather. Emily, hang in, there. I'm praying that you will be there, soon.
As for me, we still have some snow showers in the forecast for the upcoming week, but, yup, still ride, no matter what. Some years it seems we just skip spring, altogether, and go from winter and right into summer. This could be one of those years. Been very wet, too. Looks like we'll be more than double our normal April precipitation. My trail conditions are holding up pretty well, though, with the exception of some boggy spots. Ever grateful for the fat bikes, though. They keep me riding, no matter what, and they don't chew up the trail the way skinny bikes do.
04-30-2017, 02:41 PM
I had a great ride today, with an ending that could have been awful, but ended up OK.
We rode from Belchertown, MA (thankfully, we drove to a parking lot and did not start from our friends' house, this was important later) through a couple of other towns, to one of the entrances to the Quabbin Reservoir. Although there is an entrance quite near our friends' home, we took the long route. Sometimes I cannot believe this is the same state I live in. Beautiful rural, roads, a couple of steep climbs, farms, ramshackle trailers and log homes, then RT. 9 and the entrance to the reservoir. Our goal was to climb to the tower, about 1.8 miles, almost 3/4 of it a 5-6% grade climb. I usually don't do these types of climbs, more like steep and short. So, the day started out, about 52 and sunny. I was dressed appropriately, knickers, a sleeveless base layer, vest and arm warmers. Wool socks. However, I was the only who seemed to be a bit concerned there was rain predicted anytime after 1. We got to the climb around 12? I did the climb at about 6 mph, no stress. Turned the corner to the parking area, and up again to the tower. As we sat on a bench overlooking the view, DH's phone went off. Oh, oh weather alert.. rain to begin in 20 minutes. We descended, with no rain, and as soon as we turned onto Rt. 9, it began. We had 4 miles left... first mile, not so bad. The rest, cold rain, picking up, but not torrential. There was a decent shoulder and some downhills, but at least 2 ups. I fell behind DH a little, and I was working hard. Glad I had my base layer and wool socks on. I thought we had longer, and then our friend came up behind me and said, turn here, and voila, we were back at the car. If we had started from their house, it would have been 5 miles of serious climbs in cold, heavy rain.
No hypothermia, I didn't even feel that wet for some reason.
Came back, showered and left to go home around 2:45. A really nice and relaxing weekend.
Here's a pic from the top of the climb:
04-30-2017, 04:39 PM
Emily, hang in, there. I'm praying that you will be there, soon.
Thanks so much, NWG! Very kind of you. It's going to be awhile. I think my thumb fracture is going to keep me off the bike longer than my jaw, even though the injury to my jaw is more significant. But I have to wait until I can shift. It's on the left hand, so not as bad as if it were on the right. If I do a ride in the middle chainring only, I should be fine. But we'd have to get a flatter area for that, first! We're back in NC, and even if I were in shape to ride, I'd need to be able to use all my chainrings with the hills here. I guess since I got to ride all winter, I really can't complain, other than the fact that I hate being injured! Bleh.
Glad others are able to get out, though! Leave it to me to mess myself up right before the best of the riding season. I fractured my pelvis 12 years ago almost to the day in April and messed up that riding season as well!
05-01-2017, 04:01 AM
Emily, keep focused on your recovery. You will be able to walk and do some light hiking before you can ride. Make sure you are eating to promote healing and get lots of sleep!
I predict you will be riding before the end of the summer. Your thumb will heal; you might be able to figure out a way to splint it, in a couple of weeks.
05-01-2017, 04:35 AM
Thanks Crankin! Already doing short walks, though it kind of bothers my jaw, so I keep them short and not too fast. Originally they did splint my thumb, but it was so uncomfortable and awkward (I couldn't do anything, it seemed like, even type), I took it off. The ER doc actually said I could. I am keeping it protected, but like when my DH broke his collarbone, I think the small amount of movement it's getting is probably helpful to keep it from freezing up. That's one of the things I'll be talking to my doctor about on Wed. I hope I don't have to go back to a splint!
I'm eating well -- soft but healthy foods as much as possible, and sleeping as well as usual (i.e., not great but adequate). Taking it easy, reading, etc. Letting my body heal. It kills me not to be able to be more active, but I know this is not the time for that.
05-01-2017, 05:01 AM
I had two medium rides on the weekend- Saturday I went out on Tucson's east side to preview some places we're going next weekend- doing the Tucson Audubon Birdathon to raise money for conservation & habitat- but by bike. I ran into someone I knew at one of the spots- he owns a birding tour company. Then I ran into two women with 7 miniature horses - (2 pulling little carts and the others just tethered to run along behind. They were looking for treats and I shared a carrot cake Clif bar with all the horses (with permission from the owners). By the time I headed home the wind had come up once again!
These aren't great pictures but the horses were pretty cute. ( ( by Sharon Goldwasser (, on Flickr ( ( by Sharon Goldwasser (, on Flickr ( ( by Sharon Goldwasser (, on Flickr
05-01-2017, 05:04 AM
Sunday I did a short ride by myself, came home and met up with a friend for another 20 miles. We hadn't see each other for a month- she recently went back to work (by choice) after quite a while of not working (by choice). We stopped for coffee mid-way. My road bike is in the shop so we didn't go very fast- I was on the Surly. It was a nice day and not as windy as the earlier part of the week.
05-01-2017, 06:00 AM
Those horses are cool, AZ. You see the most interesting things on your rides.
It's cool and dreary this morning. I went to my muscle conditioning class at 5:45 am and then took my time before work. I feel pretty good, keeping the back stuff at bay. The clothes I have at work were not warm enough for today, so no commute. I think I will do my first "dark ride" of the season early tomorrow, although it won't be dark for very long after I start.
Still no riding for me, but I did have an amazing swim yesterday. Just one of those days where you get into the groove and it's completely effortless, just gliding through the water and feeling the muscles slip smoothly beneath the skin.
north woods gal
05-01-2017, 08:05 AM
Thanks so much, NWG! Very kind of you. It's going to be awhile. I think my thumb fracture is going to keep me off the bike longer than my jaw, even though the injury to my jaw is more significant. But I have to wait until I can shift. It's on the left hand, so not as bad as if it were on the right.
Interesting how the smaller injury turns out to be the more serious one for biking. Definitely is, though, in your situation. Don't know if the 1x drive systems (meaning only one chain ring and one shifter on the right) that are no so popular on trail bikes, now, will ever cross over to road bikes, but I love them on the three bikes I have with them. Have always found left hand shifting to be more difficult than right hand shifting. The 1x is a must have for any new bike I buy.
05-01-2017, 11:11 AM
Letting my body heal. It kills me not to be able to be more active, but I know this is not the time for that. excellent approach!!!!!!......good moments in the healing process ftw :)
nwg..1x would also be good for city/commute riding, especially on waking up morning rides with its no front shifting and tight spaced jumps on the freewheel. Fixie attention ftw though :)
Alex needed some hard exercise so I was support for her and a friend on a santa monica mountain ride. I set up a mid ride nutrition/rest break at the top of a long climb in latigo canyon with this view (
At the end of the ride she gave me this smile she does (that makes me want to happy hug)...and just that and with the look in her eyes told me she had a great days ride.
After her ride we did ride together on the flat section of my favorite Carly road ride for my first time in over 4 months. The wild geraniums are in full bloom! ( (
05-01-2017, 01:30 PM
Those Wild Geraniums are amazing, Rebecca! Not sure I've ever seen them.
NWG, totally agree on 1X system I think a lot of we right-handed folks have weaker left hands, so shifting on the right is always gonna be easier. Plus, the jump between cogs is much smaller than the jump between chainrings.
Someone needs to start a May thread. Happy May Day!
05-01-2017, 01:37 PM
I hate you I hate you I hate you... hahahaha Lucky you to be able to ride in such beautiful areas, all the time. Although we have beautiful places, they never come close to where you ride. Thanks for sharing your pics.
Today..we're enjoying a good 50mm of rain. Feels like a dull November day ... Not May 1st.
ny biker
05-01-2017, 02:28 PM
I hate you I hate you I hate you... hahahaha Lucky you to be able to ride in such beautiful areas, all the time. Although we have beautiful places, they never come close to where you ride. Thanks for sharing your pics.
Today..we're enjoying a good 50mm of rain. Feels like a dull November day ... Not May 1st.
Whereas down here it's been July for several days now! Thunderstorms tonight, though, ahead of more spring-like weather.
05-02-2017, 04:29 AM
Well, we had thunderstorms between 4 and 6 AM and it is still raining, so no early AM ride. Thought I might commute, bu I have to leave at 9 and it looks like it will still be raining. It is going to be warm later, so I can take a walk at lunch time and count this as an active rest day.
Group ride tomorrow.
north woods gal
05-02-2017, 08:25 AM
May 2 and some snow showers, here. Someone please send some spring weather, up here.
Had a large tree come crashing down on one of my side trails. Took a lot of sawing and intelligent use of a steel rod to lever the log off the trail, but got it done. May use a smaller section of the log as a log to jump at some point. Hopping logs is a hoot. :)
Was planning on getting another plus sized tire trail bike, this spring, but the only thing it would offer is a bit more speed on the trail, but would definitely not be as good for riding over rocks and logs or riding in the soft stuff. In fact, most of the trails I have built have been designed for fat bike work. Have now been riding fat bikes long enough to have learned how to turn and maneuver them, quick, in tight spots. As always, experience and know-how is a big part of trail riding.
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