View Full Version : Home Gym

02-24-2014, 02:09 AM
Actually, the term is probably a bit much for my little fitness room, but it works for me :) The cast iron (black) kettlebell was loaned to me, the larger steel competition kettlebell is new. I prefer steel competition kettlebells, the dimensions are the same regardless of weight, the handle is more uniform in size, and they just feel better to me. Eventually I will have two more competition kettlebells and will return the cast iron version. The blue things on the wall is a yoga mat I cut up to both protect my apartment wall and cut down the noise from the Jungle Gym.

What you can't see is my Gunnar on it's stand on the opposite wall, there wasn't a way to get everything in the same picture.

Do you have a home gym? I would love to see a picture.


02-24-2014, 01:51 PM
I use part of our basement for gym. I did not take pics. But we have a 46'' flat screen HD tv for videos (while we ride or use treadmill), a treadmill, our rock and roll bike trainer, weights, ball, elastic bands, DVD of runs/races, youtube videos streaming, etc. And I use all of it in a week. I love training at home as I can also play with my dogs while at it. 1 set of squats...1 ball being thrown at the end of basement for dog to catch, 1 set of weight, then I use my dog as dumbell, doing the plank? Enjoy some puppy talking at same time. They're really happy and so am I. haha

Wish I had a better area to train but I use the space I have and am happy with it.

02-24-2014, 03:27 PM
I have a home gym in the loft of my house. That's where our desks, workspace is, but since we got laptps, we end up working in the kitchen!. I have a treadmill, dvd player with yoga and functional training dvds, a couple of cycling dvds, yoga mats, weights between 2-15 pounds, stability balls, and of course, our trainers in the winter. I generally do a riding program I get on line, and don't watch a video; I listen to music or watch TV while riding.

ny biker
02-24-2014, 03:36 PM
I don't have room for a home gym. I barely have room for a dining table that seats two people. I can't fit a full-size sofa in my living room. When my parents visit, they get my bed and I push the living room furniture to the side and sleep on the floor on an air mattress.

If I want to stretch, I put a yoga mat on the living room floor next to the front door. That's also where the indoor trainer goes when I ride it. The TV is next to the door.

02-24-2014, 04:02 PM
A 1-br apartment isn't conducive to a home gym! I have my TV and yoga mat in my bedroom, with some space cleared so that I can do yoga and things, and the CX bike on the trainer in the living room, and I can move my computer so that I can watch Star Trek or whatever while on the trainer. My weights consist largely of carrying 42-lb bags of cat litter up to my 3rd floor apartment. (That counts, right?) If I want to do anything else, I go to the complex's gym (it doesn't have much, though). I'm going to get a set of weights eventually, I think.

02-24-2014, 04:42 PM
Helene, that sounds very nice! Crankin, I've considered stability balls but right now am really enjoying having my Jungle Gym and kettlebells. I will stick with the KB for my strength work, at least at home. Part of me would love to have an Olympic bar and set of bumper plates. I live upstairs however, and I can see that getting noisy. I can also see me forgetting myself and try to work on movements that I should avoid (overhead work). A friend of mine has two adjustible dumbbells, she can adjust the weight from 2.5 pounds all the way up to 50 or so, I think they are Bowflex.

I suspect I might actually use my trainer if I had a TV in that room, but I don't. Outside of the trainer I prefer to just have music when I workout, that or silence. I've been gathering quite a few workouts that feature the TRX and kettlebells so I've got what I need for now. The room is quite small, but big enough for what I need it for - and it isn't big enough to both have a tv and swing heavy kettlebells :)

02-24-2014, 07:32 PM
I don't have a home gym because I have the clinic gym to use. But if I did, I would have the following:

1) A pull-up bar.
2) A suspension trainer (TRX or Jungle Gym)
3) Kettle bells 10 to 30 lbs
4) Furniture sliders
5) A BoSU ball
6) A regular stability ball

With that equipment, you would be set to do an infinite number of differing and challenging circuits.

02-25-2014, 02:45 AM
hmmm, furniture sliders are a good idea, thanks Wahine! I've also considered the long resistance bands, I will add both of those once I drop my number of days a week at the gym this summer. I won't be there 4 days a week through summer... Both are great for core, flexibility and mobility work.

02-25-2014, 04:07 AM

What do you recommend for fun on a Bosu? Any good resources? I bought one at costco (had been looking for one and there was one about 1/2 normal price) to work on leg stability - but I find that I really don't know all that many exercises. Doesn't have to be leg stuff - just always looking for new ways to have "fun"!

02-25-2014, 08:30 AM

What do you recommend for fun on a Bosu? Any good resources? I bought one at costco (had been looking for one and there was one about 1/2 normal price) to work on leg stability - but I find that I really don't know all that many exercises. Doesn't have to be leg stuff - just always looking for new ways to have "fun"!

I am not Wahine, but I've done a lot of work on the Bosu. I don't have one at home because I don't have that much room, and I'd rather spend money on kettlebells.

The Bosu is great for balance, and you can pretty much modify most body-weight exercises for the Bosu. Want to ramp up your push-up? Do a traveling pushup on the bosu, or mountain climbers, or hold and release jacks, or squats, there are a lot of things you can do with it.

Here is a link to the "weekly workout video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=wbOuNlRp86A)" at the main Bosu website. This page (http://bosu.com/index.php?route=video/category&path=8) has links to different video workouts from Bosu that might be fun. I removed the direct video feed because it was much too large. Hopefully that link will lead to a different video each week.

I would suggest just to play with it, think of your favorite exercises and see what they might feel like on the Bosu. You can work any body part, just have fun with it!

02-25-2014, 08:47 AM

What do you recommend for fun on a Bosu? Any good resources? I bought one at costco (had been looking for one and there was one about 1/2 normal price) to work on leg stability - but I find that I really don't know all that many exercises. Doesn't have to be leg stuff - just always looking for new ways to have "fun"!

Hehehe. I'm going to list off a bunch of stuff, some of it might make sense, some of it you might be able to find on youtube. At some point I'll see if I can find some videos or put up some video.

Push-ups: ball side down holding on edges, can make these more interesting with lifting one leg. Ball side down, both hands on the ball, one hand on the ball, moving side to side with each rep of one hand on the ball, or feet on the ball, one foot on the ball and the other on the floor, one leg lifted...

Lunges: front foot on the ball or back foot on the ball

Bridges: feet or upperback/neck on ball.

Side steps onto then over ball: here's the jumping version (http://youtu.be/qfrsgMNSLTo) but you can also just step it.

Side planks: Elbow on the ball and add movement of the upper hand, eg circles, or threading the needle (http://youtu.be/ozzqjsdA_rE), or waist supported by BoSU with legs lifted as high as you can, can add a flutter kick.

Kneeling: I love doing all kinds of stuff while kneeling on the BoSU. Here's the basic position (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nFNwaXa9MU4&feature=share&list=PLQtmRg7i90DsL_ggCC8P6XJ3R0DStkznk&index=1) but you can add anything to it, shoulder presses, biceps, ball bounces against the wall... Actually the link I posted here has a play list and all the videos are pretty good and beginner friendly.

Front plank versions with ball side up or down, here's a favorite (http://youtu.be/UVvlJNJrh7A), sometimes I add a push-up in the full plank position.

Standing on BoSU: trunk rotations with stable pelvis, arm exercises, passing a small ball from one hand to the other overhead (think jumping jack arms but with something to pass from hand to hand)...

That's all for now. I've got to get back to work.

02-26-2014, 11:45 AM
Hehehe. I'm going to list off a bunch of stuff, some of it might make sense, some of it you might be able to find on youtube. At some point I'll see if I can find some videos or put up some video.

Push-ups: ball side down holding on edges, can make these more interesting with lifting one leg. Ball side down, both hands on the ball, one hand on the ball, moving side to side with each rep of one hand on the ball, or feet on the ball, one foot on the ball and the other on the floor, one leg lifted...

Lunges: front foot on the ball or back foot on the ball

Bridges: feet or upperback/neck on ball.

Side steps onto then over ball: here's the jumping version (http://youtu.be/qfrsgMNSLTo) but you can also just step it.

Side planks: Elbow on the ball and add movement of the upper hand, eg circles, or threading the needle (http://youtu.be/ozzqjsdA_rE), or waist supported by BoSU with legs lifted as high as you can, can add a flutter kick.

Kneeling: I love doing all kinds of stuff while kneeling on the BoSU. Here's the basic position (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nFNwaXa9MU4&feature=share&list=PLQtmRg7i90DsL_ggCC8P6XJ3R0DStkznk&index=1) but you can add anything to it, shoulder presses, biceps, ball bounces against the wall... Actually the link I posted here has a play list and all the videos are pretty good and beginner friendly.

Front plank versions with ball side up or down, here's a favorite (http://youtu.be/UVvlJNJrh7A), sometimes I add a push-up in the full plank position.

Standing on BoSU: trunk rotations with stable pelvis, arm exercises, passing a small ball from one hand to the other overhead (think jumping jack arms but with something to pass from hand to hand)...

That's all for now. I've got to get back to work.

Damn...now I need to buy a BoSU!

02-26-2014, 12:04 PM
Bosus are great! Today I did lunges with the back leg on the ball. Then I did one legged burpees with a push up on the flat side and still on one leg, pick the d@3^ ball up over my head. And THEN I did explosive push ups, but that wasn't with the Bosu. :D

I also did more squats standing on ta fit ball ball, not a Bosu. Those are fun and the explosive push ups were fun.


06-30-2014, 05:28 PM
Home gym (or box):

Pullup bar for 2
high bar at 10' ceiling for rope climbs and short person muscle-ups on rings
medicine balls (10#, 15#, 8#) for wall-balls, and interesting sprints :)
GHD bench for glute-ham situps and back extensions.
C2 rowing machine
lifting platform with rack and rubber mat sides
45# men's barbell (nice)
35# women's barbell (hand grater)
15# narrow (junk) bar with assorted small holed weights
250# of bumper plates
187.5# of metal/fractional plates
5#-85# adjustable dumbbells
2 x 20" plyo boxes
2 x 12" plyo boxes
1 set wooden rings with adjustable straps (try these almost to the floor for pushups!)
1 15' rope (10' ceiling, boo!)
resistance bands for stretches, and assistance for beginner pullups
space for handstand pushups, weighted lunge walks, etc.

Cleaning is women's work!


07-01-2014, 02:04 AM
VERY nice!

My home kettlebell gym has expanded and has all I need for my KB Sport competition training - until my shoulders are stable enough for heavier kettlebells :-) A rowing machine would be nice, but that is quite pricey. I've a gym membership for that!


03-21-2015, 05:30 PM
This is our torture room, some days and fun room some other ones! hihi
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v104/nuuk_baby/sallevelo_zpslzaaorj7.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/nuuk_baby/media/sallevelo_zpslzaaorj7.jpg.html)

Took a picture while hubby was doing his FTP test. Part of this room is not showing (wall with our Sufferfest flag and other wall with all my bands, mats, his bike roller, etc.

03-22-2015, 05:59 AM
IT looks similar to my loft, except that we do have regular furniture (desk, shelves, and drawers) in there, too. When we put the trainers away, it feels so much larger.

03-22-2015, 12:37 PM
My home gym has changed a lot since I started this thread. I can't ride any more so no indoor riding :o Oh well, I never really did like that anyway. I've all the competition weights from 6kg (black one on the right), to the 18kg (purple on the left). It isn't normally organized this way of course, just trying to get everything in the shot. Getting the big stretch band visible was challenging. There is also a white-board, but I couldn't get everything in the shot as I wanted to show my Jungle Gym suspension system. Everything gets used, and I doubt there will be a need to expand my herd. The nice thing is that if I have to drop my group KB training, which I may need to do so, then I can do everything I need to do at home. I've close to 100 workouts set aside and a decent understanding of what I need to avoid - which is just as important as knowing what to do! I CAN use kettlebells for cardio - and DO - but it is best to mix it up.

I like the sound system Helene, though I have to admit that I usually train in silence when at home. Then again, I don't think I COULD work on an indoor bike trainer without movies, music, SOMETHING.

http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w1/ckostyn/HomeGym2015_zpsjmbt36ym.jpg (http://s172.photobucket.com/user/ckostyn/media/HomeGym2015_zpsjmbt36ym.jpg.html)

03-22-2015, 01:44 PM
Interesting thread.... of course something that I love :) Keep up the great work everyone!!

NO pics of my area at home, but here's what I have:
Chin up bar
BOSU ball
Stability ball
Suspension Straps
Resistance bands both for upper and lower body
And a bit of room where I can do lunges and an area where you need to move
OOPS! Almost forgot the two trainers HA!

03-23-2015, 04:20 AM
Love your gym rooms too. If it was only up to me, I'd have the whole basement just for this. But we have to be reasonable, they say! So I keep the other half for our wood working tools.

Yesterday I went to my LBS and talked about trading-in my bike for the 2015 model. I knew it would be too expensive but hubby wanted to know. So to get the same same bike, only different colour and model 2015 instead of 2014 (and I get to keep my wheels (I just love them), seat (I'm comfy on it and afraid to trade and hating it) and the crank because mine is easier, I'd have to cough out $1200 plus taxes. So no way. I'm gonna keep my "ugly" coloured bike that rides soooo well and purchase a nice Bellicon trampoline in the fall instead. :)

03-24-2015, 08:01 AM
Good move Helene, while I really like the color of my bike, I can't say the color of mine nor anyone else's has ever crossed my mine once I'm riding.

03-24-2015, 10:58 AM
Furniture sliders??? What are they? Guessing has nothing to do with moving the couch?

03-24-2015, 11:22 AM
Furniture sliders??? What are they? Guessing has nothing to do with moving the couch?
That is exactly what they are :) Slippery disks that are placed beneath the legs of heavy furniture to help slide it around. also quite useful for a wide range of floor body weight exercises like mountain climbers.

12-26-2016, 03:16 PM
I don't have a home gym but I am planning before the holiday ends, I am still undecided with this list right here: http://www.sportsgearlab.com/best-home-gym/

12-23-2018, 05:05 PM
Home Gyms are a great idea. I am a personal trainer for www.everybodyspersonaltrainer.com which is an in home personal training company and I love it.