View Full Version : Any riders in Hillsboro, OR?

03-10-2006, 12:53 PM
I am hoping to find someone or a small group of someones to train with. I live in Hillsboro. I just got a new shiny red road bike and I am quite smitten! My goals include racing in some duathlons this summer. I am fairly new to road cycling (read: riding a bike that rolls fast) and look forward to seeing what I can do. But that said—I am out there because it feels good to be out there and because it is fun. I would very much enjoy some company out there on the roads—more friends, more fun!

Availability: most mornings; Tuesday, Thursday, and/or Saturday would be ideal.

Favorite ride: Hagg Lake is fun if you have someone with you; alone it would be scary!

Quick bio: I am almost 34, a mom of a first grader, and studying for ACE personal trainer certification (yes, I *love* working out).

Anyone wanna ride bikes with me?

03-10-2006, 02:12 PM
bluedress -
I wish I could help you out, but I'm on the other side of the country... but hey - there have to be some riders out your way since Team Estrogen is in Hillsboro too!

Welcome to the board - and enjoy your shiny new bike.

--- Denise

03-11-2006, 06:37 PM
Thanks for the nice welcome, Denise! :)

03-14-2006, 01:24 PM
Hi bluedress!

I'm in the Beaverton/Murrayhill area and would love to go on a ride every now and then. I've ridden to Hagg Lake from my house, but then I was too tired to ride around it once I got there. :rolleyes:

The main issues I have are with available time - I work fulltime and go to school fulltime. And the next two weeks are out of the question - it's time for finals! :eek:

Can you do Sundays or Saturday afternoons?

03-14-2006, 03:37 PM

Yes, let's do set up a ride sometime soon. I will be out of town the last weekend of March through the first weekend of April. The husband, kid, and I are taking a whirlwind tour of Texas to see all of our southerly located parents, siblings, and pals; we will need to hang on to our hats for sure!

Weekends are pretty flexible for me so I think we should be able to work something out. April maybe? :D

The first time I rode Hagg Lake we rode from McMenamins in Cornelius. I was stunned stupid by the first hill we encountered as we went around the lake. Then the hills just kept coming...and coming. The next time I went there (just last week) I *drove* there and went around the lake twice and could have gone more if time had allowed. I think it helped that I knew what to expect after the first time. Also, my legs are in better shape now, too. It is a fun ride. 10 mile loop. Rolling hills, some on the longer side, but none that steep.

Best of luck on your finals!

03-14-2006, 03:40 PM
My goals include racing in some duathlons this summer.

Scratch that--I am going TRI! Bring it *all* on!

03-15-2006, 10:54 AM
Weekends are pretty flexible for me so I think we should be able to work something out. April maybe? :D
Sounds like a good plan, let's plan on April then. It will be good to get out and do some longer rides, lately I've either been a) not riding much or b) 5-10 mile commute type stuff.

I think it helped that I knew what to expect after the first time. Also, my legs are in better shape now, too. It is a fun ride. 10 mile loop. Rolling hills, some on the longer side, but none that steep.
Yeah, you're probably in a lot better shape now than when you first attempted it. I was reading your intro post - if you've done the MS150 that route will probably look a whole lot different in retrospect. :)

What kind of pace do you usually keep? I have always thought of myself as a bit on the pokey side, but I was always plodding along on mountain bikes with slick tires. Now my brand new Orbea seems to make me ride much faster. The end of ride computer avg is still usually right around 15mph, but I find myself ramping up to higher speeds occasionally. And I'm missing my granny gears, but I'll get over that.

03-15-2006, 12:07 PM
We ought to be a good match then—my avg. around Hagg Lake last week was ~15mph. I rode up Springville (from 185th to Skyline) this past Sunday and my pace was not so "speedy"—avg. was 12.5 mph—I am not sure how it counted my utter lack of pedaling on the way down Old German Town :eek: in that avg. I have to work on my low gear pedaling so that may slow me a bit—need to learn to use bike efficiently and not grind all the way through my rides.

No granny gears? Did you go with a compact double or standard double crank? After much fretting I went with the standard double. We will see how just how machismo I really am.

But, yes, I look forward to riding together.

03-15-2006, 01:12 PM
We ought to be a good match then—my avg. around Hagg Lake last week was ~15mph. I rode up Springville (from 185th to Skyline) this past Sunday and my pace was not so "speedy"—avg. was 12.5 mph—I am not sure how it counted my utter lack of pedaling on the way down Old German Town :eek: in that avg. I have to work on my low gear pedaling so that may slow me a bit—need to learn to use bike efficiently and not grind all the way through my rides.
So you're bit of a masher eh? I've been getting better at spinning, otherwise my knees start talking to me. I can get going pretty fast on flats (even up to 20 if I'm really cranking and there's a nice tailwind ;) ) but then I'll hit a hill and bam! Down to 7mph.

No granny gears? Did you go with a compact double or standard double crank? After much fretting I went with the standard double. We will see how just how machismo I really am.
I've got a Shimano triple in front, but it's all relative you see. I was used to riding on mountain bikes with very low grannies where I could just drop down to the bottom 1-2 gears and creep up a really bad stretch of hill. Now I have to be in better shape to spin in bottom gear.

I'm not sure I'm quite up to starting this ride from home at the moment (I've got a case of winterbutt going on) but since it's only a 10 mile loop maybe we should start somewhere away from the lake to add a little extra mileage. There's a good hill to climb to get up to the lake. How far is it from the McMenamins? (Sounds like a good post-ride place to land, if you ask me! :) )

Susan Otcenas
03-22-2006, 07:27 AM
Bluedress, Dianyla,

Are you on the CycleOregon Yahoogroups e-list? If not, you should be. :) All local riders, most if not all of whom have done CO at least once. Seems like just about every weekend someone cobbles together a group ride. EVERYONE is welcome, regardless of speed. We usually regroup alot. This past weekend, we did a 50-miler that had two out-and-back climbing segments. That was great, because when the slower riders saw the faster riders on the way back down, we just turned around and rejoined the group on the descent. Everyone had a great time.

It's a really friendly group of people - you should come on out! We often ride on the west side. Last weekend's ride started at Sweet Oregon Grill and went out to North Plains, up Old Pumpkin Ridge, out Dairy Creek and back to S.O.G.

You can find the yahoogroups list here: http://groups.yahoo.com/search?query=cycleoregon I should also mention that although the group's stated "purpose" on yahoo is "for cyclists and emergent cyclists who have signed up for the CycleOregon organized cycle ride". But in reality, the group hardly ever talks about C.O.


03-22-2006, 08:05 AM
Thanks, Susan. I requested to be added to the group. Now I will just have to work on building the nerve to show up to a group ride with the feeling that I am the only one who doesn't know anybody:eek:. (It is amazing how some things are no easier as an adult than they were as a kid.) ~Marca

03-22-2006, 12:44 PM
Hi Susan, thanks for posting this! I'm signed up now. :)

Now I will just have to work on building the nerve to show up to a group ride with the feeling that I am the only one who doesn't know anybody:eek:.
Yah, no kidding! I feel exactly the same way. :rolleyes:

03-22-2006, 02:28 PM
Maybe we can show up together...safety in numbers u know. ;)

03-22-2006, 03:25 PM
Maybe we can show up together...safety in numbers u know. ;)

Maybe you can relate to this sentiment since I know you also just bought a new fancy bike... When I was riding beater bikes I always felt like a wannabe and now that I've got a nice bike I feel like such a poseur! (or, wouldn't that be poseuse?) :rolleyes:

03-22-2006, 03:27 PM
Are you on the CycleOregon Yahoogroups e-list? If not, you should be. :)
Uhoh - apparently I'm not worthy! My request to join was denied. :eek:

Susan Otcenas
03-22-2006, 03:34 PM

The moderator of that forum just posted - he didn't intend to deny you. It was a glitch!! Please read his post below, and re-apply.

Marca, I think yours went through fine.


Hey Folks!

Something strange seems to be happening with new member applications - particularly where there are twoto approve at one time .

The first time, there were two new apps, but only one made it through the system to become a member. The other was lost. When the lost applicant tried again (thankfully!), it went through ok. I first assumed that the problem was my doing - having hit the wrong button during my approval process.

But now, I am not so sure - as it may have happened again - this time with Diane and Marca.

Having been burned once, I made sure that I hit the correct button. However, as of this writing, Diane's membership has not been processed by Yahoo.

So - Diane, (or Susan, since you may have to contact her - I don't have her email address) if you don't receive a confirmation email or any other indication by this time tomorrow, please apply again.

In the meantime, if it does get through the system, I will let everyone know via a "reply" to this posting.


Susan Otcenas
03-22-2006, 03:36 PM
Oh, I should mention that he knows who you are because I told the list members to wecome the two of you! Several people have said hi already, so once you get on, you should read through today's posts on yahoo. :)

03-22-2006, 03:40 PM
The moderator of that forum just posted - he didn't intend to deny you. It was a glitch!! Please read his post below, and re-apply.
Phew! I wasn't sure whether to stalk off in an indignant huff or just chuckle about it! :p

ETA: I just reapplied. And sacrificed a live chicken.

03-22-2006, 03:42 PM

Does this mean we are on our way to becoming "real" bikers now? :D


Susan Otcenas
03-24-2006, 10:56 AM
Wow, they're really laying it on thick. You both should be honored!

As a bit of background - we have a group we call "Team Bag Balm". They're (in)famous on CycleOregon.


03-24-2006, 12:55 PM
Thicker than cow patties in an over-grazed field. I'm lovin' it! (My dad has a propensity for puns so it feels just like home!)

I look forward to meeting all the good people behind the posts when I get back from Texas (will be gone through next weekend).

Yes, I am intrigued by the so-called "Team Bag Balm." Was wondering if I needed to go out and buy some or something. ;)


03-24-2006, 07:28 PM
This is too funny! Definitely looking forward to going on some of the rides, and it's nice to see that many of them are westside/washington county area. :)

03-24-2006, 09:54 PM
I live in Beaverton and just bought a new Trek WSD 5.0 Pilot. Would love to find some gals out there for some local rides weekends/early afternoons. New to biking, have one guy pal to ride with so far and looking forward to getting into this sport.

03-25-2006, 06:38 AM
Welcome, Lisa! Glad to have you here--both on the board and in the Beaverton/Hillsboro area!

We have a nice little local group going here now--and I may have a pair of pals from my spin class to add to the pot, too. Each of us starry-eyed with new bikes. This will be quite fun! :D

Everyone have an excellent week and we will make plans when I get back from Texas--can we shoot for the weekend of April 8/9?

(Speaking of that trip south...guess I'd better go pack for it.)

Susan Otcenas
03-25-2006, 11:21 AM
So, Jeff & I headed out this morning with a group of 4 others, leaving from the Sweet Oregon Grill parking lot in Hillsboro. We went west on West Union, turned right on Helvetia, went past the tavern and then did Jackson Quarry & Mason Hill. The intent from there was to continue out Shady Brook, into North Plains, then go up Dairy Creek and back.

But for Jeff & I, it wasn't to be. Today we were on the tandem, and while climbing Jackson Quarry we heard the unmistakable twang of a spoke breaking on the real wheel. Crap, that's the second one in just a few months.

So, we ended up heading back, ending up with all of 18 miles today. :( Bummer. Now I need to take that wheel into the Bike Gallery. I think it would be easiest to have it rebuilt, rather than just getting another new spoke and risking another break.

Lisa - welcome! Are you enjoying your new Pilot?? Jeff has the Pilot 5.2, and another friend just bought the exact same model as you have. Sweet bike!


04-07-2006, 03:58 PM
Bump! :o

Everyone have an excellent week and we will make plans when I get back from Texas--can we shoot for the weekend of April 8/9?
This weekend is a little tricky for me. I can't ride before 1pm tomorrow Saturday, and Sunday is blocked off. Anyone want to do Saturday afternoon?

Or, we could shoot for next weekend 4/15-4/16. I can do Saturday afternoon or any time Sunday. FYI, Sunday is Easter. That's not a problem for me but I understand it might be for others.

The weekend of 4/22-4/23 I'm out of town. 4/29-4/30 is good for me, same deal (Sat afternoon or anytime Sun).

04-07-2006, 05:21 PM
I will think about things over dinner...be back in a few hours. ~Marca

04-07-2006, 05:23 PM
I will think about things over dinner...be back in a few hours. ~Marca
Cool, I'll check back later tonight. :)

04-07-2006, 07:26 PM
Ok...stuffed and back...:p

The weather forecast has me reluctant to commit to this Saturday afternoon. I can ride through drizzle...but not so sure about "showers."

Saturday: Occasional rain then rain showers. Probability of measurable precipitation 80 percent. South wind 10 mph. High 57.

But let's commit to next weekend. Saturday is my "scheduled" long bike day; goal is 2:00-2:30 long ride or 30-40 miles. (Sunday is the long run day; it is not so long yet, but I'm working on it). But if the weather sifnificantly favors Sunday for riding I am flexible.



04-07-2006, 07:58 PM
The weather forecast has me reluctant to commit to this Saturday afternoon. I can ride through drizzle...but not so sure about "showers."
Oh, I hadn't actually looked at the forecast. :p

But let's commit to next weekend. Saturday is my "scheduled" long bike day; goal is 2:00-2:30 long ride or 30-40 miles. (Sunday is the long run day; it is not so long yet, but I'm working on it). But if the weather sifnificantly favors Sunday for riding I am flexible.
That sounds great. Since posting last I took a slightly longer route home from work and my knees are getting a little whiny after this one hill. Maybe resting this weekend is a good thing, I still haven't totally recovered from my work/school commute day on Wednesday. I'm so out of shape.

04-13-2006, 12:02 PM
Hokay... if you thought last weekend's weather was icky, this weekend is definitely worse. Looks like solid rain and chilly all weekend.

So... um... not to be wimpy and all... but...

*glances at the PI amfib tights and shower's pass rainjacket in closet and knows she has no good excuse for wimping out*


How about Sunday? :rolleyes:

Susan Otcenas
04-13-2006, 12:14 PM
I could be up for a ride on Sunday. What kind of distance are thinking about?


04-13-2006, 12:18 PM
I would get in 30-40 miles...anyone got a cattle prod?
~Texas Girl

04-13-2006, 01:17 PM
I could probably survive 40-50, but it wouldn't be pretty. I'd be happier with 30-40 at this point in the season. I'm still battling a bad case of winterbutt. :rolleyes:

Shall we crosspost on the CO group? Susan, what is the typical migration speed of the Herd, anyway?

Susan Otcenas
04-13-2006, 01:29 PM
Herd speed depends on who shows up. But no one is ever left for lost. We regroup alot and are very social. If someone shows up for a herd ride, they kinda know it won't be a hammerfest.

But it's up to you two really. How well do you know the roads west of here? I can cobble together a pretty good 30-40 mile ride of mostly flat/rolling low traffic roads from here out towards forest grove and back.

04-13-2006, 01:41 PM
But it's up to you two really. How well do you know the roads west of here? I can cobble together a pretty good 30-40 mile ride of mostly flat/rolling low traffic roads from here out towards forest grove and back.
Well, we could do the McMenamins-Hagg Lake loop, I have never done that before but it looks nice.

I usually amble around more in the southwestern part of Washington County - last year I was doing this 40-mile loop (http://www.gmap-pedometer.com/?r=91276) over Bald Peak (which has a long slow 4 mile ascent with a very short steep (17%) descent into Laurelwood). My old riding partner and I used to start from and end at the Murrayhill Starbucks because we both live nearby, but I wouldn't mind a start/endpoint that's further out which would shorten the ride. There's also the little cafe at the corner of River Road and Farmington that has good slop food. :D But I certainly wouldn't mind something a little flatter. :)

What do you have in mind, Susan? I'm always falling into the same rut over and over when it comes to routes so I'd certainly love to try something new.

Susan Otcenas
04-13-2006, 01:54 PM
Yeah, I get in a rut sometimes too, but fortunately it's a scenic rut :) We could go out Helvetia Road past the tavern and ride Mason Hill, Jackson Quarry, Shady Brook , though North Plains, out Mountaindale (option ride partway out dairy creek) then keep going out Mountaindale, over Dersham road to Roy. Maybe loop out into Forest Grove then south from there out fern hill, golf course road, tongue road area, and loop around back into Hillsborough via the Farmington and that road over by the other golf course (can't remember it's name but you end up approaching TV Hwy via 229th). There's all sorts of options for shortening it up if anyone gets tired. Could be fun, and it's mostly flat. There's a hill going up Jackson Quarry, but it's not long and the descent down Mason Hill is wicked fun.

Whaddaya think?

04-13-2006, 02:03 PM
You ladies tell me when and where to meet you and I am there. I will ride anywhere--would just be happy to not have to route it--I would get us SO lost (the "why I ride in loops"--HA!). :D

I am across the creek from the TE HQ.


04-13-2006, 02:36 PM
Ooh, it's been forever since I drove along Helvetia road and I love it out there! I could even wear my edelweiss jersey with the cowbells on it (well, under my raincoat that is). I like Susan's ride route.

When/where to meet? (oh please, not earlier than 9am, I am soooo not a morning person)

ETA: I'll bring the oars.

Susan Otcenas
04-13-2006, 02:42 PM
How about 10 am. It *is* only 30-40 miles, so it's not like we'll have darkness to worry about.

We could me here at TE HQ (good opportunity for last minute bathroom breaks). Or we could avoid the "town" traffic and meet in the parking lot at West Union Elementary School (corner W. Union & Helvetia Rd).

I'm flexible. I usually drive home on Friday night, instead of riding, so my bike will most likely be here in the office. I'll need to come here anyway, so I'll probably ride from here regardless of where we meet up.

Diana, I know this is a convenient meeting spot for Marca. Is it OK for you?

04-13-2006, 02:50 PM
Diane, I know this is a convenient meeting spot for Marca. Is it OK for you?
Yep, it works for me, I've been out there several times before to the computer hardware store a few doors down. And 10am is just peachy! :)

Now, let's all hope that this weather system moves through quicker than expected. And if not, well, we're going anyway dangit! :cool:

Susan Otcenas
04-13-2006, 02:51 PM
Do you mean ENU? We're in the same building, just on the opposite side. Our suite # is 220.

04-13-2006, 02:52 PM
Right on! Or should I say RIDE ON! :) Groovy all the way! ~Marca

04-13-2006, 02:54 PM
Yeah, I think that's what they're called (they were something else before, I seem to recall). Funky, cheap little place.

ETA: BTW, that's actually how I found Team Estrogen. Or rather, my ManFriend found it. He runs his own computer/network support business and picks up a lot of hardware there. He came back from a trip saying "oh, there's this bike store I think you might be interested in". :D

ETA2: Hey, it'll be an Easter Chick Ride! :)

04-15-2006, 01:12 PM
Um...uh...I think it might be a bit too wet and chilly for me to enjoy a ride tomorrow morning...:o...am I being too wimpy?

Susan Otcenas
04-15-2006, 01:17 PM
Pretty crappy out there right now, isn't it? The rain is coming down at quite an angle. :(

How 'bout we rendezvous here in the forum at 8am tomorrow morning and see how everyone's feeling about it. I'd rather not ride if it's pissing down rain, but I don't mind a few drizzles and clouds. I have good rain gear. :D


04-15-2006, 01:22 PM
8am check-in sounds good. ~Marca

04-15-2006, 03:31 PM
It's not looking so bad at the moment... it comes and goes. Very springlike - one minute it's a hint of a sunbreak and the next it's drizzling and the next it's dripping hard.

I'm fine with an 8am "possible bailout" check-in. But I'd still rather ride anyway - got the rain gear and I oughta use it.

04-15-2006, 04:22 PM
...just a little one...some of the time...;)

I have a rain jacket, no rain pants tho, so only good for misting rain...

I think the rain combined with the cold is what has me nervous--I was very uncomfortable outside today...

Showers 44°F
Feels like: 38°F Rain: 50% Wind: From S 11 mph
Showers 46°F
Feels like: 40°F Rain: 50% Wind: From S 12 mph
Showers 48°F
Feels like: 43°F Rain: 50% Wind: From S 12 mph

But I am not bailing yet. ;) (I may have that Texas love for warm sun in my blood, but I also gots me a quite a bit of Texas bull-headedness in there, too.)

Dreaming of bright warm sunshine on my skin. ~Marca

Each of you having a good weekend so far?

04-15-2006, 07:43 PM
Well there was a big ol' SUNBREAK this evening so maybe there's hope! :)

Marca, I do have a pair of old, beat up REI cycling rain pants, I haven't been using them so much since I got the PI AmFib tights. You're more than welcome to borrow them tomorrow (I'm a size 8-10 on the bottom and they're still roomy).

Weekend's going ok so far. I managed to successfully adjust my front derailleur after much wailing and gnashing of teeth, but it's working right again. And I've eaten too much Easter Candy, which means that I absolutely must ride tomorrow. ;)

Susan Otcenas
04-16-2006, 07:01 AM
OK, some patchy blue skies in Beaverton. Looks much more promising than yesterday. I'm up for our ride. Ladies?

Marca, I have an extra pair of Gore pants I can bring along, too.


04-16-2006, 07:03 AM
OK, some patchy blue skies in Beaverton. Looks much more promising than yesterday. I'm up for our ride. Ladies?
I'm in! Easter Chicks Ride is a Go! :p

04-16-2006, 07:06 AM
Will I be warm enough with a DRI FIT LS shirt, LS jersey, and my rain jacket?

I am torn becuase I have been looking forward to today but it is a little cooler than I was hoping and my daughter is bellowing germies all over the place with a nasty cough--I don't want to increase my chances of catching whay she has.



04-16-2006, 07:09 AM
Will I be warm enough with a DRI FIT LS shirt, LS jersey, and my rain jacket?
Unless it's really cold I'm almost always comfy with a single wicking layer under a raincoat. More importantly, do you have long tights for your legs?

Susan Otcenas
04-16-2006, 07:10 AM
I think 3 layers will be plenty. Just be sure you keep your head and hands warm. Especially your head - you lose mucho body heat from your head. Do you have a skull cap or helmet cover?

04-16-2006, 07:11 AM
Yeah, I do. And I have rain booties, head warmer, fingers will be cold but after they go numb-it won't matter--HA! ;)

04-16-2006, 07:23 AM
Ha! Fingers! Who needs fingers! The legs are doing all the work!

Oh wait, you wanted to brake? :eek:

04-16-2006, 07:24 AM
Why we wear helmets, right?

04-16-2006, 07:27 AM
OK. I am not one to turn away from a challenge...or miss a good time. Yesterday's challenge was running on a treadmill for 6 miles (and it turned out not to be so bad). Since I trust you ladies that I will be sufficiently equipped, today's challenge will be to not let the weather win. I am in. See you at 10am. (If you think gore pants will be necessary, I would love to borrow some.)

04-17-2006, 03:32 PM
And the weather rewards the faithful! I think we managed to hit the only 2 hours of sunshine right on the nose yesterday. Burning a whole chunk o' calories right before the Easter pigout was also pretty cool... Definitely enjoyed the group ride, let's do it again sometime!

Marca - I kept picturing you as a "blue bike/wardrobe" person (like me) because of your username. With that hot lipstick red bike maybe you should change your identity to reddress? :p

04-17-2006, 07:18 PM
Normally, I AM a black (mostly) and blue (sometimes) kind of gal. The bike only came in red tho and well, u gotta match the clothes to bike, right? :D

But blueDRESS is still a slight misnomer. One would be hard pressed to catch me in a dress these days. It is a name of a Depeche Mode song.

~the Girl Noir

04-17-2006, 08:05 PM
Ahhh, makes sense! I quite agree with you on many points... my wardrobe is about 60% black, 30% blue, and 10% silver or brilliant red. And Violator is still my fave DM album. :D

06-19-2006, 06:22 PM
*sloooowly raises hand*

I'm in Hillsboro. Well... sorta. I live out near the intersection of Farmington and River Rd.

I'm mostly a mtn biker, but I'll take my chances with road riding more once I stick some semi-slicks on my bike.

Wondering... what LBS would you guys most reccomend in the area?

06-20-2006, 06:10 PM
.....long time no visit! My bad cuz I sure could have used y'all's encouragement to get off my lazy butt and ride early this spring.

I'm in Hillsboro near the court house downtown and would love to have someone to ride with. I also have Tuesday morning open if that's still good for you bluedress? Weekends are open as are most evenings, just give me a shout and I promise to keep checking here daily!

