View Full Version : Ring Those Rusty Bells

12-19-2015, 08:54 AM
My beloved Hebb Electric-Bike that has often rescued me from the vagaries of arthritis is very ill, and possibly experiencing multiple organ failure. Leaving my other two bikes sulking in the garage, I did a grocery run today and had to administer CPR on the last mile coming home to the Hebb.
Poor little thing wheezed and whined terribly up the very small hill and could only muster about 3 mph of power. I was forced to pedal really hard with no assist, so we were BOTH wheezing and whining and threatening multiple organ failure.
Hopefully I can get up to Hybrid Cycles, Electric Bikes in West Chester, PA during the first week of January for repairs or ... gasp ... a peaceful interment and replacement. Not that Hebbie can ever be replaced...
With great shame I admit that before Hebbie even has flatlined, my head has been turned by a green-eyed slinky sultry tall drink called Pedego Cargo Stretch.
The funeral will be a private affair for family, dogs, and bikes and I will atone for my transgressions.
In lieu of flowers please be kind to all homeless, rusty, traded-in and abandoned bicycles and ring their little bells as you pass by.

12-19-2015, 12:24 PM
Your electric bike may have a corroded connection inside the motor or broken connection in the Hall-Sensor. So I wouldn't give up hope. Or it could be just one or two burnt out powerFet. Techie stuff but it shouldn't be too bad.

I'm sure a good e-bike mechanic can fix.

I hope it gets fixed quickly.

ny biker
12-20-2015, 04:42 PM
That Pedrego bike does look nice.

Looks like they're not making Hebbs anymore, though parts are still available so a mechanic should still have a chance at fixing yours.. if you want it fixed.., ;)

12-20-2015, 07:12 PM
Yes, Hebb is no longer manufactured.

I'm going to be upgrading very soon to the Pedego Cargo Stretch which is a thing of beauty and functionality. Here is a video overview.

12-20-2015, 08:14 PM
I'm going to be upgrading very soon to the Pedego Cargo Stretch which is a thing of beauty and functionality.

there are lots of e-cargo bikes/trikes being used in europe now. not only individuals but in paris fedex, ups, dhl and lots of small delivery companies use them. they see both the advantages of a green alternative and a good financial business model. wishing more people in the u.s., especially businesses in urban areas, would see that too. there are beginning to be some good examples/models with b-line (http://b-linepdx.com) in portland oregon and a few others....and as you know it also leads individuals to healthier lifestyles!!!

enjoy the pedego!!!!!!!

12-21-2015, 04:59 PM
Bike Friday's relatively new cargo bike, the Haul-a-Day, also has an electronic assist option. Although I'd prefer to use my own power to ride, I can definitely see times when that would come in really handy with cargo, especially in hilly terrain.
