View Full Version : IM training.. will it ever end?!

Running Mommy
03-05-2006, 07:10 PM
Uhh.. Yeah.. April 9th. Just over a month away! YIKES!!:eek:
Ok, so I apologize in advance to all of you that are going "oh, yeah so she's doing an IM, big deal, do we REALLY want to hear about it?!".. If this is you, then close this post and go on to the next one. Because this post will be really boring to you with all my funny little details. But to Tracy, Lise, and Melisa- who I call MM,and the others, here is the breakdown of my life this past week....

Coming off a hundred mile saturday I usually try to take it easy, but seeing as how the big game is coming on quick, well.. I didn't. Except for my Saturday ride. The plan was to do two laps of the bike course, but I had some babysitting issues so I could only do one. I felt like a total slacker on saturday because I only rode for 2 hours! :p
Anyway, here is my take on the course. First off, glad I won't have to ride w/ cars whizzing by. For the most part there are no bike lanes, and then when you do have one on the beeline it's like riding on a freeway. Well, it pretty much *is* a freeway.. sigh..:rolleyes:
I have found the road that I think I'm going to have the most mental problems with, it's McKellips. I told my husband "if you want to put any signs up for me on the bike course- THIS would be the road for it". Just a long flat stretch, but there was something about it. Also it had alot of nasty pavement- frost heaves and such. Mc Dowell had what felt like cobbles it was so bad, but it was only a small stretch. I actually liked the beeline. I expected more junk on the road, but there wasn't that much debris. I 've certainly seen alot worse. Of course they do sweep the course, so it should be fine come 4/9. All in all a VERY flat course. Compared to what I ride up here it's nothing. I was pleasantly surprised. I thought the beeline had a steeper grade to it. But I'm not complaining!:D
Since I had such a weenie day yesterday I decided to run today as well. Today is usually my day to lounge around so my body - and mind- just could not get going this morning. By the time I got out for my run at 9:30 am the sun was blazing. This and the fact that my fuel belt did not have enough fluid in it to get me through the heat made me cut the run short. I managed 10 miles, but wanted to do more.. My run training has not been where I want it to be, but my hammy has been barking at me, so it is what it is. I'm going to try to get out early wednesday morning and do at least 15, but hopefully 18. I really need a long one. My friend Kil who I consider the guru of all things endurance, has advised me to not run longer than 3 hours. He reasons that your body just doesn't have time to recover w/ all the other training. Well that is only 15 miles for me... I hope he's right..:confused: He reminded me that one thing I do have going for me is my 4 marathons under my belt. As he put it "after 15 miles your just going to be hanging on anyway, it's not like a stand alone mary where your trying to hit a certain time". Like I said, I hope he's right... sigh... ugh... :confused:
So on I go. Two weeks to taper! All hail the taper! And Thursday I have floor seats to see Bon Jovi. Their music got me through a really bad marathon in 02, and the concert is a month to the day from the big dance, so I feel like there is something there. hmm.. I know- I'm silly like that! :D
Tracy will see me at mile 21 of the marathon belting out "bounce" from BJ!! ha ha ha 'bounce bounce, nothings gonna get me down, bounce bounce, stand up and shout it out, bounce bounce, I play hard, I play to win, count me out, count me in, I'll be bouncing back again".. :D
Oh- one more thing. I just got an email from IMNA asking if I wanted to go do a talk to elementary school kids about IM and such. They want me to take my bike and wetsuit and everything. Of course I emailed right away that I would LOVE to do it!! So hopefully they pick me. (cross fingers) the class also is encouraged to track you online or go down and cheer you on. That would be soo cool!!
Ok, so here we go.. My past week in a nutshell. When I just looked at it I realized I didn't take a day off?! So tomorrow I shall give the bod a much needed REST!:)

Monday: 30 min swim. Did 40 laps in :26, then drilled balance; 5 mile run in :55
Tuesday: root canal! Rode trainer for 40 mins trying out new saddle
Wednesday: Ride one hour- beautiful weather! Swim 80 laps in :53- this used to take me an hour! Whoo hoo! I'm getting a wee bit faster
Thursday: 10 mile run in 1:57 then walked to make it two hours, hammy spoke up at 9.5 miles; 47 min ride. Had to get outside for a ride, it was too gorgeous out. Rode 11 miles then picked up Spencer at school. Talked to kids about my bike.
Friday: 2.4 mi swim- 160 laps! YIKES! 1:50. Very hard, shoulder sore at halfway point. Had to push to gut that one out.
Saturday: One loop of IMAZ course- well part of one loop 29.2 miles in 2 hours including traffic light stops. Forgot gps so had to drive it after to see how far we rode! DOH!:p
Sunday: 10 mile run. Hot, first three miles were uphill. Called it my own "uphill grind" in the spirit of coach troy!:D

Ok, thats it.. wheewww. If you made it this far- CONGRATS! Your an Iron reader! ha ha ha ha:D
Y'all have a GREAT week!!

03-05-2006, 07:19 PM
Denise! You are an iron-trainer! I hope you notice my new signature line--I was listening to that song while running, and put it up here in your honor.

It snowed here today--beautiful, wet, clean snow. It'll be gone by tomorrow afternoon. I'm going for a not-too-long run tomorrow AM with a friend. I've got my Nordic shoes, which have turned out to be great for running in the snow. Waterproof, with good treads.

Not that I know anything about it, but it makes sense to me not to run more than 3 hr at a pop in training. You're going to push through it at the race--it's not like you're going to say, "Oh, I'm at mile 21. I can't run any farther than this!" :p So honor your body, and listen to smart people who know.

I am not going to be able to come and cheer for you in person--just can't find anyone who can switch with me for that call shift. So, in between birthin' babies, I'll be checking in on you on the computer!

Keep it up girl, the taper is coming :D L.

03-05-2006, 08:40 PM
Hey Denise,

Great job this week... in spite of the fact that you seem disappointed in some of your distances, you did fabulous! I think your guru is probably right; after a certain point your bod doesn't need any more beatin'. You already know you can run a marathon and I'm sure the surge of finishing the IM will get you any extra "umph" you may need... you're awesome! You have made good progress w/the swimming too... you'll be ready, that's for sure! Is the hamstring getting any better (you mentioned it but didn't say whether its staying the same or improving)?

I'm glad to hear you got a chance to go over the bike route; its not good when you get hit with a surprise on an unknown course... now you know... PIECE OF CAKE!

I'll send more tomorrow, I'm about to fall over ;) (a feeling I'm sure you know nothin' about huh? :D ) We're supposed to get some rain after lunch tomorrow so I'm gonna try to get a teensy bike ride in; now that I'm "officially" training for the events I'm signed up for... ugh!

Have a great week!!!!


ps. Lise, sorry you won't be able to make it - I'll cheer extra on your behalf!

03-06-2006, 06:19 AM
RM - You had a LONG week last week! I'm looking at your training and thinking, holy crap, what did I get myself into?! :eek: I really appreciate you posting your weeks like that so I can get a feel for the volume. Thank you!

I agree with your friend, Kil, on the long run distance. I have heard the very same thing, and I agree that the fact that you've actually done a few marathons before is a big bonus and puts you ahead of the game. You should do really well on the run because you'll know what to expect. I heard some statistic once that there is some high percentage of IM attempters who have never run the full distance before. I've done 4, and I decided I needed one more "under my belt" to try things out - nutrition, pacing, etc - prior to IM. I'm hoping it works! Its great that the bike course is flat!! You'll be able to get into a good rhythm with those long stretches and just let your legs do their thing. Last year, do you remember, it was really windy. I'm going to do the "no wind dance" for you for the next 5 weeks, because that'd really be a pain. I hate wind!! Especially on a bike!!

ENJOY your day off today! Pamper yourself! Get a massage, maybe!! And, can I tell you how jealous I am that you get to see JBJ?? He is so handsome! In college, I had a class with his cousin, and she said he's really great in person, too. Hmmm.... daydreaming.... :)

Here's to the countdown to taper!

Running Mommy
03-06-2006, 07:23 AM
Yeah MM it was a long week, and my body is letting me know it. Yesterday afternoon I kind of crashed. I tried to nap but my body just will not settle down. Classic overtraining mode. SO today I'm playing sick. I'm going to surf the couch all day. :D One thing I've learned over the years is to listen to thy bod! I know what she can take, and when it's time to slow down. Yeah I'm in the last two week push, but I don't want to spend my entire taper trying to recover from an injury or the fatigue that comes w/ overtraining.

As far as the run, the more I think about it the more I think everyone is right. I've heard it from the sage pros like PNF and Gordyn Byrn as well, but it took me awhile to realize they were right. I always read the 2.5-3 hour rule and thought "but that's for people who can run 20 miles in three hours. I'm a slow marathoner. So I need to adapt my body to 5 hours of punishment". Well My body is going to take prolly 16+ hours of punsihment, so I figure by then it will be numb anyway and it's just going to be one foot in front of the other.:p

Oh and for the wind.. Yeah I think we should all gather together before the race and do an "anti" wind dance!! If it's windy it will KILL me. The wind defeats me! As much as I try to not let it get to me, it just does. ugh.

Ok, off to shower, brush my teeth, and HIT THE COUCH!!:D Good thing there are no bon bon's in the house! All I have is sugar free 90 cal ice cream bars! Not much of a splurge.. :p

I still want that cherry pie! :D Maybe that will be my post IM treat!! YUM!!!

03-07-2006, 06:53 PM
Dang woman... you are hardcore. I can't IMAGINE doing everything you do, very impressive!

Their music got me through a really bad marathon in 02,

I wish USAT sanctioned events let us wear our headphones on the run. I HATE RUNNING without music. It's such a terrible beat down. Music motivates me.

Now, when you do your IM... make sure your hubby takes tons of pictures! Then, you need to get here and give us a DETAILED report! It's so close!

Running Mommy
03-08-2006, 07:00 AM
I'm not feeling so hardcore this morning. I'm feeling BEAT! I think my body has officially had it!
Yesterday I managed a whopping 30 min swim and then an hour ride. whoo hoo! Today I had my long run planned, but I can just feel that my body is not up to it so I'll prolly just run 5 miles. I have noticed that my heartrate has been getting kinda high during easy efforts, so that is another hint that I'm overtraining.
I did nothing on Monday hoping that would be enough, but my body just does not want to bounce back this week. So I think I'm going to just take the easy weekday stuff really easy and then hit it this weekend. At this point the weekday stuff is just filler anyway.. sigh... :o
All I know is that when your body gets run down it will pick up any little illness that comes along. And I SOO don't wan't that! So on I go, a bit slower and less intense, but moving forward nonetheless...
Be Iron!
Denise :)

03-08-2006, 09:09 AM
I am training for IM AZ as well. It will be my first IM; I did a half last AUG in 6:00 but have no idea what will happen in the 'big race'.

I live in Sierra Vista. I sympathize with you; at this point (according to my guru Gordo's book) it is better to fully recover between key workouts. So do take the time you need!

I took leave from work last week so i could train hard...am in the Army so my training during the week is never as much as I think it could be. I did a long run, 18 miles, on Friday and was wiped out for the weekend. COuld only manage a short bike and run and swim, but yesterday I really felt recovered.

My training partner keeps reminding me, only 5 weeks left! Sounds like you are putting in the miles, putting money in the bank; it will come back to you on 9 April for sure!

Good luck with the training; go big this weekend!


03-08-2006, 12:22 PM

REST, REST, REST! Give your body the break it is clearly telling you it needs woman! Treat yourself to a massage, take some walks, or float in the pool... your bod will thank you and you will still do well at the IM! I wish I was near you; I'd go drag you to a spa or something! Okay, probably up camelback too; but heck, that'd be pretty easy for you! Just take care of yourself please :)

knapplaura, I'm going to be at IMAZ to cheer Running Mommy on - I'd love to meet you while I'm there so maybe I can introduce myself on Saturday at the prerace thingy. Anyway, it would be great to meet you if possible (I'm gonna track down mommelisa too!).

oops, gotta go, late for appt :eek: :eek: :eek:


03-09-2006, 07:04 AM
RM - ditto what everyone else has says. You've got your mileage in, you need to let your body rest. There is NOTHING wrong with a little extended taper. You don't want to try to push it now and end up hurt.

The good thing, in my mind, is that you're in tune with your body and you realize what is going on. Now's the time to rest, eat, heal and prepare for the big party! You're so there, you're going to do GREAT!