View Full Version : Sore sitbones

07-19-2016, 10:28 AM
Can anyone recommend cycling shorts that aren't very padded on the lady bits but more padded on sitbones? I have a good cutout on my saddle so don't need thick padding there, but about 20 miles into a ride, my sitbones start to scream. Suggestions?

07-20-2016, 07:04 PM
I'd rather see what is causing the sore sit-bone pain. What saddle is it? How long have you had the saddle? How good is your overall bike fit? Did you get a professional fitting?

I'd agree! Okay, I haven't had a "professional" fitting, but if my seat's a hair too low...

... tho' I remember the ride that inspired me to write the "Carbon Fiber Blues" song... I took my aluminum Trek on a week long tour ride, and my butt did get sore -- especially that third day when I forgot to top off the tires. Soft tires, soft ride? NOT. That bike I have to be riding faster to be comfortable (because I'm pushing down more and leaning forward more)... better padded shorts might have helped but I got a good song out of it and... now I stick to steel for multi-day rides.

Still, to me, screaming sitbones after 20 miles suggests a fit issue. Can't give advice on shorts (it's usually saddles that have padding there) -- I don't wear 'em usually unless it's >30 miles.

ny biker
07-20-2016, 08:14 PM
I think there are some saddles that cause sit bone pain for a while until you get used to them. Someone wrote about one fairly recently, I think. So it would help to know which saddle Awsmile is using. Also it's important to confirm it's definitely sit bone pain rather than pain on the narrow bones in front of them -- that would indicate a problem with fit or saddle width.

I have also looked for shorts with less padding in front than under the sit bones. The only ones I found were the Gore Oxygen and Xenon. But the difference in thickness between front and back is not that much.

07-24-2016, 04:53 AM
Thanks for the replies! I've had a professional bike fitting, by Fit Squared in Pittsburgh, although I have adjusted the tilt of my saddle a bit, as I tend to slide forward onto the pubic bones if it's level. Muirenn, you suggested a Specialized saddle awhile back, and my Specialized Lithia took care of all the numbness in the lady bits - it is a fantastic saddle for that, and I've been riding it for 6 months. I was measured by a woman fitter for the saddle so should be ok width. I don't have a lot of natural padding over my sitbones, and may move a little differently because of both hips being artificial, though the fitter didn't think that should make a difference. Oddly, when we are riding flat rail trails, I don't feel the sitbones until maybe 35 miles, but we mostly ride roads here in hilly Western PA, and they get sore much sooner. The soreness eases after getting off the bike but I have to do that more frequently as the miles pile up. NY Biker, will try to find those narrow bones - never heard that, but believe it's just the broader sitbones. I thought a different kind of padding might help? Thanks for your thoughts - would love to hear back.

07-29-2016, 09:01 PM
Have you not ridden much in a while? My sitbones scream when I first start riding outdoors after being on the trainer all Winter, since I can't tolerate more than about 90 minutes on the trainer.

As far as shorts go, stay away from the top level Endura short. Their women's chamois is very dense up front and largely eliminates the benefit of the big cutout on my SMP saddles. It's less of an issue on my somewhat more upright CX/gravel bike than it is on my relatively aggressive road bike. My favorite is Sugoi's FXE chamois (in their RSE shorts). It has very dense foam under the sitbones, but thinner, less dense padding up-front.

08-13-2016, 06:08 PM
I do best with Shebeest chamois. I've tried others and always come back to Shebeest. I ride a fairly hard saddle and my sitbones remain happy.