View Full Version : Important Safety Tip

03-08-2006, 12:37 PM
While both v8 and chocolate milk may be excellent recovery drinks on their own, consuming large quantities of both (first chugging one and then the other) immediately after a very hard ride in which you pretty much bonked can make you feel EXTREMELY barfy.

03-08-2006, 12:42 PM
Thanks for sharing.

Barfy. Is that a medical term?

03-08-2006, 12:53 PM
Did you get to ride your fifty miler today MP? I'm envious if you did!


03-08-2006, 01:02 PM
While both v8 and chocolate milk may be excellent recovery drinks on their own, consuming large quantities of both (first chugging one and then the other) immediately after a very hard ride in which you pretty much bonked can make you feel EXTREMELY barfy.
Thanks for the tip...barfy is no bueno. ;)

03-08-2006, 02:16 PM
While both v8 and chocolate milk may be excellent recovery drinks on their own, consuming large quantities of both (first chugging one and then the other) immediately after a very hard ride in which you pretty much bonked can make you feel EXTREMELY barfy.

What made you think those two can be drunk together anyway? Just thinking chugging one then the other makes me "barfy"! :(

03-08-2006, 02:40 PM
Just thinking of chugging V8 makes me barfy.:o

03-08-2006, 02:56 PM
Did you get to ride your fifty miler today MP? I'm envious if you did!


I did it yesterday. 65 miles, 5000 feet of climbing. Out to McClure Beach and the lighthouse at Pt. Reyes. Although it wasn't long, this was one of the top ten hardest rides I have ever done because the conditions were absolutely miserable. It rained only briefly, but the headwinds were so strong I needed a granny gear to go 11 mph on the flats. Then there were side gusts of wind that made the bike almost impossible to control. (One of the few things that give me trouble with the flat spoked wheels.)

This was a Class A mental toughness ride. Plus, there's no water and nothing was open, so I had to take a detour to Drakes Beach (another climb) to get icky water out of a hose bib.

So by the time I was done with the ride, I had these crazy cravings for v8 and chocolate milk and went a little overboard. Plus the mental image of what chocolate milk and v8 look like didn't help either... :p

03-08-2006, 03:00 PM
What made you think those two can be drunk together anyway? Just thinking chugging one then the other makes me "barfy"! :(

It was a bonk-induced craving thing. Totally not rational. :(

03-08-2006, 03:30 PM
V8 and Chocolate milk? Ewwwwwww. The imagery of them mixed even before you drink it....

03-08-2006, 03:39 PM
I bet Veronica's 5th graders would like to hear all the gritty details.:D

03-08-2006, 04:56 PM
Ha! We're studying the human body now. We've talked about boogers, poop and vomit the last few days. :D


03-08-2006, 05:00 PM
Ha! We're studying the human body now. We've talked about boogers, poop and vomit the last few days. :D


Hmmm. "the last few days"? I am betting these kids have been talking about those things WAY longer than that!!! But nice that you're talking about it all in class. My daughter's class is on electricity - blah. I think she'd prefer your class! (Although she's really a rock person. Not like your bicycle load rocks but she loves collecting interesting rocks!)

03-08-2006, 05:48 PM
Just thinking of chugging V8 makes me barfy.:o

Throw a little vodka in there and it's tolerable :D

03-08-2006, 05:54 PM
Throw a little vodka in there and it's tolerable :D
Mmmmm, a little celery salt and some worcestershire sauce. :p

03-08-2006, 06:16 PM
If there's vodka, it better be with lemon-infused simple syrup. Why waste it on vegetables?

03-08-2006, 06:20 PM
Queen Mmmmm, a little celery salt and some worcestershire sauce. :p

.....with chocolate milk?? :confused: looks for the "barfy" smilie

03-08-2006, 06:36 PM
Hmmm. "the last few days"? I am betting these kids have been talking about those things WAY longer than that!!!

Ha! You're right. I should have said, I've been talking about those things and why they are important, not just gross. :p


03-09-2006, 11:40 AM
Barfy: sounds like a Great name for a dog! Thanks!

03-09-2006, 03:42 PM
Barfy: sounds like a Great name for a dog! Thanks!

Or a new name for one of Veronica's rocks!;)