View Full Version : Pain with Padded Shorts in the very front

10-08-2013, 04:24 AM
I love riding and especially fast and hard and around 40-50 miles but want to ride further. The problem I have is after a while I start hurting, not my tail bone or in center but in the very front, like where your urethra is, to put it politely. If I were a man I would think I needed a jock strap. I have verious shorts with different types of padding and they all hurt after a while. The other day I rode my fleece lined long pants with no chamois or padding and I was amazed as to how nothing hurt. Does anyone else have this problem? I don't know if it's my saddle or what. I have a 2013 Domane 4.2 with the saddle that came with it.

Sky King
10-08-2013, 06:35 AM
interesting, so perhaps the chamois is slightly thicker than the fleece putting pressure on your girlie parts.
You may be a good candidate for a saddle with a cut out. I am a leather saddle fan so ride a Rivet Pearl and a Brooks B17 Imperial
Does you LBS offer the ability to go ride a saddle for 40 miles before purchase? Ask them and if so try some with a cut out.

10-08-2013, 06:42 AM
Thank you - I was thinking of purchasing a Brooks for my road bike -- I had one for my Long haul Trucker but it's too big for a road bike. I will see if I can try one out with a cut out. Thanks

10-08-2013, 08:13 AM
I know some people use tri shorts because they have less padding. I use lantiseptic instead of chamois cream which seems to help. I have the same problem on longer rides with certain shorts.

10-08-2013, 08:47 AM
I love riding and especially fast and hard and around 40-50 miles but want to ride further. The problem I have is after a while I start hurting, not my tail bone or in center but in the very front, like where your urethra is, to put it politely. If I were a man I would think I needed a jock strap. I have verious shorts with different types of padding and they all hurt after a while. The other day I rode my fleece lined long pants with no chamois or padding and I was amazed as to how nothing hurt. Does anyone else have this problem? I don't know if it's my saddle or what. I have a 2013 Domane 4.2 with the saddle that came with it.

I had similar problems and got lucky with my second saddle. I have the Selle Italia Max SLR Gel Flow which has a huge cutout.

Unfortunately, every person feels different with every saddle.

If possible, see if your LBS has demo saddles to try before you buy

10-08-2013, 12:55 PM
If you're perfectly comfortable with no chamois, don't wear shorts with a chamois! If you're one of the lucky ones who is comfortable without a chamois, then your saddle is probably perfect for you. There are plenty of gusseted shorts available that don't have seams in problem areas, but don't have chamois either. Alternately, try shorts with a thinner chamois. Personally I don't get along at all with a thick chamois. Some of my favorite shorts are the LG Neo Power, and I also love Castelli's KISS-3 chamois, although their shorts don't fit me as well as some other brands. Especially if your seating area is smaller, you might look at triathlon shorts, which usually have a very thin chamois.

10-08-2013, 04:31 PM
Another suggestion to take a look at tri shorts. Many have just a bit of fleecy material instead of a chamois.

10-09-2013, 03:17 AM
Many shorts nowadays are way too padded. Like having a bath sponge to sit on. If you can fit unisex, some of the higher end men's shorts have a stiffer, less spongy padding in them.
My favorite chamois cream is Penaten Daily Clear Protection diaper rash cream. Found in the baby care aisle of just about every store, and yes, it washes off in the laundry.