View Full Version : Chains and leather?

06-07-2014, 06:06 AM
Sierra Trading Post has some nice Brooks stuff right now, grips, bar tape, other accessories that are still way over budget for me (a thousand dollar jacket!) to go with your bike chains of course.

06-07-2014, 07:36 PM
Geebus! The leather looks like BUTTER on everything though. I love the bar tape SO MUCH. I wish they had something in a color that would better match my surly. If they did, I might contemplate asking for it as a birthday present from my parents or the BF. I say "no gifts" but then end up with cycling gear anyhow -some of which I do not need anyway.

Sky King
06-12-2014, 05:38 AM
Oh that resonates. Non bike people seem to always suggest I stock some nonsense gift stuff (IMO) I tell them that for the most part, bike riders do not do well with gifts as they tend to be pretty picky about the gear, etc they use. Brooks has black bar tape - not sure if it is at Sierra Trading though.

Geebus! The leather looks like BUTTER on everything though. I love the bar tape SO MUCH. I wish they had something in a color that would better match my surly. If they did, I might contemplate asking for it as a birthday present from my parents or the BF. I say "no gifts" but then end up with cycling gear anyhow -some of which I do not need anyway.

06-12-2014, 09:10 AM
by now my family knows enough to ask me to send them to a web page or store with a VERY SPECIFIC description of what I want, or they let me order it send it to them to gift wrap and then present to me along with a cash reimbursement. Tacky- but they also understand that I have sufficient of everything and usually just treat me to flowers or a dinner out which is fine by me. My husband also knows better than to give me household items or clothes.

Although I was awfully grateful when on the recent Little Red ride, One of my sisters saw me drooling over some jerseys and bought me one for a belated birthday gift. It is gorgeous and I can justify a new jersey as a gift from my sister, I didn't buy it for myself. At least that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

06-14-2014, 02:37 PM
The BF asks for specifics. He knows better than to buy me clothing without my prior approval. My mom generally does well - she knows that I really like LG shorts and jerseys are pretty easy. But I somehow ended up with some random accessories two Christmases ago from people who meant well but they weren't even going to fit either of my bikes. And they weren't things I would use.