View Full Version : Soon To Be Cyclist

07-03-2003, 05:13 PM
Hello everyone. I happened upon this website when I was surfing around online.

So here's the story...My best friend (a guy) has been road biking for about a year or so and is pretty good. He has it in his blood (his dad is one of the best cyclists in town and he is over 50). Anyways, he has been trying to get me on a bike since he got his first roadbike.

He finally borrowed one for me from the bike shop where he works. Basically I fell in love! We only rode about 12 miles (I had to stop b/c my butt was so sore!), but I had so much fun. Never knew a decent bike could make such a difference. I am going to buy the one I tried out very soon (it happens to be the cheapest one in the store, which is the only one to fit my college student budget).

So, anyway, I just thought I would ask you all for your most valuable tidbits of roadbiking knowledge. Anything you think a beginning roadbiker should know. THANKS! :)

07-03-2003, 06:27 PM
best advice I can think of is to read the excellent tips all through this board.


07-04-2003, 01:35 AM
Hi Imdawn!

I hope you know what you've started. :p You might find that what starts out as a fun hobbie may well become a way of life, and soon it'll be 'College studies? What college studies..... ;)

There's loads of cool tips on this site so sit back and take a good, long browse. I'm sure you mate will be able to give you a tonne of usful hints to get you going as well, but it's always nice to get the girlie perspective too.

If your mate's been riding a long time it's often easy to forget what it's like starting out, but there's plenty of beginners here, so don't be afraid to ask, no matter how silly you might think the question.

Welcome to the best sport in the world:cool: :) :cool:

07-04-2003, 05:14 AM
Welcome imdawn!

Like MightyMitre said, there's a ton of great tips and advice on this forum! And if you have a specific question post it and the responses/replies will come forth! :p One piece of advice I would like to share is, increase your saddle time slowly! Starting with 12 miles was great then work from there. Let your body (and butt) get used to sitting in the saddle. Let your legs and lungs get stronger with each successive ride. Riding clothes are important too. Believe me those tight padded lycra shorts are just the thing for cycling! :D

Again welcome and keep us posted on how you are doing.


07-05-2003, 06:59 AM
Thanks everyone for your tips :) I read a ton of the threads before I even posted this one, and you are definitely right that there is a lot of valuable information. Hopefully I will be getting my bike soon :) and will have more interesting stories to tell :)