View Full Version : I need another bike...

04-18-2014, 11:27 AM
Like I need another hole in my head. LOL I really miss my Trek 7.5FX so I've been looking at the 7.4 to replace it.

Enable me please. :D

04-18-2014, 02:09 PM
You are fully enabled.

04-18-2014, 02:24 PM
I need food, water and shelter….I want chocolate, bicycles and shiny things. :)

get the 7.4

04-18-2014, 03:53 PM
Yes, you do need a bike. Life is too short to not have the bike you want.

04-18-2014, 04:23 PM
Of course you need a new bike! It's spring, isn't it?

04-18-2014, 04:32 PM
We're heading to the LSB tomorrow, just to look. :p

(I am so coming home with a bike)

04-18-2014, 08:13 PM
You should definitely come home with a bike! And don't forget the pictures :-)

04-19-2014, 02:46 AM
You should definitely come home with a bike! And don't forget the pictures :-)

My honey looked at the inventory and they don't have a 19" in stock, most likely gave to wait until after vacation now. :(

04-19-2014, 09:57 AM
Bought two, wheeeeee !!!! Honey liked it so much she bought one for herself, mine will be delivered Wednesday. Yay for a new bike!!!!

04-19-2014, 11:53 AM
That's wonderful, congrats!

04-19-2014, 02:00 PM
Yay!!! New bikes are one of life's greatest pleasures!

04-19-2014, 05:44 PM
Yay!! Have fun!

04-19-2014, 05:50 PM
It is SUCH a great bike, and I love WSD! Can't wait to log some miles.

04-19-2014, 06:03 PM
Yay! 2 bikes, not just 2 new bike. :)

04-20-2014, 06:09 PM
That's awesome :) bikes come in pairs well, I guess. The BF may be getting something new (at least to him) next weekend now that I have my new bike!

Congrats :)

04-21-2014, 04:37 AM
We just love riding together! Glad your BF is looking at a newer one, enthusiasm over new bikes = more riding!!

04-21-2014, 04:52 AM
Pictures, pictures, pictures.

The curious want pictures.

04-21-2014, 04:54 AM
Pictures, pictures, pictures.

The curious want pictures.
I'll take a couple when I pick mine up on Wednesday. Until then, it's this: http://www.trekbikes.com/us/en/bikes/road/fitness/fx/7_4_fx_wsd/

04-21-2014, 05:24 AM
We just love riding together! Glad your BF is looking at a newer one, enthusiasm over new bikes = more riding!!

Exactly! The BF and I actually started dating by riding together. Our first date was typical but after that it was bikes and outdoors stuff for about 2 months before the weather died down a bit. It's great to find someone to be outdoors with :) And yes on the enthusiasm. I love my new bike! It makes me want to try it out doing just about anything.

04-21-2014, 05:29 AM
My honey is a self proclaimed miser, she HATES spending money. She rode Centuries all the time when we met but that tapered off over the last 20 years and she decided she was done riding; we got rid of her 25 year old road bike and her 15 year old mountain bike... I kept telling her the new bikes were a LOT of fun; when she took that 7.4 FX out for a test ride on Saturday she came back with an ear to ear grin yelling "you were so right, I want one!!!". Now we're planning on doing a bunch or organized rides this summer. YAY!!!!!

04-21-2014, 06:27 AM
I kept telling her the new bikes were a LOT of fun; when she took that 7.4 FX out for a test ride on Saturday she came back with an ear to ear grin yelling "you were so right, I want one!!!". Now we're planning on doing a bunch or organized rides this summer. YAY!!!!!

That is awesome, Pax. Have fun!

04-21-2014, 06:36 AM
That is awesome, Pax. Have fun!


Now that my mom is gone I have loads of free time, Mary (my honey) keeps telling me "this is our time". For the first time in almost seven years we have time to go riding and cook and hang out with friends. I miss my mom, but I'm sure enjoying this new type of life.

04-21-2014, 06:59 AM

Now that my mom is gone I have loads of free time, Mary (my honey) keeps telling me "this is our time". For the first time in almost seven years we have time to go riding and cook and hang out with friends. I miss my mom, but I'm sure enjoying this new type of life.

That just gave me a warm fuzzy. Enjoy your time.


04-21-2014, 02:12 PM
Well congratulations! And thanks - you may have just enabled me :D It's blue!!

04-21-2014, 02:24 PM
That just gave me a warm fuzzy. Enjoy your time.


+1!! So happy that you will have a new, fun activity to do together!!

04-21-2014, 02:54 PM
My honey is a self proclaimed miser, she HATES spending money. She rode Centuries all the time when we met but that tapered off over the last 20 years and she decided she was done riding; we got rid of her 25 year old road bike and her 15 year old mountain bike... I kept telling her the new bikes were a LOT of fun; when she took that 7.4 FX out for a test ride on Saturday she came back with an ear to ear grin yelling "you were so right, I want one!!!". Now we're planning on doing a bunch or organized rides this summer. YAY!!!!!

I can see the happy smiles through this screen :)....tell her that's a perfect bike for the perfect winter weather riding in Palm Springs :)

04-22-2014, 08:31 PM
Yay!! Spring and pretty new bikes!

04-23-2014, 05:30 AM
Pax, that's what life is for.... to enjoy yourself. Embrace your time and freedom.