View Full Version : Unexpected bike temptation- opinions welcome
04-13-2014, 09:48 AM
We went to the spring bike swap meet here in Tucson and did not plan to buy anything besides accessories.
I was getting ready to leave when I spotted a 46cm blue Surly Long Haul Trucker. I have casually looked for a touring bike - "just in case", and the only one I found before was a Trek 420 that was about that size and still too long a reach for me (although i didn't really look at adjusting the saddle position at the time).
The dealer is asking $800- he purchased it from the original owner who did not use it much. Looks like it's in excellent condition.
I only have $600 in my discretionary spending account. He is willing to negotiate tossing in my mixte bike as part of the deal to reduce the price.
I'm not sure if I will use it enough to justify it... any thoughts???17026
04-13-2014, 11:14 AM
You are asking people here to justify the purchase of another bike? What's not to justify?
Seriously though, if you plan to tour, and the bike fits, I don't think you can go wrong with the LHT. And you can also used it to commute, or run errands, or do the sort of riding you normally do on the mixte. Is it ready to ride now, or would you need to spend money on extras? And can you budget somewhere else to get that $200 price difference back relatively quickly?
04-13-2014, 11:20 AM
You are asking people here to justify the purchase of another bike? What's not to justify?
Seriously though, if you plan to tour, and the bike fits, I don't think you can go wrong with the LHT. And you can also used it to commute, or run errands, or do the sort of riding you normally do on the mixte. Is it ready to ride now, or would you need to spend money on extras? And can you budget somewhere else to get that $200 price difference back relatively quickly?
Good questions. Part of the reason I could "afford" the bike I bought (Cross-check) was trade ins/sales and the fact that literally the only thing I could have even imagined buying for it was a glasses/visor mirror since I couldn't use my bar-end mirror anymore on the Surly. It was $10.00 to put things on the new bike. So, for that reason, it was feasible. If you need another $200.00 in accessories, then it's not as "worth it". Also, how fast is the owner planning on selling? If they haven't had many offers or would work with you on time, I would try to sell the mixte yourself for a bit if you are willing to do so. You can get more on your own for a bike of that size.
And as for a Surly, I will never NOT encourage someone to buy one since I just got mine Friday and love it. A LHT may be in my future at some point. They had one at the shop and it was great but too big. People swear by them and that is a more than fair price.
04-13-2014, 11:20 AM
I agree, no justification needed. If you can afford it and you want it you should get it.
04-13-2014, 12:50 PM
I just committed to the deal- $100 trade for the mixte ( I only paid $70 for it)- and $700 cash. The bike is ready to ride. The bars are a little wider than the ones on my road bike (40 vs 38) and I may need to change them if that size difference bothers me. I will need to swap out the saddle though I could put my worn Jett on it for now.
The "dealer" is not from a shop- it's a sideline for him. The Tucson bike swap meet is a crazy mixture of individuals and stores that are selling new and used bikes, clothes and accessories of every kind.
Hope I will love it!
04-13-2014, 03:57 PM
I just committed to the deal- $100 trade for the mixte ( I only paid $70 for it)- and $700 cash. The bike is ready to ride. The bars are a little wider than the ones on my road bike (40 vs 38) and I may need to change them if that size difference bothers me. I will need to swap out the saddle though I could put my worn Jett on it for now.
The "dealer" is not from a shop- it's a sideline for him. The Tucson bike swap meet is a crazy mixture of individuals and stores that are selling new and used bikes, clothes and accessories of every kind.
Hope I will love it!
Congrats! I'm sure you will love it :) And that sounds like a cool bike swap. I'd love to go to a big one but I'm afraid I would come home with way too much stuff and the BF would kill me haha.
04-13-2014, 04:25 PM
Congratulations!!!!!! Sounds like a great deal! Did you really think that we would talk you out of it? :cool:
04-13-2014, 04:39 PM
It sounds like a wonderful place to find a bike.
I am getting bored with "only having" 2 bikes, which, though different materials, gearing, and pannier capability, are both essentially road bikes. I really loved zipping around town on my Jamis Coda, but they just don't make the kind of "city" bike I want with enough gears to handle the hills here.
04-13-2014, 04:46 PM
It sounds like a wonderful place to find a bike.
I am getting bored with "only having" 2 bikes, which, though different materials, gearing, and pannier capability, are both essentially road bikes. I really loved zipping around town on my Jamis Coda, but they just don't make the kind of "city" bike I want with enough gears to handle the hills here.
I know of a certain custom Gunnar who may have to be sold to settle some medical bills....she has an awesome awesome hill climbing drive-train and is light-weight custom steel - just saying... :) I don't want to sell her but if I do need to go that route it would be great to keep her in the family!
04-13-2014, 07:07 PM
Catrin- no, I really didn't think anyone would talk me out of it.
We are still tweaking the saddle height and placement. I'm taking off the saddle and putting on my old and pretty worn out Jett for now. A few other little things but it's mostly ready to ride.
We are trying to figure out a place we could ride to next Saturday just for one night....Madera Canyon comes to mind but it's likely to be very crowded on Easter weekend.
04-14-2014, 04:01 AM
Catrin, I am pretty sure that your custom Gunnar might be a little more than I want to spend for a 3d bike. But, I would never say never. I definitely don't need another bike, though. DH and I have agreed pretty much to put off the purchase of any more bikes until we move out of this house, and hopefully buy something smaller, and on flat ground! Probably 3 years.
04-14-2014, 07:11 AM
Catrin, I am pretty sure that your custom Gunnar might be a little more than I want to spend for a 3d bike. But, I would never say never. I definitely don't need another bike, though. DH and I have agreed pretty much to put off the purchase of any more bikes until we move out of this house, and hopefully buy something smaller, and on flat ground! Probably 3 years.
Probably so Crankin, probably so. I really don't want to sell her, but if I do it will be for a price that will make it worthwhile. Really hoping that I can finally get her out for a ride this next weekend!
I admit that I am with Muirenn though, I don't see you going 3 looooong years without a new bike ;-)
04-14-2014, 04:24 PM
I thought Jamis Codas were available with triple cranks? What? No more bikes? THREE years no more bikes?
We'll see how long you last.
I know the Quest is available in a least it was when I bought mine.
04-15-2014, 02:47 AM
I didn't sell the Coda because of the gearing. It had the same mountain type gearing, with a triple, I put on my custom ti Guru, except my Guru has a compact double. I sold the Coda because my Guru was/is supposed to be a bike I would use for errands and commuting, in that I can put a pannier and top trunk on it. And, I do. But, essentially, it's a road bike with geometry a little more relaxed than my carbon bike. Last year, I ended up riding the Guru more than my Kuota, as that one lower gear makes it my bike of choice when doing big hills. I do use it for commuting, as I can lock it inside a stairwell, in an employee only entrance to my office, which is connected to a hospital. While I have locked it up outside in Concord center/west Concord, it makes me nervous. The Coda went to a new rider who works at my husband's company. And, my mountain bike went to a real mountain biker. I've been looking at the Terry touring type bike, now that it comes with STI shifters, but, I'd really love a mixte or other type of around town bike, eventually.
Murienn, it's been 3 years since I've had 4 bikes. I'll live.
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