View Full Version : I think I'm back on track

02-04-2015, 06:15 AM
As much as my body was falling apart towards the end of November (I had a thread on that, which ended up being a ruptured baker's cyst), I think I've turned the corner! Yeah! At least for now.

Went back to my PT/Kin yesterday after a month of "real" training. As of January we were able to introduce gently some cycling (on trainer), a bit of walking on treadmill and of course, some muscle training. Tomorrow night I am doing my Watt test so she will know how to program my training to get the max out of it. Scares me a bit as I'm afraid it will be low and I don't want to fail too early. hihi But you have to start somewhere.

I did a "pre-testing" for fun last Sunday. I was able to go up to 190w and keep it for the minute. I broke it voluntarily as I knew I had some muscle training to do after and it was not my test. Just wanted to play with my gearing, etc so I know how it will handle on Thursday night. I think at 210w will be my limit, if I can nail it before crashing. Even at 190w my thighs were starting to burn and my heart rate was alrealy at 165.

But yesterday we met and she prepared for me the new muscle plan for the coming month. Ouch...it's going to hurt but it will be very effective. She also wants me to increase my cadence on the bike to keep it at 90, even 100. That will spare the cartilage (what is left) in the knee. So we will work on getting my heart in a tougher condition, all while improving the legs and mid-section to get stronger abs.

But I truly love this new plan she built for me. It will be sooooo much fun. Even hubby is doing it with me so he too will get stronger on his bike.

For the bike part, she will wait to get the results of the watt test (MAP) to see what she has in mind. But I'm sure it won't be easy.

She is keeping in mind that I'm 52 and want to train for fun, keep in shape and avoid injuries. I'm not planning on a iron man, nor olympics. hihi

But I am very happy so far with my progress since prior injury last Fall.

So much...that I'm planning a revenge to do some of the Natchez Parkay in Nashville for my vacation this end of summer. :) I could not do more than 15km 2 years ago. Had just started cycling and was not in top condition for attempting such a challenge. Now I want to try it back. So I truly have to kick my butt today! (well not today as it is rest day before the test tomorrow) :p

02-04-2015, 07:34 AM
It sounds like you are back on track, which is always a good feeling. Your trainer must be tough, because you have some hard goals for someone who is training for fun and fitness. I know I have have a very high cadence while climbing, as it is natural for me to sit and spin, except on the steepest of steep climbs. In fact, I've had people ask me how I train for that (I don't). But, over the years, I've learned that at the end of a ride, my average cadence is always between 72 and 82. Part of it, is that I live/ride in a hilly area. On the trainer, I can maintain a cadence of 90 for awhile, but in an easy gear, which I guess would model a flat ride, which I never get!

02-04-2015, 10:05 AM
Yay! So glad you're feeling like you're back on track. Hope the progress continues!

02-06-2015, 05:36 AM
Yes my coach can be hard. She knows it. But she also knows I like to push myself over my limits...then complain to her it's too hard. haha I think the fact that she is my PT and she's a kinesiologist, does triathlon, she knows the game and my condition and knows how much I can handle.

My MAP test is done and over....for now. I was able to reach the 190w I wanted. I could not nail yet the 210watts. But that is ok. I can't complain. I will re-do this, this weekend to see if there is a difference between the fact I'm up at 4:15am on weekdays and tired by evening vs top shape on a weekend afternoon when we got up much later!

I'm happy with the results.

After some cool down for heart rate and test over anyway, and since I had some more energy now, I pushed my limits again to see how far I could do this time. I was able to tough it out at 235w for 40 seconds. So there is hope!

Can't wait to see what my coach will give me now for cycling.