View Full Version : STP riders?

07-05-2003, 10:25 PM
Hey All,
So who else is riding next weekend? Let's get some chatter going girls!
NW Meg/Megan, I know you're riding with your team; Susan126/Sue, are you and your husband riding? I think you mentioned it way early in the year, but can't remember for sure.
Anyone else?

07-06-2003, 11:25 AM
Good luck and have a blast! I am not riding, (I am still learning to ride a road bike):D

07-07-2003, 05:51 AM
Joe and I are not doing the stp this year. :( Couldn't fit it in. But a lot of our friends will be riding it! One of them is going to attempt do it in one day! But the rest .... two days! :D You should have a blast MM_QFC! Take pictures! You must be soooo excited!

Today I'm getting ready to meet a friend for a 65 mile ride. She and I have been training together for the Courage Classic that is coming up this August 9, 10, and 11. Last Thursday I met her on Bainbridge Island and we rode the Chilly Hilly backwards! We needed to get a bunch of hills in and we did. Today we are doing a loop that will have a little bit of everything. Hills, rollers, flats and some nice downhill sections. And it looks like the weather will be lovely! :) Joe couldn't fit the Courage Classic in either. His job is really taking the toll out of his biking this summer. He's not too happy but what can he do? We have a son in college and we need to pay the tuition!

07-07-2003, 09:12 PM
Hey Sue,
Too bad you guys aren't riding to Portland this weekend.
I'm planning to ride it on Saturday again; that'll make it an even 5 times and maybe then I will have gotten it out of my system!
So, now all the heavy duty mileage training, prepping etc is done and I know that the main motivation when I'm still some miles outside of Portland on Saturday, all tired, feeling aches everywhere, is to think of getting to the finish, heading to the shower and cracking open a cold beer...aaahhhhhh! That way I can sleep in and wander over to the finish line and enjoy the 2-day riders' arrival, after a leisurely breakfast on Sunday!

Sounds like you're getting in good training for the Courage Classic. I've heard that it's a super-supported ride. You'll ride Snoqualmie, Blewett and Stevens on it, right? I've done the first 2 passes a few times each and you'll have a great time! They are the best for whooping and hollering on the descents!

07-08-2003, 05:47 AM
Mary . . . you're going to do it in one day! All right girl ..... you're awesome! Let me know how long it takes you to do the 200 miles! I have a friend who is also going to do it in one day, too. He's been training for it since February! I would love to try a one day stp. Maybe next year!

Yes, from what I've heard the support on the Courage Classic is phenomenal! All the rest stops are manned by Rotary Clubs and they have a little competition going on amongst each other. Who has the best rest stop. One rotary club had all their members dressed up in Bavarian outfits, another had music and a band playing for the riders. A friend told me she was climbing the last mile and she heard music coming down from the top of the mountain and when she reached the top there was a band playing! And the FOOD! Oh my goodness . . . DELICIOUS OVERFLOWING CORNUCOPIA of tasty things for the palate!

My friend and I had a great training ride yesterday. We rode 67 miles. She is the one who needs the training. I have quite a bit of mileage under my belt as my hubby and I did a double century in May. And I've been riding a lot all spring and summer. My friend is in pretty good shape, she just needs to build up her mileage. She was really tired after yesterday's ride. But she'll be ready by August!

Yep . . . those are the three passes. Snoqualmie, Blewett, and Stevens! My friend and I made hotel reservations for each night. We need our comfy beds and showers. :D My hubby will inspect my bike and make sure it is in tip top shape. He bought me extra tubes and I've been practicing my tire changing technique LOL. In fact on yesterday's ride, Pat, my friend, got a flat and we had it changed in 17 minutes. Not bad!

Watching the 2 day riders come in should be a lot of fun, Mary! Any friends of yours doing the 2 day?


07-08-2003, 09:11 PM
Hey Sue,
Well, I've got my game plan and ride goals - my PT taught me to always set goals, even for a steady state training ride and it does help. Also, this will be my 4th 1-day STP; when I rode it in '99 for the first time, I did it in 2 days, then decided that I wanted to challenge myself to ride it in 1 from then on. So, there aren't too many unknowns for me about the ride at this point. I know the route and how I need to prepare, I know where I can lose time or be efficient and how to take care of myself at this point. That doesn't mean it'll be easy or anything, but it helps that I've done it and know ahead of time, where I'll be stopping, etc. The best is when most folks stop about halfway and are lugging their gear to their Saturday overnights, and it opens up the road (I'm not a crowd lover!) all the way to Portland for me! Also, the port-a-potties are all in place along the entire route, but unused after the halfway mark, and just waiting for the rest of the riders on Sunday, so they're clean and in a pristine condition for me - I tell ya, it's the little things that count, eh?!!
Yes, I'll be watching for a few folks on Sunday; I'll hang out till mid-afternoon before I head back home to Seattle. I'll meet up with other riders to eat after we get in Saturday night and again for breakfast on Sunday before going over to the finish line beer garden.
Yes, I've heard that the food on the CC ride is great; that always helps. The Rotary clubs probably have tons of fun doing the rest stop themes and competition too. I've been on a bunch of supported rides and really appreciate when the rest stop crew gets into the spirit of the ride.
Hoteling it each night, eh? So, you're doing the "Princess Ride" I take it?! Kidding, as I've done my share of shower trucks and tents and it makes such a difference to look forward to a hotel room. You'll get good rest and probably enjoy each days ride and efforts that much more. Sounds like you're getting in lots of good training rides and helping your buddy too. Good going!

07-08-2003, 09:48 PM
Mary, You sure do have your game plan all thought out! Setting goals is an excellent way to go! I'm with you and your PT on that one! And I agree it does help a lot! You are really amazing me, Mary! Your fourth one day STP! I really have to do the STP next year. That will be my big goal for 2004! And in one day! ;) The reason I haven't done the STP is the thought of all those riders! Especially at the start. It sort of scares me! LOL Clean port-a-potties! I love that! But you're right . . . it's the little things that do count and add up! :D You and your friends are going to have a blast! I do have a ride planned for Saturday though. I'm going to try and talk dear hubby into doing a Cascade ride on Saturday . . . it's listed as "Not Quite the STP" it starts at Tolt McDonald Park in Carnation and it goes to Snohomish and around Lake Stevens. It's 85 miles. Or maybe Joe and I will do our local century ride. We try to do a long one, usually 80-100 miler, once a month. LOL I like your phrase "Princess Ride" ..... I like it! :) Yep Pat and I will be hoteling it on the Courage Classic. I've had my share of tents and feel I deserve a little luxury on this one. Only three days til the STP! You must be excited! I am too and I'm not even riding in it! But like I said before I know some friends who are doing it.

Good Luck and I can't wait to hear all about it!


07-14-2003, 08:25 AM
Hi again Sue,
Great ride...all went well...terrific weather to start...cloud cover, good temps...great pace for 1st century to Centralia...made great time till headwinds beyond Centralia and Chehalis...even during rollers around Napavine, Winlock area. Got to the rest stop near the Longview bridge, about 50 miles out from Portland and heard that the winds had changed on bridge to headwinds too. They don't hold traffic for 1-day riders and there's contruction, steel plates on the bridge, so we had to pick our way along the right as traffic inched up the bridge grade too, buffeted by winds. Oh well, it all adds to the overall experience, right?! At about 40 miles out, the skies blackened then opened up and it just dumped on us - hail too - for about 10 miles, so that there were lots of riders cleaning off in St Helen's for the final 30 into the finish. I felt good the whole ride; must've trained and eaten right as I had no mishaps, aches, pains during or since. Got in by 7, had a shower and massage, then enjoyed dinner and a great sleep before heading over to the finish line yesterday.
My son came down to get me and we headed back towards Seattle by about 2, so I didn't get to see any of the 3 sets of 2-day folks that I was watching for but heard that they all were doing ok.
Overall, I'm mucho satisfied with meeting my ride goals despite the winds/weather thrown in. I may've gotten STP out of my system - HA! we'll see! I think 5 times is a nice neat number and anyway, my older son called me after to congratulate me; he also said he has friends who ride it and he mentioned sheepishly to them that he never has, but added proudly that his Mom does it in 1 day. He said that quieted the 20-something guys very quickly!
That ride you mentioned from Carnation north to Snohomish and Lake Stevens is a good one! Did you enjoy it? You can add on a loop north of Lake Stevens too, to go up to Arlington and back down on the east side of Lake Roessiger...very pretty and fun and it drops into Monroe so you can head back down the valley to Carnation again. Good pie place in Snohomish too!
Heading out for an easy spin this afternoon with a guy who didn't train enough to do STP...an out and back 25 miles on the trail to the brewery; big change from Saturday's ride!
Also, I got a shirt at the finish line festival from an Oregon winery that's perfect; it says "will bike for wine" on back!

07-15-2003, 07:04 AM
Applauds, cheers, and congratulations, Mary! I thought about you and my other friend late Saturday when that storm rolled in. Joe and I had just finished a 90 mile ride just in the knick of time! Not the cascade one from Carnation (we slept in) we did our own "thing" LOL. Too bad about the road construction, weather, and traffic but you prevailed! You are just too good girl! STP number 5 under your belt and I have yet to do one! Maybe next year? We'll see. Isn't it a nice feeling when you feel great in an event like this? Like you said you must have done something right! And what a nice son coming down to pick you up! My husband, daughter, and son will be dropping me off and picking me up for my Courage Classic. I am sort of sad that Joe will not be doing this ride with me. But I am very happy that my good friend Pat is. She and I have been training a lot together these last few weeks. But this week I am on my own. Joe is out of town on business and Pat's brother is visiting from out of town. I did a 45 mile ride yesterday alone. I picked up a huge hunk of glass in my rear tire. Luckily for me I did not get a flat. I didn't even notice it until after the ride when I was cleaning my bike. I got a skewer and dug it out. It left a HUGE hole in my tire. I deflated the tire and shot some super glue into it then pumped it back up. I hope it will be ok because I am meeting a friend for a ride tomorrow. Hey I love the t-shirt that you got at the end of the ride. Will Bike For Wine! I have a friend who would fit that saying to a T!!!! How did your easy spin go yesterday? So what's next, Mary? :D

Again . . . Congratulations on finishing another STP!!!!! You go GIRL!!!!!

Sue :)

07-18-2003, 10:22 PM
I was just there... I could probably have cheered you for a little while had I known! As it was my first visit to the Pacific NW, I was boggling at all the cyclists and hills. Seems like you have to be in pretty decent shape just to commute, huh? Even with the hills I'm jealous--you have all those awesome trails, even close to the city. Seems like a wonderful place to live and ride. Anyone need a roommate? I wish! :D

07-19-2003, 07:23 AM
I met a guy the other day who was driving 'sag" for the SEattle to Spokane race. I've never heard of it. His rider did it last year ( 200-something miles) is 15 hours.

Eleven/5... come REALLY visit the PNW. Seattle is just one speck of a city in a region that runs all the up into British Columbia, to the Idaho border on the East, and encompasses part of Oregon too. Rainforest, desert, farming, rugged mountains... there is a lot to see. I live in Spokane which is 250 miles east of Seattle.

07-19-2003, 10:12 AM
There are 2 cross-state (WA) rides that I know of: one is a race, the other a fund-raising supported tour for a local Rotary club.
I've heard of the Cannonball race (Sea>Spokane) from some riders - women - who've done it. 275 miles and riders arrange for their own support. It's mainly on the I-90 shoulder, so that doesn't hold much interest with me, but to each her own, eh?!
The other is Red-Spoke from Redmond>Spokane over 5 days on scenic back roads mostly.

11.5 - yep, the great Northwest IS a great place to live and ride and us girls who ride love it! There are tons of roads, trails and great rides for every level and interest in a huge area that offers an amazing variety of scenery that is jaw-dropping in it's beauty.