View Full Version : Finally broke the ice and did my first 100km ride

05-21-2014, 04:41 AM
Well it was in 2 days but still.... I am preparing myself for the big 135km on June 14th. Weather here has been the worst I remember. In the sense winter never wanted to leave us, then we had rain, lots of it. And of course mostly on weekends.

I had signed up for a 90km ride for May 10th. We had rained in the morning, which stopped at around 9am but winds were pushing at 60km/h. That is a lot of wind on a bike. So hubby did go with a friend but said I would have panicked and hating every minute. I would not have been able to complete it without injuring my knees through that wind.

So last weekend was perfect. Sun and not too warm. We did 76km on Sunday and Holiday Monday I did a 25km recup ride.

The 76k went very well, but for the last 8km where we were going up most of it, and facing 35km/h winds. yikes. I could feel the back of my thighs hurting a bit, and my shoulder blades starting to burn. But I made it! My right palm did hurt once in a while (result of my 3 falls on Saturday before Easter). But overall, it was an excellent ride. Monday was an easy one. No speed (24km/h max) and lots of flying proteins down the digestive tubes (bugs!!! Wonder why they did not frost during our coldest summer. gna!)

So next weekend if weather is good to us, I'm trying for the real one-shot (well we'll take a few minutes breaks) 105km. I have only 3 weekends left to kick milleage before my 135km.

I was proud of all the hard work I had put into the winter training. It is paying off as my cardio was A1, even in the wind. And no major but tiredness in the back legs.

05-21-2014, 05:43 AM
Way to go. Nice accomplishment :)

05-21-2014, 12:07 PM
yay for 100 milers however they come. Pretty soon you will have done enough of them to be a bit blase about them.

05-21-2014, 02:35 PM
I know what you mean. When I go out for a 25-30km ride I'm like: oh...I only did x kilometers. That's nothing. And those who don't ride are all impressed. I'm not. But used to be. hihi