View Full Version : Rode today...

05-10-2014, 10:50 AM
Finally got on the bike today...and suffered neurological symptoms after a 20 minute ride. This was my limit last year. I had hoped that the break would have made a difference, but there appears to be something about riding that affects a couple of the problems from the mtn bike related neck injury :( While this is indeed a downer, there are a LOT of other things I can do without ramifications. I've been able to weed out a couple of activities since starting my recovery in 2011 that also causes the same problem - but that leaves me some very cool and fun things to do. I had hoped this wouldn't be the result of today's ride, but it wasn't a surprise. My bike is a full custom bike that has been fit to the nth degree, this isn't a fit related issue.

My bike isn't going anywhere just yet - I will try it again in the future. I do think the platform BMX pedals are going back on though, seems pointless to leave the Froggies on.

Gotta love her though :) The first picture is from when I first took her home in 2011:


This is from last year:


05-10-2014, 11:58 AM
I'm glad you were in a mental place to get out and ride. I'm sorry about the neck/shoulder issue, though. I'm sure you've been talking to a PT, but these sorts of injuries can be notoriously stubborn. :/

05-10-2014, 12:17 PM
You have a good attitude, Catrin.
But, don't sell her yet!

05-10-2014, 03:18 PM
I won't sell her yet, not for another year or two. It's been 2.5 years since the original mtb injury...frankly I've seen much more improvement from the joint mobility work that I've been doing with my kettlebell coach and previous strength coach than anything from any of the PTs I've seen. That being said, nothing seems to make a difference where riding is concerned. Hopefully, in time, the other work I am doing will have an effect there as well. Seems to me it sort of has to, if the improvement continues. I've given up on traditional PT, tossed huge amounts of money at it and the benefit wasn't very large. Of course, I am sure that would have been different if I could have seen one of our TE PTs :cool:

My current mantra is to focus on those things that don't cause pain and/or numbness. Guess I will be focusing on my KB lifting and hopeful first competition next year (assuming things continue to go well), and rowing/trail running.

As a 2011 full custom bike, selling wouldn't be easy anyway.

05-10-2014, 04:25 PM
Glad you at least gave it a try, Catrin. I am still loving the Jamis you sold me, so that, at least, was a win-win!

You've probably answered this before, so please forgive me if I am being forgetful, but have you considered a recumbent? If the issues you are dealing with are primarily/all upper body, that might make a huge difference.

It's great that there are many other activities you can still do and enjoy, but I know many cyclists who have switched to recumbents (either trikes or 2-wheels) and have been able to continue cycling despite chronic injuries.

05-10-2014, 05:01 PM
Emily - I am SO glad the Jamis went to a good home where she gets to be ridden as she deserves!

I've considered a recumbent, and rejected it for multiple reasons. I do appreciate the suggestion however, and there may come a future time when I will reconsider that decision.

05-10-2014, 06:44 PM
I've considered a recumbent, and rejected it for multiple reasons. I do appreciate the suggestion however, and there may come a future time when I will reconsider that decision.

I remember after I wrote this that you had issues with your rack/car situation and getting one into your apartment (second floor now?) -- this did not occur to me until after I wrote my post. I totally understand. Just something to keep in mind down the road, so to speak! We have had a recumbent tandem and single recumbents as well in the past, and they are a LOT of fun, so long as you don't expect to be fast, since they tend to be heavier than uprights and slower uphill -- kind of like tandems. If you just sit back (literally) and enjoy the ride, you see a lot more, and they are very comfy!

05-11-2014, 02:36 AM
Aw, I'm sorry you're still having those issues. It sounds like you have a good attitude about it though. I'm glad that at least you've found so many other great things to do.

05-11-2014, 03:22 AM
Thanks, and I do appreciate the encouragement. It is hard to replace riding, but I really only had 1.5 years of good riding before the injury occurred. After almost 3 years of what passes for "recovery" it seems time to face reality. I am VERY thankful for the other stuff I do. Thankfully one of those other things do provide the same level of focus to the present moment that riding does. The nature of kettlebell lifting requires that - especially to prevent the connection of heavy steel kettlebells with the skull :eek: ;)

05-16-2014, 07:56 AM
Hey Catrin...glad at least you tried to ride your bike again. I have been to the Nebo Ridge rides a couple of times and I remembered my first ride with you around that area. It was really fun. Thank you!. I saw you a few months ago around MLK and try to catch your attention but you were really concentrated on the driving. Glad you are enjoying your other activities though. Take care!

05-16-2014, 08:33 AM
Thanks for the note Giulianna! Yes, I do try to concentrate on my driving :) Glad to hear you are making the Nebo shop rides! Ironically, I now live about a 6 minute drive from the shop.

05-27-2014, 02:11 PM
I am glad you're finding other activities that bring you enjoyment. Can't wait to see you at the end of June!!

05-27-2014, 02:37 PM
I am glad you're finding other activities that bring you enjoyment. Can't wait to see you at the end of June!!

Only a bit over 3 weeks to go :)